Cartoon Lampoon Podcast



An animated-movie review hosted by real, live, animators: Lenny, Sagan and Seth.


  • Annabelle's Wish

    03/07/2017 Duración: 01h37min

    or uh Warning! Sexually Explicit Content in this episode. Seriously, if you think the word cum is Latin, skip this one. Otherwise we take on another Christmas movie for our impressive collection of holiday trash. And even though we consume this garbage multiple times a year, we aren't even close to putting a dent in our options, that's how much of this crap there is. We Review Annabelle's Wish Direct Download

  • The King and I

    19/06/2017 Duración: 01h39min

    An unbelievably outdated (that means racist) cartoon from waaaaaay too recent years. Request month continues with one of the worst things we've ever seen. I'm not gonna get too detailed with this one, other than it made us sick and we almost turned it off early...but if you want to see just how bad it is in less than 30 seconds... check out this clip that Seth thinks sums it up pretty well: Youtube Direct Download

  • Once Upon A Forest

    05/06/2017 Duración: 01h40min

    Well our vacation is over and we're right back into the drudgery of our daily routines. We are kicking off again with a slew of Audience Requests and at the front of the line is perhaps our most, or at least one of our most requested movies. None of us can figure out why. Really. There is nothing at all in this movie. We Review Once Upon A Forest. Direct Download

  • Beauty and the Beast (2017)

    20/03/2017 Duración: 01h27min

    Well its shattering box office records so I guess that means it must be good! Looks like we all have a live action Enchanted Christmas to look forward to in a few years. Which should give Ewan McGregor plenty of time to figure out what a French person sounds like. We review Beauty and the Beast. Direct Download

  • The Swan Princess

    07/03/2017 Duración: 01h31min

    We tackle a Disney knockoff before the latest self-inflicted Disney knockoff (Beauty and the Beast) hits theaters. The film that sparked the entire podcast finally worms its way into the lineup, with... pretty harmless results, honestly. At least for some. Except for that Jean-Bob! John Cleese is a nightmare in this! A straight up movie killing nightmare! Also I guess the title is 'the Swan princess' with just the one capital 'S' ... or maybe 'The Swan princess' What a mess.  Direct Download

  • Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil

    27/02/2017 Duración: 01h31min

    I like that Cheech and Chong get SO much more money than 95% of the rest of the cast. Including Patrick Warburton who doesn't even make it on the front of the poster. Cheech and Chong are in the movie for 4 minutes. MAXIMUM. 'Cheech' Marin and Tommy Chong are also two individual people with full names, but the movie poster can't be bothered with that. We review Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil for no conceivable reason. Direct Download  

  • Hoodwinked

    12/02/2017 Duración: 01h53min

    Well... we tried to avoid this one. Thought we could get away with it if we never mentioned it BUT... alas..we've been found out and here we are. Jim Belushi is back in his 3rd movie with that's great. That's way more Jim Belushi than I ever wanted in my life...but fine. This episodes tag password is Red Riding Hood Patrick Warburton Fairy Tale Comedy Garbage Suicidal Thoughts Oscar Winner Anne Hathaway  Direct Download

  • Ratchet & Clank

    29/01/2017 Duración: 01h24min

    We take a look at one of last year's biggest animated disappointments: Ratchet and Clank. Disappointment in the sense that it didn't do well... not so much that anyone was expecting anything good out of a Playstation Video Game Movie. Joining us on this episode is resident Markiplier look-alike, and malapropism enthusiast Adam Ford So lets jump in and tear this super long cut scene that for some inexplicable reason actually made it into theaters apart. Additionally I'm sorry about the cat noises SO MANY FUCKING CAT NOISES! Direct Download    

  • Snow White (Not Disney)

    16/01/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Soak in that cover audience, because that is 100% of what we had to go on when starting this episode. You know what we knew, so lets dive in and see what the hell this thing is. and if you want to spoil it for yourself or watch it later, here are some links to what it wound up being. But its not Disney, I can tell you that much.   Youtube 1 Youtube 2 Youtube 3 Youtube 4  Direct Download

  • Sing

    08/01/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Do you like being confused? Do you like being confused while listening to your broken iPod that's stuck on shuffle and it decides when the song starts and stops? Do you like doing all that while being overcharged for popcorn? Well then have I got the movie for you. Also... if you're gonna give your movie a title...make it something Googleable. Might as well call it Track 01 Unknown Artist if you're gonna call it 'Sing' I gotta type buzzwords in the description just to hope I get hits, like: Animation Comedy Music Animals Cartoon. We review Sing from Illumination Entertainment and it doesn't go well. Direct Download

  • The Story of Santa Claus

    19/12/2016 Duración: 01h18min

    If you ever wanted a Christmas movie where Santa Claus bitch-slaps a wizard in front of his own son while soaring above the clouds in a magic sleigh than this is the movie for you. And if you ever wanted that than something is wrong with you. It stars Ed Asner (who would go on to play Santa Claus like 7 more times) and Tim Curry who has been in so many bad animated movies that we've reviewed I've honestly lost count. Oh and if anyone is curious we found some personal art work from the film's director Toby Bluth Its not great but its better than half of his brother's movies. Direct Download

