Cartoon Lampoon Podcast



An animated-movie review hosted by real, live, animators: Lenny, Sagan and Seth.


  • Zambezia

    16/02/2015 Duración: 01h37min

      Pinch hitting for Sagan Lacy...Manny Mota...Mota...Mota....    Oh wait, no. No, it's Brandon Berger. Still good though. Airplane's a good movie related to aviation. Watch that. We watched Zambezia! Which is very much not. This crap fest is available to watch on Netflix (at the point of posting this episode anyway) if you really have an inkling to Direct Download

  • Strange Magic

    02/02/2015 Duración: 01h56min

    Its an Emergency Episode of the Cartoon Lampoon Podcast. Rushed to your door! Hot off the presses. From the mind of George Lucas comes Strange Magic. In Theaters Now!I don't want to spoil too much for you guys before you click this one, but I'll say this:There's a lot more rape in this movie than I expected. So lets jump in shall we? Also Lenny went on a Plinkett bend in this one so if you wanna see someone really tear into George Lucas check out this fun from Red Letter Media . No relation. Sagan also recommends a book of all things... (Spoilers) so if you're into reading here's that: Amazon: Silver Screen Fiend . No Relation.  Direct Download

  • Space Jam

    19/01/2015 Duración: 01h44min

    We know, we know. Ten year old you LOVES this movie, and we understand... but ten year old you isn't here, and we're gonna have to take a long hard look at this movie-commercial. A movie-commercial inspired by a shorter commercial and directed by the same guy that made the original commerical. So... yeah, ten year old you is probably right on the money... but hey! Bill Murray is in it!Unfortunately Michael Jordan is also in it... and pale imitations of the Looney Tunes and Nike...and McDonalds...and...Hanes? I dunno....

  • Rudolph's Shiny New Year

    05/01/2015 Duración: 01h26min

      The CLP Crew is kicking of 2015 with a bang. We take a look at one of Rankin/Bass's less than stellar holiday selections: Rudolph's Shiny New Year. Which reads a bit like The Lord of the Rings trilogy but with worse pacing and more lore. We also take a look at some of the more memorable moments from Baby New Year's reign. Spoilers, a lot of people died under his watch. Also Sagan was off doing God knows what, with God knows who when we recorded this so Seth and Lenny are joined by a special guest! Jason Walling lends his animation expertise to help us disect this holiday horror show.    Direct Download

  • A Miser Brother's Christmas

    22/12/2014 Duración: 01h25min

      Merry Christmas! The Cartoon Lampoon crew tackles what is... probably the most famous Christmas Movie ever made. ... I'm sorry I'm being told that's wrong. This is just a movie based around the one popular song from A Year Without a Santa ClausAnyway We chat it up about A Miser Brother's Christmas ... and we also get sidetracked by about 5 or 6 superior Christmas Movies in the interim. So heat up the cocoa and enjoy the latest CLP Episode!   Also Sagan falls in love with quoting Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin, so buckle up. and FREEEEZE!Direct Download

  • Eight Crazy Nights

    08/12/2014 Duración: 01h40min

      It's a Hanukkah Miracle! We managed to survive this movie.  The Cartoon Lampoon team tackles Adam Sandlers' Eight Crazy Nights in their first holiday themed episode. Horrible Whitey impressions abound so turn down the volume a bit headphone users. You'll thank me later.   Also the word Christmas just so that we show up in the tags if someone searches Christmas. Hate us? Love us? Or wanna throw a suggestion for a movie at us? Contact us at    Direct Download

  • Rover Dangerfield Review

    24/11/2014 Duración: 01h28min

        The Cartoon Lampoon crew delves deep into Rodney Dangerfield's magnum opus: Rover Dangerfield. Disussing everything from American geography to the benefits of tossing animals off of dams in the process.  Spoiler Alert: There are a lot of puns.  Spoiler Alert: Don't throw animals off of damsSpoiler Alert:  The character of Rover is never called Rover Dangerfield in the movie, not even once. 

  • FernGully Review

    10/11/2014 Duración: 01h14min

      The Cartoon Lampoon Crew reviews their first ever animated movie, FernGully. A trip back into the 90's no one wanted to take, also join us for a small in memorium to Robin Williams after the show. Special Guests: Brandon Berger, and Michael Walker If you'd like to do a little research here's a nice quick link to the Wikipedia on FernGully The FernGully Wikipedia Article

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