


#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 151: how to be more positive

    30/08/2018 Duración: 45min

    This episode is brought to you by our amazing podcast partner, Bean Ninjas. They are the actual best. If you've been wondering how you can bring more positivity to your life this episode is perfect for you. We chat about the exact things we add to our days to feel more good vibes. And no, we are not talking about fake happiness, fake joy, fake positivity... we are talking the real deal here.Stuff we talked about…Gratitude... it always makes an appearance and for good reason. This daily practice instantly adds more joy and positivity.Question and observe your thoughts. Are they true?The importance of who you surround yourself with.The magic of yoga.We delve into this deep during the MerryBody program. We start on the 3 September and this will be the last MerryBody for 2018... so you don't want to miss out! We can't wait to welcome you in! It's about strengthening, lengthening and toning your body BUT more importantly, it's about bringing more love and acceptance to your life.  See acast.com/privacy f

  • 150: are you living a fake life?

    23/08/2018 Duración: 57min

    We love social media BUT we're noticing the level of fakery and BS on platforms (especially Instagram) is on the rise. So this week we chat about inauthentic living and we ask you to question yourself... are you living a fake life?Stuff we talked about…We chat about Marilyn Monroe, how she created this character and became so disconnected from her true self. Ultimately leading her to her very sad ending.The importance of self-connection and connection to something higher and bigger than ourselves.How to connect to self.We get onto the topic of the chakra energy system.And of course the fake life on Instagram. Why do we post on social media?"You can pretend to be something other than who you are but eventually you will run out of energy to continue because that's not authentically you" Caroline Myss  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 149: how to stay healthy when you go on holiday (or fall in love)

    17/08/2018 Duración: 52min

    This podcast episode will prepare you for your next holiday and it will also help you reflect on life, question stuff, inspire you to add more goodness and probably make you smile. It's brought to you by MOJO Kombucha, the first brand of Kombucha we ever ever drank! You can find a bottle of delish MOJO in your nearest health food store and we even found it in Woolies the other day! Yay for good gut health!Ok wow we went on tangents, yeh, we know we always do but this is the magic of The Merrymaker Sisters podcast (well... we reckon!).Stuff we talked about…How we lost balance when our Mum and Dad came to visit... and how it was the best thing ever!We talked briefly about when you fall in love and lose balance.How to get back on track when you feel like you've been drinking and eating too much.Being present and grateful for your loved ones.Morals, lying, honesty, using people and being used. Do you need to question your actions?If you have any specific topics you’d like us to chat about send us a msg on social

  • 148: the pros and cons of running your own business

    09/08/2018 Duración: 49min

    This Get Merry podcast episode is brought you by our fave biz service: Bean Ninjas. If you own your own business and you're not a numbers person, Bean Ninjas are your biz BFFs. Check them out!We chat all things business during this episode. It's perfect for you if you run your own business and want a laugh (or maybe cry hehe) or if you're looking to create your own biz and want to hear some insights from us. Just remember all the stuff we chat about comes from our own personal experiences.Tune in! And if you have any friends who would benefit from this merrymaker podcast episode send it to them!Stuff we talked about…The best things about owning and running a business.and... the worst things about owning and running a business.The joys of legal and accounting stuff. How we go about this when we have no training (or passion) in this area.How we keep balanced.So much more!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 147: the one thing you're NOT doing that is stopping you from everything

    25/07/2018 Duración: 40min

    This episode is brought to you by out FREE Better Posture Yoga Flow! So the one thing that is stopping you from everything and anything is your action. It's our lack of action. Un-aligned action. NO action. Wrong kinda action. You get it. Every action has a reaction, yes even your no action has reactions.We love this topic and it's a fun, relaxed convo to make you laugh and reflect on life and stuff. Enjoy! And share the episode with your friends and fam because you love us.Stuff we talked about…The magic of action. How it will make all your dreams come true.How action (a small step) has the capacity to change the whole direction of your life.When you're feeling stuck, in dis-ease, anxious.... take action and see how you feel.It's your responsibility to be motivated to take action.We ended up talking A LOT about social media, because this has become a huge part of our lives. Is this action benefiting you?So much more tune in!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 146: is it time to change your relationship with alcohol?

