Earn Your Happy Podcast | Motivation | Self-love | Entrepreneurship | Confidence | Fitness And Life Coaching With Lori Harder



Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you bust through your fears, connect to your soul and get focused and clear so you can elevate your life, business and relationships Listen in as Lori Harder, founder of the Bliss Project, 3X time fitness world champion, fitness expert and cover model, turned self love junkie - lifestyle entrepreneur and author digs in shares the goods! Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to take action in your life. Tune in for an inspirational guest, a story or a "quickie" of motivation to get you out of a funk or blast you even further on your rockstar journey! Stop waiting until you are happy and go out and earn it! I promise to make sure we have some fun along the way - you can't take this life too serious. It's time to fall in love with the process and take back your control! Oh and please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps and leave us a review!



    08/12/2016 Duración: 10min

    Before the holiday storm arrives, if it hasn't already, I'm here to help you recharge! It's important for your own sanity and for those in your company to set a daily recharge, for yourself, to really be able to live in the present and enjoy the most beautiful time of year! Set agreements for your holiday company, don't be afraid to ask for help when you're feeling overwhelmed, but the key is to remain grateful that you even have this family/friends/things on your agenda! Could you imagine your life without it?! It would be so boring without the chaos! "We want to wrap every memory in awesomeness!" In This Episode You Will Learn About: Agreements Permission Recharging Making a set plan Gratefulness Resources: My Holiday Survival Guide Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook. You can also see more at my website: LoriHarder.com

  • 86: Get MORE By DOING LESS - and The SCIENCE to Back It Up with Shawn Stevenson

    05/12/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Shawn Stevenson is a bestselling author and creator of The Model Health Show, featured as the #1 Nutrition and Fitness podcast on iTunes. A graduate of The University of Missouri – St. Louis with a background in biology and kinesiology, Shawn went on to be the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a successful company that provides Wellness Services for both individuals and organizations worldwide. Shawn is also a dynamic keynote speaker who has spoken for TEDx, universities, and numerous organizations with outstanding reviews. As an aspiring athlete, Shawn had a bright future in football and other sports. Staying active and playing sports was a way of life, until a tragic incident at the age of 15. Breaking his hip while running on the school track, Shawn came to later find out that he had Degenerative Bone Disease and Degenerative Disc Disease. “My physician at the time told me I had the spine of an 80 year old, when I was only 20 years old.” As the years went by, due to lack of motivation an


    01/12/2016 Duración: 17min

    "Living in worry invites death in a hurry.” There’s a reason it’s called “disease.” It is living in a state of dis-ease. Worrying creates certain toxic chemicals which are then sent out to our body, putting us in a state of despair. Crazy to think, but choosing positivity over negativity can actually add years to your life! “Worry does not take away tomorrow troubles, it takes away todays peace.” I’d love to share the 5 things you can start doing NOW, to switch your mindset: Setting aside a “worry time” Pray Except what you cannot change Workout! Meditate And now that I’ve gotten your attention, I’m really just here to turn all your worriers, into WARriors! In This Episode You Will Learn About: Worrying Living in the future instead of the present Stress Anxiety Disease or Dis-Ease Switching your mindset Resources: loriharder.com/challenge Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook. You can also see more at my website: LoriHarder.com

  • 84: Shift Your METABOLISM for PEAK ENERGY and FAT LOSS with Mark Sisson

    28/11/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    Health and fitness expert Mark Sisson is the Best Selling Author of The Primal Blueprint and one of the leading voices of the Evolutionary Health Movement. His blog, MarksDailyApple.com, has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge conventional wisdom’s diet and exercise principles and take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. Mark’s efforts to promote primal living extend to a line of nutritional supplements, a book publishing company, a Primal Kitchen line with healthy mayonnaise, salad dressing, and other functional foods, and the burgeoning Primal Kitchen Restaurants fast casual restaurant chain. Mark is a former elite endurance athlete, with a 2:18 marathon and a 4th place Hawaii Ironman finish. His latest book, Primal Endurance, applies the primal eating and lifestyle principles to the challenge of endurance training—helping athletes overcome the common conditions of burnout and carbohydrate dependency. With the combination of Evolutionary Science and Modern Genetic Scien

  • 83: QUICKIE! Use GRATITUDE to Change Your Life!

