Mark Bell's Powercast



Mark Bell's PowerCast is a weekly show featuring humorous and informative interviews with top names in powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, athletic training, coaching, and CrossFit. It is hosted by pro powerlifter, inventor and magazine publisher Mark Bell, along with co-host Jim McDonald. (Mark was featured in the 2008 Sundance documentary "Bigger Stronger Faster" and the 2015 Tribeca documentary "Prescription Thugs"). Sponsored by, Apeman Strong (, CompexUSA and Mark Bell's Sling Shot ( Produced by Jim McDonald. Business inquiries:


  • Do you really have to break down muscle to build muscle? w/Miguel Blacutt

    11/12/2019 Duración: 52min

    We’ve always heard that muscle grows when you break it down through exercise, lifting weights, etc. In fact, we’ve always been told that it was the ONLY way, but is that really true? We asked Miguel Blacutt , someone who has been intensely interested in this subject, to catch us up on the latest research. He’s a Masters student in Applied Physiology at Columbia University, works as research assistant to Jeff Nippard, and is currently collaborating with Dr. Andy Galpin. Here are some of our thoughts: Is “no pain, no gain” still a good strategy, or is it overkill? Is muscle soreness a good indicator that you worked out enough or too much? If tearing muscle down isn’t the solution to muscle growth, what is? What the relationship between building bigger muscles and building strength? You can find Miguel on Instagram @mblacutt, and check out his podcast: The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle Podcast. Listener deals: Remrise: Go to, take their sleep quiz, and when sign up you’ll get your first week

  • Do treatments like cupping and acupuncture actually help athletes? w/Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT

    04/12/2019 Duración: 45min

    Ever since Michael Phelps won Olympic gold medals for swimming looking like his back had been attacked by a giant octopus, athletes have been having suction cups stuck to their bodies. Long before that people had tiny needles stuck all over them. Do these “treatment” actually do anything? If they help, are they a short-term fix or do the results linger? We asked Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT for his insight. Dr. Willsey, is a co-founder of Citizen Athletics, a doctor of physical therapy, a strength and conditioning coach, movement enthusiast, and operator of Healthy Baller Physical Therapy in Washington, D.C. He has extensive experience in working with real athletes. Here are some of our thoughts: What is cupping and what is it trying to accomplish? Does it make any real difference in muscle tissue quality? Is cupping something you can do to yourself? What does acupuncture really do? Is dry needling the same thing as acupuncture? What about other similar strategies like ice water-filled, automated compression boots

  • Physical Therapist vs Chiropractor: Which one should you pick? (Part 2) w/Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT

    27/11/2019 Duración: 17min

    Way back in episode 15, we talked to Dr. Jordan Shallow – a chiropractor – about this question. This time we pose it to a physical therapist. We asked Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT for his insight. Dr. Willsey, is a co-founder of Citizen Athletics, a doctor of physical therapy, a strength and conditioning coach, movement enthusiast, and operator of Healthy Baller Physical Therapy in Washington, D.C. He has extensive experience in working with real athletes. Here are some of our thoughts: What’s different about their education? What’s similar about their approaches? What’s different? Which may fit you best? How can you tell if you’re getting scammed? You can find Dr. Willsey on Instagram @strengthcoachtherapy, on his website Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Connor O’Neal. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo.

  • Will stretching wipe out all your gains?” w/Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT

    20/11/2019 Duración: 34min

    Stretching is one of those topics that seems to get a major revision every few years. What’s the current thinking? We asked Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT for his insight. Dr. Willsey, is a co-founder of Citizen Athletics, a doctor of physical therapy, a strength and conditioning coach, movement enthusiast, and operator of Healthy Baller Physical Therapy in Washington, D.C. He has extensive experience in working with real athletes. Here are some of our thoughts: Does stretching make any difference to what you’re able to lift? Can you actually hurt yourself by stretching? Are you stretching muscles…or? What’s the difference between static and dynamic stretching? Should you do both? If so, which one when? Can stretching cause permanent changes to your flexibility? You can find Dr. Willsey on Instagram @strengthcoachtherapy, on his website Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Connor O’Neal. Theme by Aaron Moore. Brandi

  • Tweaked back: Are you injured or just sore…and how do you get back on track?” w/William Richards of

    13/11/2019 Duración: 57min

    How many times have you felt twinge in your back while lifting – or even doing something that’s not strenuous at all – and thought, “What the hell did I just do to myself?” Since chronic back pain costs the American economy over $100 million a year, we wanted to look at the practical question of how to keep moving and avoid long-term pain. William Richards, of, joined us to walk us through the process he uses with his clients. William is a trainer who works with people who have finished physical therapy, but want to start – or get back to – fitness activities to promote better back health. His approach is highly practical (and should not be considered medical advice). Here are some of our thoughts: Should you lay in bed, do nothing, and hope to recover? What are some clues that you could be dealing with a bigger injury? What’s the first activity you should try to get back to? Does an ugly MRI mean you’re destined to be in pain? How much does fear impact recovery? Is it specific intervent