    17/07/2018 Duración: 38min

    What's your relationship like with alcohol? Be honest with yourself now, how many drinks a day? A week? Maybe you only (binge) drink on the weekend? Maybe you drink once a month? Maybe never?!We talk a lot about self-awareness on this podcast and we're really asking you to reflect on your relationship with alcohol.Stuff we talked about…Our relationships with alcohol. The good, the bad the ugly (yes... it got real ugly).The reasons why we choose to only drink on rare occasions. And why we limit the amount we drink to 1-2 drinks at one time.What to do when your friends start being weirdos when you choose to stop drinking... when they say stuff like "oh the old you was fun".Why we think alcohol negatively impacts life goals.Australia's binge drinking culture.If you think someone needs to hear this... send it to them!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 145: is your money mindset in scarcity or abundance mode?

    09/07/2018 Duración: 55min

    Oh, this chat was fun! It's all about money, money, money! It's brought to you by one of our fave business tools Bean Ninjas. But if your monthly bookkeeping causes a heap of friction in your biz we highly recommend you check them out!We went in with a plan for this chat and it went a totally different way. We got chatting about money, so Carla tried to keep it on that topic (haha you know us and our tangents... but they are all so juicy good!).So is your money mindset in scarcity or abundance mode?Stuff we talked about…What we see as the 2 major money mindsets: the abundance mindset and the scarcity mindset.We talk about some of the lessons our parents taught us. Like generosity and integrity (far out they are the best humans).How getting jobs at a young age showed us the value of money.Lots of other epic stuff (pretty sure anyway).If you LOVED this podcast episode be sure to check out episode 177: how to think and grow rich. We mention it a couple times in the episode.  See acast.com/privacy for p

  • 144: why the keto diet actually might suck with Dr Rach Wyndham

    04/07/2018 Duración: 32min

    We've dabbled in low carb eating (hello low carb sweet treats are the best!) but keto has never ever been our thing because we hate counting food and we just know (call it intuition) that good carbs are not our enemies.We wanted to chat all things keto diet because we are getting lots of people asking about it and we're seeing a new wave of ketogenic supplements (yes, another quick fix to shortcut weight loss).Becuase we do not have great scientific knowledge in how the human body functions we asked our good friend Dr Rachel Wyndham to join us. Yes, an actual Doctor and Naturopath who spent YEARS of her life studying the human body from two very different perspectives.We also want to put a disclaimer out right now. If you are a big fan of keto, if it's worked for you, if you sell a keto supplement product this is not a personal attack on you. This is simply us taking an interest with curiosity and questioning everything.And if you do buy or sell any kind of 'health' product we'd suggest you question everythin

  • 143: yoga and Pilates ain't just for skinny girls

    25/06/2018 Duración: 37min

    This was our old view. Yoga and Pilates are for skinny and flexible people. Oh, how wrong we were! Really, this perspective was created from our own insecurities. And if you feel like this... we get it! We understand! And this is why we recorded this podcast episode so we can help you change your perspective and so you realise Yoga and Pilates are for everyone. Definitely not just skinny girls and definitely not just girls (haha). Stuff we talked about…Yoga and Pilates is not only just for your body.The magic of breath. We don't breath properly... this impacts our whole lives negatively. Yoga and Pilates promote proper breath and breath is life!What has created our mindset around Yoga and Pilates just being for skinny, slender people? We unpack this.  So much more.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 142: what the hell is our ego?