    24/11/2016 Duración: 10min

    Happy Thanksgiving! “Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” -Melody Beatty Although I truly believe that every single solitary day should be filled with an abundance or thankfulness and gratefulness, it is important that today, before the hustle bustle and family/friend fun that you take a moment to sit in gratitude. You can not attract more of the good stuff, without already being grateful for what you have! “Be thankful for what you have and you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you DON’T have, you'll never ever have.” -Oprah Winfrey Before eating tonight (just another thing to be grateful for,) go around the table and have everyone name one thing they are “thankful for.” Creating bonds and family traditions are my favorite, so join me! Stop. Drop & Get GRATEFUL! Have a happy and healthy holiday! In The Episode You

  • 82: The MOST POWERFUL MANTRA You Can Say and HOW to Use it with Lisa Van Ahn

    21/11/2016 Duración: 48min

    Lisa is the creator of the I AM Initiative: a self-defense through self-empowerment curriculum for pre/mid teen girls and the author of ‘I AM: A Girls Guide To Harnessing Superpowers’. The purpose of her workshops and book is to empower girls and demonstrate the necessity of self-love in relationship to self-protection. Lisa Van Ahn is a professional boxer and kick boxer. She found her way to the sport after being exploited as a child, years of believing she was unworthy, and living as a victim. Once she began kickboxing, her self-esteem soared and she was able to heal the wounds that were inflicted in her younger years. She started her fighting career in 1996, and quickly rose to the top of her sport with a regional Championship title and moved on to fighting professionally winning a national Kickboxing title in 2000. After winning her kickboxing title Lisa found fights difficult to procure and decided to take on the world of boxing. She boxed professionally in Las Vegas from 2001-2004 and fought on many p


    17/11/2016 Duración: 11min

    “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -Frederick Conan Do the “expectations” of the holidays sometime’s bring you down? You aren't alone! We are inundated with commercials and TV shows/movies of the most perfect holidays, but let’s be honest…life happens. First, it’s important to recognize and appreciate what is in you OWN home, right under your nose and secondly, if you do want more of that “commercial feel” you need to plan for it. Planning some games and/or quality time is the perfect way to add more happiness to your home. Accepted or rejected, it doesn’t matter! Haven't you always heard, “it’s the thought that counts?!” Accepting everyone and anyone who joins you at the table this year, is a sure way to have the most perfect holiday. In fact, it is all of your differences, that make you a “family.” Let us not forget, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” In This Episode You Will L

  • 80: Learn the MOST EMPOWERING QUESTIONS You Can Ask Yourself with Amy Cannatta

    14/11/2016 Duración: 54min

    Dr. Amy Cannatta is an international coach, innovative business and life strategist, #1 International Best Selling Author for her book titled, PURSEpective; From Ruin to Resilience, podcast host, and blogger for The Huffington Post. She is passionate about teaching you how changing your perspective can turn tragedy into personal transformation. Focusing on resilience, perseverance, and positivity, she has personally developed a signature coaching program using her DREAM framework, the same strategies she used herself to transform from domestic abuse victim to VICTOR, doctor, and entrepreneur. Her personally developed coaching programs that combine her expertise as an intuitive, holistic chiropractor, business owner and life coach. When she is not getting caught red handed on her secret stash of sour patch kids or getting glares from her teenage daughters for dancing around the kitchen, she can be found outside enjoying nature and being a spirit junkie. Growing up on a small farm in Connecticut, Amy went on t


    10/11/2016 Duración: 09min

    “Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” In times of chaos, whether it be because of the holiday season, our country’s situation or maybe even something personal like your love life and/or job. It is remembering that peace is an inside job, that will help find the light at the end of the tunnel. We are all guilty of getting wrapped up in the noise of a busy day, but it’s important to listen to our noise within, our inner voice. Our intuition and what speaks without words, can be the loudest. “Grace and Space,” the two most incredible gifts to give yourself this holiday season. In This Episode You Will Learn About: Finding peace through chaos Fear vs. faith The little voice inside you Giving yourself grace and space Meditation Prayer Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook. You can also see more at my website: LoriHarder.com