  • We get an ally’s perspective on trans lifters who want to compete w/Maria Rodriguez of Fear Her Fight

    08/11/2019 Duración: 55min

    We’re breaking format to offer this bonus conversation with a trans rights ally about the USAPL and its posture on transgender lifters. If you google “USAPL transgender policy” you’ll get pages of results from tons of mainstream media sites. How did this situation arise, and how are trans lifters pushing back? We asked Maria Rodriguez, CEO of Fear Her Fight Athletics and a trans ally, to give us her perspective on the situation. We attempt to explore multiple sides of this issue, realizing that we ourselves don’t have any concrete answers or solutions. Here are some of our thoughts: Is powerlifting really important enough to have more restrictive standards than the International Olympic Committee? Is the negative publicity worth it? What is the objection actually based on? If there’s no practical way to test for past steroid use, and we know that using steroids can offer permanent advantages to lifters, it that a terribly different situation? Should trans lifters just move on and compete where they’ll be wel

  • What’s the real danger with documentaries like “The Game Changers?” w/Matt McLeod, RD of The More Than Fitness Podcast

    06/11/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    It seems like one of these diet documentaries pops up on streaming platforms every couple of years. Why do people get so upset when they disagree with the basic premise of docs like these? Many of our fitness industry friends are up in arms over claims in the vegetarian/vegan-themed documentary, “The Game Changers.” What’s the real danger if otherwise uninformed consumers actually believe these claims? We acknowledge that cherry-picked studies, anecdotes, and fear appeals are critical components of food docs. Rather than getting caught up in trying to debunk each and every claim, we look at the practical effects of someone believing the claims and acting on them We asked Registered Dietitian Matt McLeod to talk through this issue -- and major elements of this documentary -- with us. Here are some of our thoughts: Does using the performance of top athletes make the results more or less applicable to regular people? Do the studies and informal tests shown in the field reflect reality? Is it likely they short-t

  • How do you train if you have no goals? (And more of your questions)

    30/10/2019 Duración: 46min

    We kick things off talking about the WPO on ESPN and USAPL Raw Nationals. Would some kind of automated system could improve refereeing/judging in sports…or would that take the fun out of it? Here are some of your questions that we tackled: Why powerlifting? Is a well-developed back more important than well-developed legs? How do you train if you have no goals? What percentage should your last warmup be before a PR attempt? What’s the best way to combat self-doubt and negativity? What did we think of the Gamechangers documentary?  Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd). Produced by Jim McDonald Production assistance by Connor O’Neal. Theme by Aaron Moore. Branding by Joseph Manzo.

  • What is powerlifting’s (nearly) unbreakable record? w/Michael Fahey Director of Westside vs the World

    23/10/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    A couple weeks ago, Eliud Kipchoge ran a sub-two-hour marathon. The first time a human has ever done that. That got us thinking…what is powerlifting’s nearly unbreakable record? Kipchoge had a number of advantages: running with others who were pacing him rather than running against him; vehicles with lasers discovering the best path to run in; and some special shoes not yet available to the public. Because of these factors, his record is unofficial. Are some powerlifting meets similarly skewed and should we want that for just the spectacle and the accomplishment? We asked Michael Fahey -- director of Westside vs the World and the guy responsible for getting powerlifting on ESPN -- to join us for our full discussion of the broader question. Here are some of our thoughts: Are all the broken records in the past few years the result of a bigger pool of talent? Can training methods make that much difference if there haven’t really been any new innovations in a long time? Are co-efficients really fair comparisons?

  • Once you find women to talk to...what do you say? w/Tripp Kramer of How to Talk to Girls

    16/10/2019 Duración: 37min

    So you’ve found yourself in the company of women. What do you say to turn the opportunity into a date? More importantly, how do you avoid being a turnoff? We asked Tripp Kramer to help us help you conquer this issue. Tripp is an internationally known dating coach and founder of Tripp Advice (, a men's dating advice company. He is also the creator of the popular YouTube channel "Tripp Advice", which teaches men how to become more attractive to women and host of his own weekly podcast entitled "How to Talk to Girls". Here are some of our thoughts: How do you find the guts not to be a wallflower? What’s a good icebreaker that doesn’t sound…creepy? When in the conversation should you ask for a number? Should you try to give the conversation structure, or just let it flow? How do you know if you’re really making a connection? What should you say to an online match? Is that different? While we focused on the specific question of guys talking to girls, much of the advice fits getting out