    21/06/2018 Duración: 42min

    If you've done a few yoga classes, if you've read lots or a few self-help, spiritual type books, if you've listened to our podcast before you've probably heard the term 'ego' and realised it's a little different to what you thought it was. Well, we sure have! This is what we talk about on the Get Merry Show this week. Ahhh we love this podcast and these conversations so much! If you love them, please help us spread the Merry, leave a review and share with your friends. We appreciate your help so much.This podcast episode is brought to you by the MerryBody Yoga and Pilates program. It's more than a fitness program, it's for your body, mind and soul. We are running it right now, but you can hop on the waitlist and be the first to know about it. MerryBody is all about acceptance of ourselves and a celebration of our differences. Really, it's 4 weeks filled with pure love (we talk about ego, but there is no ego).   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 141: how to stop obsessing about the number on the scales

    13/06/2018 Duración: 34min

    This week on the Get Merry podcast we answered a listener's question: how to stop obsessing about the number on the scales.We loved chatting about this as we are proof you can go from obsessing about the number to freedom. And we are here to tell you that once you move through the obsession, life is filled with so much more joy, love, light and magic. Stuff we talked about…how to change the way you think about your weight. why you should get over this obsession with the number on the scales.if you don't accept yourself now, you'll never accept yourself. throwing away your scales.so much more... we also area little loopy at the start, love the loopy.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 140: how to be better at time management

    28/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    This episode is sahhhh good and yes we say that about them all! But hello... how many times do you feel stressed by your time management (or maybe lack of)? Get our top tips on managing time.Stuff we talked about…we live in a world obsessed with multi-tasking and hello distractions... it's time to be present! Like NOW! Get more done in a more calm, joyful and effective way. we chat about the tools we use to be better at managing our own time.the importance of setting up our foundations and ticking off those annoying little errands.If you loved this episode, share with your friends. Help us spread the Get Merry message. Thank you!   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 139: on a scale of 1-10 how much joy and gratitude did you bring today?

    17/05/2018 Duración: 35min

    This #GetMerry episode is filled with so much fun, love, joy and gratitude. Far out we love this episode and we're so grateful for YOU! We start with a general convo about choosing to live consciously. To be awake or asleep to the truths around and within us. To conform or live with a sense of creativity and maybe disrupt and stir things up. Ohhh... it's good! Let us know where you're watching it! Send us a selfie while you #GetMerry.Stuff we talked about…our happiness, joy and gratitude is our own responsibility, we are not entitled to it. we bang on about gratitude... again!touch on masculine and feminine energy. the magic of listening, how it will make every single relationship in your life more amazing. so much more goodness!   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 138: Seriously, We Have No Idea What We Talked About, You Will Laugh Though

    08/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    This episode is supported by the amazing Bean Ninjas (beanninjas.com). Check them out! This episode was meant to be about detachment... but then it went in all wonderful and kind of weird tangents. Seriously we have no idea what we talked about. Tune in!  Stuff we talked about... Community... how we live in a world where we don't value community.  The power of kindness, how your actions can make a difference.  Share houses.  We touch on the topic of dating and relationships.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 137: Buddha's Birthday, Religion And Love (it's All Love)

    30/04/2018 Duración: 45min

    We always feel good after these podcast episodes. We think it's because we talk more real stuff. More truth. More love. This episode is delicious. Yes, it's about Buddha's Birthday and religion but mostly it is about love. Love is everything. Life is love. Love is life.  We're so grateful you choose to listen to the Get Merry show. We're eternally grateful for everything we have... and in fact everything we do not have. Oh life. Thanks to YOU for being part of the Merry ride. Stuff we talked about... The magical Buddha book story. Yes, it has something to do with Buddha's Birthday. the First Truth is that all life is suffering, pain, and misery. Woah. Yep, we chat about suffering. we get onto the topic of religion... oooo yeh.  love. It's all love. so much goodness.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 136: Enthusiasm, Meditation And Botox