  • 78: END Your BODY and FOOD BATTLES with Samantha Skelly

    07/11/2016 Duración: 01h28s

    Samantha Skelly is Canada’s leading emotional eating expert and the founder of Hungry For Happiness, a movement to support women around the world who are suffering from disordered eating and body image issues. She is a award winning, sought out international speaker who delivers inspirational presentations to empower those who struggle with the relationship they have to food and their bodies. Samantha has appeared on Global TV, Shaw, NBC and CBC to share her mission on an international platform. Hungry For Happiness creates online accessible and affordable recovery resources to those who are suffering in silence. Samantha was awarded ‘Top 24 under 24’ in September 2013, In 2014 she was a finalist as the ‘Best Emerging Entrepreneur’ by Small Business BC. Samantha aims to create a disruptive company in the eating disorder recovery space. Her vision is to create the largest and most impactful online resource to support those who’s lives are negatively affected by issues with food and their bodies. For the majo


    03/11/2016 Duración: 24min

    Are you ready for some inspiration overload? Have you ever wondered why “the magic happens” for some but not for others? Well, it’s really quite simple…let me spell it out for you! The 7 steps to manifesting anything you want: Get clear- be specific Write it down Make a plan of action Trust in your daily actions, even if they are small Watch for signs in details, that are taking you in the right direction of course ;) Truly “FEEL IT” (Learn to get into the feeling of the thing you desire) Let go of the outcome! Stop resisting it! “'Freak out mode' is your opportunity to surrender!” Resources: loriharder.com/challenge Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook. You can also see more at my website: LoriHarder.com

  • 76: STOP PEOPLE PLEASING and Still BE NICE About it with Amy E Smith

    31/10/2016 Duración: 59min

    Amy E. Smith is a certified confidence coach, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Founder of TheJoyJunkie.com, Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-love. With acute focus on helping people "find their voice", she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert on Fox 5 San Diego and YourTango.com. Traveling all over with assistants and company cars in your early twenties, as a professionally make-up artist sounds amazing, am I right!? Amy thought so too, but the feeling was short-lived. Seeking medical help, for the anxious and rundown feeling she was feeling, Amy had an eye-opening pivotal moment. It was time for her to take her career path into her own hands. “I felt like I was working myself to the bone for someone else’s dream.” From one end of the spectrum to the next, Amy began taking personal development courses, to 1. better her

  • 75 QUICKIE! Can You CHANGE Other People?

    27/10/2016 Duración: 11min

    Have you ever wanted to change someone? Has it ever actually worked out for you? Asking people to change or conform to our ideals may work for a short period, but in the long run it’s pretty impossible and to be honest, pretty unfair. Do you want to know whats NOT impossible? Changing our PERSPECTIVE on how we are viewing these individuals. Headed towards the mountain in the distance, with or without someone’s support is what should be your main focus. Of course, it seems more enjoyable to feel the extra love and support from who we are closest to, but that’s not always a guarantee. Instead of pushing and forcing a change upon someone, seek what you are “lacking” in yourself FIRST and watch how it can positively effect them, without even saying anything! “Monkey see, monkey do.” Some of the most beautiful things, comes from our biggest critics and our biggest lessons. In This Episode You Will Learn About: Feeling Support Changing perspectives Seeking within Changing yourself FIRST Growth Inner peace


    20/10/2016 Duración: 12min

    Clear roads and smooth sailing gets boring, can we all agree? It’s the rough waters and pot-holed roads who make us who we are. With major life choices arising in my own personal life, I thought it would be important to share with you all, how I deal with making a clear and positive choice. “Doing what is right, isn’t always easy.” - Unknown Making a choice in order to ease a situation or appease people, is a sure way to have it come back and bite you in the butt, sooner or later. “The most successful people make the tougher decisions faster.” Everything in our life is a reflection of our choices. It is our job to see the rainbow through the rain and the light at the end of the tunnel. No one will do that for us. Do yourself a favor and ask yourself these 3 things: Is this going to make me happy tomorrow? Is this going to make me happy next week? Is it going to make me happy in a year? Give yourself enough space to FEEL a situation. Don’t just go through something, GROW through it! In This Episode You Wi

  • 71: QUICKIE! The ONE THING Needed To Change Your Life

    13/10/2016 Duración: 12min

    Long after our motivation and inspiration has simmered down, it’s our willingness and passion that brings a dream into reality. It’s the smaller, daunting tasks that we almost “hate” doing, that will separate the GREAT from the MEDIOCRE. I have found that wherever there has been fear or doubt, I have just had to be willing to see the situation a different way. We are given two options, every single day, for every single situation. We can choose to see things through love or through fear. As stated beautifully by Gabby Bernstein in her new book, The Universe Has Your Back. “There is only one thing required to change your life, and that is willingness.” The willingness to love, to lose weight, to take a giant step outside your comfort zone, maybe even to forgive someone that has been weighing you down for years. “Forgiveness is freedom for us. It’s not letting them off the hook, it’s letting us off the hook!” In This Episode You Will Learn About: Willingness Carrying out actions Courage Forgiveness Mo