  • Where should you go to meet women? w/Tripp Kramer of "How to Talk to Girls"

    09/10/2019 Duración: 44min

    Friends, dates, relationships…all pretty essential to most of us, right? But a lot of us suck at finding good places to meet potential partners. We asked Tripp Kramer to help us help you conquer this issue. Tripp is an internationally known dating coach and founder of Tripp Advice, a men's dating advice company. He is also the creator of the popular YouTube channel "Tripp Advice," which teaches men how to become more attractive to women and the host of his own weekly podcast entitled "How To Talk To Girls." Here are some of our thoughts on the question: Are some places too tacky and obvious (meat markets)? Should bars be off your list? Is the gym actually a good place or is everybody too sweaty and gross? Are there activities that are more likely to result in good conversation? Is it better to go where there the MOST opportunities or the BEST opportunities? While we focused on the specific question of guys meeting girls, much of the advice also works for getting out of your shell and meeting new people -- p

  • Can injuries be prevented? w/Dr. Ramsey Nijem

    02/10/2019 Duración: 49min

    Injuries can be huge setbacks for competitive athletes. Everyone has a certain window of time in which they can play their best. Time out of competition is time lost that can’t be recovered. For some, they can end a career. The question dovetails well with episode 46’s discussion of workload management, but obviously that’s not the whole story. Dr. Ramsey Nijem gives us insight from his doctoral thesis, as well as his work with professional athletes. There are some great takeaways for coaches, athletes…and even powerlifters. Here are some of our thoughts: What lifestyle factors outside of training might lead to injury? Does drinking or drug use make injuries more likely? How are outcomes and training effects different? Does it help get stronger period, or does it matter how strength is incorporated? How much is controllable? We kick off the conversation by wondering if 25 should just be the legal age for everything? Dr. Nijem earned his Doctorate of Science in Human and Sport Performance as well as Health P

  • How do you manage workload for athletes (or powerlifters?) w/Dr. Ramsey Nijem

    25/09/2019 Duración: 57min

    How do you balance the strength and conditioning work of an athlete with the practice, and actual performance, of their sport? Dr. Ramsey Nijem gives us insight from his doctoral thesis, as well as his work with professional athletes. There are some great takeaways for coaches, athletes…and even powerlifters. Here are some of our thoughts: How is exertion in a game setting quantified? How much is based on personal observation versus some automated system? What role does sleep play? How much do food, and alcohol, choices affect everything? Does travel screw things up as much as you’d think? Are there emotional factors that seriously impact performance? How can a coach help an athlete improve their recovery? Dr. Nijem earned his Doctorate of Science in Human and Sport Performance as well as Health Promotion and Wellness in 2018. He has published research in top scientific journals in strength and conditioning and is currently investigating injury risk in NBA athletes. He earned his B.S. from UC Santa Barbara

  • How do you become a Pro-level Strength and Conditioning Coach? (Or the best coach you can be?) w/Dr. Ramsey Nijem

    18/09/2019 Duración: 55min

    If you’re strength and conditioning coach, you probably want to work with athletes. If you can, you probably want to work with professional athletes. How do those opportunities come about? And will striving to get there make you an all-around better coach? We asked Dr Ramsey Nijem, who a few year ago became probably the youngest every head strength coach in the NBA, to break it down for us. Here are some of our thoughts: What are the degree requirements? Which certifications are really necessary? How do you learn to handle professional athletes? How much is programing and how much is psychology? What do you have to do to prove yourself to management? Is there a clear career path? Dr. Nijem earned his Doctorate of Science in Human and Sport Performance as well as Health Promotion and Wellness in 2018. He has published research in top scientific journals in strength and conditioning and is currently investigating injury risk in NBA athletes. He earned his B.S. from UC Santa Barbara and M.S. from Cal State Ful

  • What if your significant other doesn’t share your fitness/lifting goals? | Ask us anything

    11/09/2019 Duración: 54min

    We’re breaking format again! This time we’re doing an open AMA, or in this case Ask Us Anything. Normally we like to have an expert backstop our opinions…or correct us…but this time we’re flying without a net. Here are some of the questions we took on: What do we think of marijuana and CBD? Will technology ever be used to judge squat depth in meets? What are our least favorite foods? What’s the cost of living in Sacramento? Try this cost-of-living calculator Did Mike’s powerlifting background help or hurt when he started Olympic lifting? Does Jim still lift? How do you stay hydrated when you’re on the move? Are Jim and @jacob.w.ross related? What if your significant other doesn’t share your fitness/lifting goals? Top three tips for starting a new small business? How do you know when it’s time for something new? HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITTED QUESTIONS!  Support for this episode comes from Society Socks -- a men’s sock subscription company that sends two pairs of exclusively designed socks to your doo

  • How do you start a podcast (and should you)?