  • The Christmas Tree

    05/12/2016 Duración: 01h46min

    I really hate Christmas now. Just...just flat out hate it. This is one of our most requested movies for our Christmas months so we finally saddled up to experience the mind numbing monotony that is The Christmas Tree. A movie that is more Dissolve-To-Black than actual film.  Spoiler Alert: The DVD case doesn't make it out of the review entirely unscathed so... don't get too attached to that great box art. Direct Download

  • FreeBirds

    23/11/2016 Duración: 01h36min

    ... I think what the poster wanted to say was 'Hang on to your GIBLETS' but...they probably couldn't get away with that so they said 'nuggets' ... but I've never had Turkey Nuggets. Chicken Nuggets or McNuggets..those are a thing. This thing that the movie poster said isn't a thing. That should be a warning sign. I mean you can make turkey nuggets, but that's not the first thing I would word associate. Its Thanksgiving! Which is a holiday I don't really care about, at all. Will FreeBirds be able to unGrinch my heart and teach me the true meaning of Thanksgiving? NOPE We review FreeBirds. and the intro is from an ATHF episode that ... really does the whole time travel turkey story a lot better in about a tenth of the time. Direct Download

  • FernGully 3 aka Epic

    13/11/2016 Duración: 01h54min

    Season Three of this comedic (that's being generous) animation themed podcast kicks off with an EPIC sequel to FernGully 2. A painfully derivative, exceptionally boring colorful waste of time. With Pitbull in it. and a Pug. (A group of which is called a grumble) and a Slug (A group of which is called a slog. Just like this movie!) Sound like a good time yet? Well...buckle up   By the way a group of slugs is actually called a Cornucopia... which is too pretty a word for slugs. Direct Download

  • Scooby-Doo and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery/ Season Finale

    31/10/2016 Duración: 01h48min

    Our 2nd Season comes to a close with a meek fizzle that only Kiss can provide. We review the nightmarish hell-scape that is Scooby-Doo and KISS, a film made in 2015! That's Two Thousand and Fifteen! KISS! and after that we discuss our lowest and highest points from this past year, and pick our Three Least Favorite films from the past year. And our Favorites. So feel free to turn this episode off halfway through! Also Happy Halloween! Direct Download

  • Scared Shrekless with special guest Adam Ford

    17/10/2016 Duración: 01h30min

    We press on throughout the month of Halloween heretofore referred to as October with a spooky 'film' starring Shrek and the gang. And what Shrek talk would be complete without special guest Adam Ford! who has nothing at all to do professionally with Shrek. But he loves it regardless  We play a special edition of Fuck, Marry, Kill with Shrek because Adam willed it so. and we also discuss South Dakota's deeply rooted disdain for us. Fuck you South Dakota. We don't need you. We've got Wyoming. Direct Download

  • Batman: Assault on Arkham

    03/10/2016 Duración: 01h27min

    If you hated The Suicide Squad then you'll love its better, older, smaller budgeted, better scripted film. That I think the novelization of The Suicide Squad even stole from. I read an article about how the novel expanded on (industry code for 'made better') the backstories of the villains, and gave Killer Croc a fear of heights. Which King Shark displays in this film. So fuck your stupid ass Novel. Also Happy Halloween! We review Batman: Assault on Arkham Starring Kevin Conroy and a Mark Hamill soundalike. Also we pay our respects to C. Martin Croker. 'Clay' to us, and nothing short of a powerhouse animator that laid the groundwork for [adultswim] and made everything we do here in Georgia possible. Voice of Zorak and Moltar, exceptional animator, and all around great guy. He will be missed. He also posted on Facebook once that he hated Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer. So he had excellent taste too. The password for this episode is : Suicide Squad Halloween Batman Joker Harley Quinn Direct Download

  • Mail Bag Discussions #1

    19/09/2016 Duración: 44min

      No Animated Movie this week, but we read one doozy of an E-mail and just have some industry chit chat and general fun discussion.  also Gloria joins us! and Seth's here too! What a fun night. What could be any more fun than that? Anything? Better say 'no' dammit!   No Password for this episode. We're keeping it nice and laid back this week  Direct Download

  • Felix the Cat: The Movie

    05/09/2016 Duración: 01h41min

    Oh Boy! Another big, loud, colorful disaster. Of course I'm talking about the Cartoon Lampoon Podcast. Which is discussing Felix the Cat's feature length movie this episode. The hunt for Seth continues in this episode, but we're joined by special guest Jason Barnes. We're still new to this whole running the show without Seth's equipment thing, so bear with us wont you? If you don't like it, send us an email and we'll refund your purchase price. The Password for this episode is  Felix the Cat Kit Cat Clock Click Clock Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck and Don Oriolo Christmas Speaking of...Enjoy this special christmasy treat Lets Have Fun For Christmas - Don Oriolo If you liked that, you'll love Felix the Cat the Movie. Direct Download

  • Sausage Party

    21/08/2016 Duración: 43min

    If you think the word 'fuck' is funny, get ready, cause that's the joke. We review FoodFight's better behaved, and somehow more controversial cousin Sausage Party. Also Gloria McAndrew continues her trend of only being in some episodes. This one isn't one of them. The password for this episode is Food Fight Gross Seth Native American Alcoholism Fuck Funny? Direct Fuck Download Fuck -- Funny right?

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