  • 70: The KEY to LOCKING IN A HABIT with Geoff Woods

    10/10/2016 Duración: 48min

    Geoff Woods is the Vice President of The ONE Thing Team. After hearing the Jim Rohn quote that "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" Geoff set out on a mission to surround himself with high level CEOs and successful entrepreneurs. Fast forward just 10 months, Geoff went from employee to entrepreneur, launching a company with the co-authors of the best selling book The ONE Thing. Geoff has been featured in Entrepreneur.com and is on a mission to teaching people how to live a life of focus so they can have more by doing less. S tarting out in medical device sales, Geoff has found that one of his biggest life transitions happened only about 18 months ago. It just goes to show you that, “it’s never too late!” Leaving a secure job, especially when the pay is substantial, isn't always easy. But what comes easily, isn't usually what’s “right.” Like many of us, Geoff knew something was off, something was missing from his day to day life. Unfortunately, yet luckily, two major events rea

  • 69: QUICKIE! How To Become SUPERHUMAN

    06/10/2016 Duración: 12min

    “If you can accept the worst that can happen to you and live with it, then you will become Superman/Superwoman. You can do anything because your mind doesn’t get in your way.” -Bob Parsons Creating the Bliss Project event was like entering into the world of the unknown. Coming from a solely fitness background, surrounding my career around mindfulness and the ability to teach it unto others, was at first, a scary thought. “Why would they want to listen to me? Where will I find my audience?” But I accepted the “worst” that could happen. Maybe no one would listen at all? Maybe no one would come? Guess what….This event has become my biggest prize possession thus far and we have sold out the 2017 event in just weeks of launching tickets! Face your fears, find your superpower and fly with it! “I’d rather a life full of 'oh wells!' than 'what if’s?'” -Unknown In This Episode You Will Learn: Acceptance Constant growth Facing fears Resources: Inc. Magazine theblissproject.info Follow me on social media @

  • 68: Proof YOU Have Been Chosen for YOUR Mission with Kute Blackson

    03/10/2016 Duración: 57min

    A charismatic visionary and transformational teacher, Kute Blackson offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole new generation. Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute's multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father has spanned four different continents. His unique lineage lay the foundation for his approach to breaking down barriers and unlocking an individual's true gifts and greatness. Though Kute was raised all over the world, he had always dreamed of life in America. As if by kismet, he won a green card just after finishing school in London. He came to America alone just months later, with no connections or prospects. When Kute arrived in Los Angeles, all he had to his name were two suitcases and the dream of seeking out the spiritual and self-help icons who had inspired him when he was a boy. Kute quickly learned that the "outside-in" approach favored by so many in the personal development space had to become an inside-out approach. So he decided to create

  • 67: QUICKIE! Happiness Is INTENTIONAL

    29/09/2016 Duración: 15min

    Learn how to live an INTENTIONAL life to work toward happiness.     Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook. You can also see more at my website: LoriHarder.com

  • 66: The Universe Has YOUR Back with GABBY BERNSTEIN

    27/09/2016 Duración: 34min

    Gabrielle Bernstein has been named “a new thought leader” by Oprah Winfrey. She appears regularly as an expert on The Dr. Oz show, and was named “a new role model” by the New York Times. Gabrielle is the New York Times best-selling author of the books May Cause Miracles and Miracles Now. Her other titles include Add More ~ing to Your Life and Spirit Junkie. In the fall of 2016 she will release her fifth book, The Universe Has Your Back. Gabrielle, a “spiritual activist” recently teamed up with Deepak Chopra to co-host the Guinness Book of World Re-cords largest group meditation. Youtube named Gabrielle one of 16 Youtube Next Video Bloggers, she was named one of Mashable’s 11 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Inspiration and she’s featured on the Forbes List of 20 Best Branded Women. She has been featured in media outlets such as ELLE, OWN, Kathy Lee & Hoda, The Today Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, The Queen Latifah Show, Anderson Live, Access Hollywood, Marie Claire, Health, SELF, Women’s Health, Glamour, H

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