    04/09/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    The medium of podcasting has grown enormously in the past few years. How do you get started? And is it really right for you? Being veterans of the podcasting game, Jim and Mike field questions from listeners such as: How much does it cost to get started? What are the tech requirements? Are podcasting and YouTube really all that different? How do you keep a consistent release schedule? How do you differentiate yourself from the crowd? How do you know when it’s time to move on? Here’s the basic podcasting course that Jim used to get started in 2013. Support for this episode comes from Warby Parker! Check out the Free Home Try-On program. Order 5 pairs of glasses and try them on for 5 days -- there is no obligation to buy! Ships free and includes a pre-paid return shipping label. Head to to order your free Home Try-On. Take the quiz to find a pair that is perfect for you today! Support for this episode also comes from! Gainful is a subscription protein service that helps you f

  • Does meal (and nutrient) timing make a difference? w/Dr. Mike Israetel

    28/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    We’ve heard for years that WHEN you eat can make a huge difference. We’ve also heard that WHEN we eat carbs…or fat…or protein…can be critical to making the biggest gains, or losing the most weight, etc. What’s the actual story? Here are the additional angles we came up with: Are there time windows for maximizing gains (or weight loss)? Does timing matter more for some people than others? Do you need to build your life – and your workouts --- around your meals? Can you eat so much protein at one time that your body can’t use it all? Will too much protein damage your kidneys? Dr. Mike Israetel comes in at about 11:21 to set the record straight. A cofounder of Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Mike Israetel​ holds a PhD in Sport Physiology from East Tennessee State University. Formerly a professor of Exercise and Sport Science in the School of Public Health at Temple University in Philadelphia, Mike has taught several courses, including Nutrition for Public Health, Advanced Sports Nutrition and Exercise, and Nutr

  • How does your metabolism work and can you really break it? w/Dr. Mike Israetel

    21/08/2019 Duración: 37min

    Your body turns food into energy, but how does that work? Can you use tricks and hacks to overcome your body’s natural tendency to be either fat or skinny? Here are the additional angles we came up with: Does eating six times a day rev up your metabolism? Do crash diets crash your metabolism? Does just losing weight slow it down? How do you keep from quickly regaining weight when you hit your goal weight? If your metabolism can truly be broken, can you fix it? Dr. Mike Israetel comes in at about 12:19 to set the record straight. A cofounder of Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Mike Israetel​ holds a PhD in Sport Physiology from East Tennessee State University. Formerly a professor of Exercise and Sport Science in the School of Public Health at Temple University in Philadelphia, Mike has taught several courses, including Nutrition for Public Health, Advanced Sports Nutrition and Exercise, and Nutrition and Behavior.   You can find him on IG  @rpdrmike and on Twitter: @ misraetel We kick off the show talking abo

  • Should guys avoid eating soy? w/Dr. Mike Israetel

    14/08/2019 Duración: 36min

    Seems like society makes a lot of rules for guys. Should not eating soy be one of them? Soy contains phytoestrogens…chemical cousins to one of the human female sex hormones. Should we be worried? Here are the additional angles we came up with: How much estrogen is in soy? How much would you need to consume for it to be a problem? Do guys have estrogen in their bodies anyway? Are guys exposed to estrogen in other ways besides food? What does having too much estrogen do to a guy’s body (Boobs? Lower sperm counts?)? Is there any way to fix that?   Dr. Mike Israetel joins us to set the record straight. A cofounder of Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Mike Israetel​ holds a PhD in Sport Physiology from East Tennessee State University. Formerly a professor of Exercise and Sport Science in the School of Public Health at Temple University in Philadelphia, Mike has taught several courses, including Nutrition for Public Health, Advanced Sports Nutrition and Exercise, and Nutrition and Behavior.   You can find him on IG

  • How can you become a (fit) pro gamer? w/Michael “Flamesword” Chaves

    07/08/2019 Duración: 44min

    Many people would love to be professional e-sports gamers. How do you get to that level? And how do you stay in good shape when you’re spending hours and hours a day playing games online? Here are the additional angles we came up with: What are some common physical issues associated with extended game play (other than weight gain)? Is there an ideal age for becoming a pro gamer? How do you become a pro anyway? How do you manage stress around tournaments? What physical activities are the best for staying in shape while gaming? Is it weird that you can now see celebrities on Twitch playing Fortnite?   Michael “Flamesword” Chaves is well-known as a HALO player (and now coach), and was the first gamer whose picture was printed on Red Bull cans. He’s also known for his commitment to fitness, and avoiding the stereotype of the overweight, couch potato gamer. He shares how got into both gaming and fitness, and how each pursuit has helped the other. You can find him on IG  @flamesword and on Twitter: @OpTicFlameswo

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