    25/04/2018 Duración: 43min

    This Get Merry podcast episode is brought to you by our 4-week Yoga and Pilates inspired home fitness program... MerryBody! Round 2 starts on June 4. It's going to be better than ever. Not only do you get the new workouts, you also get the new mindset sessions PLUS the daily motivation to actually take action. Get on the wait list NOW over at themerrymakersisters.com/merry-body/ This episode was super fun! We say this about every episode don't we (HAH). We start with enthusiasm and somehow get onto the topic of botox. Oh, how we love this podcast! Tune in!  Stuff we talked about... Enthusiasm is your secret superpower. the importance of our reactions and how to not be ruled by our emotions. oh the magic of self-reflection... but not too much! meditation. aging and botox, let's begin to celebrate the years, celebrate the wrinkles!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 135: Work On Stuff You Love And Be Nice... Ok!

    18/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    This podcast is brought to you by Bean Ninjas. If you have a biz or side hustle check them out!  Far out this episode is craycray, maybe we are just being more us, speaking our truth. Who knows but we had a lot of fun and we reckon you will too! If you need some inspiration (aka a friendly kick up the butt) to work on stuff you love... LISTEN!  A couple things inspired this epic Get Merry chat. Carla is reading a life changing book at the moment (she won't stop banging on about it). She also reacted badly to an issue, so this got us chatting about the importance of our reactions. Yoga and Pilates came up because both practises made huge positive impact to our lives. Tune in, let us know what you think! Send us a topic idea or an issue you'd like our advice/perspective on.  Sending SO MUCH LOVE out to you all. We see you, amazing YOU.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 134: How To Stop Caring About What Others Think And Say About You

    09/04/2018 Duración: 39min

    How often do you worry about what others think about you? Does it stop you from doing stuff? Does it impact your behaviour? Does it stop you living your truth? Does it stop you living your life?  What about when people actually start talking about you? What the heck do you do in these situations? How can you move through this in an easier way? During this Get Merry podcast we discuss this topic. We also give some pretty good tips too.  Tune in, then let us know what you think! Send us a message on social media, share your biggest takeaway.  Stuff we talked about... when we worry about what others think of us it's actually self-judgement. It's all made up in our own heads... whatever we are worried about other people thinking, we are actually thinking. So what is the real issue? when people say stuff about others it is only but a projection of their own inner world.   whatever people say about you... it's none of your business.  so much more.... and of course we have our own aha moments.  If you loved this e

  • 133: Knowing Your Core Values Will Make Life Better

    05/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    We've never really sat down and had a discussion about our values. So this episode is super SUPER real! All our episodes are REAL but usually, they're born from a coffee date chat and one of us will say "this is a podcast episode idea!" then we discuss again in an episode. In this #GetMerry podcast episode we literally sat down and Carla said "shall we talk about our values" and boom we hit record.  We believe it is extremely important to know what our core values are because once we know, we can align ourselves with people, jobs and decisions that match up with our values. This creates more flow, more magic, it creates steadiness and a sense of ease.  Example... if health is a core value do not work at a fast food place. If you do you'll feel a sense of anger while you are working there. You will feel a sense of dis-ease. You will feel yuck.  Stuff we talked about... we actually go through some of our core values: health, honesty, kindness, loyalty, enthusiasm, connections.  why connecting with people with

  • 132: Trying To Be Perfect Is Holding You Back

    27/03/2018 Duración: 29min

    This podcast is brought to you by Bean Ninjas. They seriously rock our biz world! If your financial foundations are not set for your online biz or blog, check them out! Ok, we were kinda crazy in this episode. Must have been the high of our epic MerryBody launch. We chat about perfectionism and why the goal of perfection is holding you back. In big big big ways.  It's a whole heap of fun, tune in! If you know anyone suffering from the perfection disease, send this episode to them!  Stuff we talked about... why is everyone obsessed with being perfect? how we've pretty much never waited till we're 'ready' and 'perfect' before starting a project. perfect is actually fake... it's made up!  how perfectionism is just self-doubt and fear of what others think of you.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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