Survival Medicine



Doom and Bloom,Nurse Amy,Dr Bones,Survival,Survival Medicine,Traditional and Alternative Medical Advice including Survival Medicine or Collapse Medicine.


  • Survival Medicine Hour: The New Normal, Zika Handbook, More

    24/04/2016 Duración: 56min

    Joe and Amy Alton announce their latest book, "The Zika Virus Handbook"! It's the first book on everything you need to know about the infection written by an MD. It's concise at 138 pages, but still way more information than the other books on Amazon. You'll find out how to identify, prevent, and treat the disease, all about the mosquito that transmits it, and every measure you can take to protect your family. You'll also hear about what our government is doing about it, plus some alternative theories about why so many cases are occurring on this side of the Atlantic. Zika's this year's pandemic, and with warm weather approaching, you should know about it. Also, are people who prepare for disasters normal? Are "normal" people who don't prepare for disasters normal? Well, in the New Normal, they might be, but normal sure doesn't mean "sane". Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discuss the difference between "normal" and "sane" and why it's even more important, given recent events, for people to wake up and get together k

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Japan Earthquake, Zika Update, Fluoride, More

    17/04/2016 Duración: 56min

    In this episode of the Survival Medicine Hour with Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP, we give you the latest news, and there is definitely news, about the Zika virus epidemic in South America. When warm weather arrives in your area, will you be in the 30 U.S. states where the Aedes mosquito lives? What does the CDC say about the risk of an epidemic here? Plus, Nurse Amy examines whether we really should have Fluoride in our water, and what the risks are versus the benefits (Hint: She's against it). Joe Alton, aka Dr. Bones, reports on the devastation left by 2 quakes and hundreds of aftershocks in Southern Japan, and Nurse Amy examines an interesting plant in our garden: The Miracle Fruit! All this and more in the Survival Medicine Hour

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Radiation, Altitude Sickness, Zika, Survival Skills

    11/04/2016 Duración: 56min

    Nurse Amy was asked by Ballistic magazine to pick three survival skills she considers most important from a lengthy list, guess which one she thought would help her most in times of trouble? Also, Joe Alton, MD, aka Dr. Bones talks about how to identify and treat altitude sickness, and some important considerations to protect your family in case of a radiation event. Plus, the results of a recent poll of US citizens on Zika virus, a possible issue when mosquitoes swarm later this spring and summer. All this and more in the latest episode of the Survival Medicine Hour podcast!

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Lancing a Boil, Headaches, Doctor Shortages

    03/04/2016 Duración: 56min

    We're about a million primary care doctors short in the U.S., and it isn't getting any better in the near future. Find out why it may be important than ever to be medically self-reliant. Also, How to lance that nasty boil safely, and what about Dakin's solution to keep wounds free of infection? Also, Nurse Amy talk about different types of headaches and their treatments. All this and a question for Dr. Bones as a member of the Expert Council of Jack Spirko's popular Survival Podcast, on the Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, aka Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Ear Infections, First Aid in Schools, much more

    28/03/2016 Duración: 56min

    Given the rash of bombings and shootings in recent years, should first aid 101 be taught in schools? Should bleeding control kits be placed next to the fire extinguishers in schools, workplaces, and malls? Joe and Amy Alton, aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, explore this controversial topic. Also, is the 5 second rule legit or are the germophobes right? Hear what scientists have to say about it, plus how to identify and treat ear infections with natural and conventional remedies. All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Podcast with Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Antioxidants

    20/03/2016 Duración: 56min

    Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP are the medical experts for Jack Spirko's popular Survival Podcast, and today take a question from Josh, who has four children with allergy issues although it's never been a problem in the family. Dr. Alton discusses the Hygiene Hypothesis of why we're experiencing an epidemic of allergies these days, and how to recognize and deal with severe reactions. Also, Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones talk about antioxidants, a controversial topic to some in Western Medicine. What are they, what do they do, and a lot about how diet and lifestyle affects your ability to use them to stay healthy. All this and more in the latest episode of The Survival Medicine Hour.  

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Charley Hogwood and Survival Groups, more..

    13/03/2016 Duración: 56min

    In this episode of The Survival Medicine Hour, good friend, author, and new dad Charley Hogwood joins Dr. Joe Alton to discuss group dynamics in survival scenarios. Also the average family of four throws out $1500 worth of food a year, something that has got to concern any prepper. Plus: Is there a vaccine being developed that might kill cancer cells?  It's being tested right now in Great Britain. All this and more with Amy Alton, ARNP and Joe Alton, MD in their latest podcast.  

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Author Jim Cobb on Communications

    06/03/2016 Duración: 56min

    In this episode of the Doom and Bloom (tm) Survival Medicine Hour, Joe and Amy Alton welcome old friend and prolific author Jim Cobb to talk about his new book: "Prepper Communications". He'll talk about communications in survival settings, survival group communications, and the importance of good communications in good times or bad. Also, is there a vaccine in the works that might cure cancer? A study is being conducted in the terminally ill in the United Kingdom that's showing promise. Also, Kudzu, the invasive vine, may help decrease the amount of alcohol you drink!

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Asthma, Zika, Fukushima 5 years later, more

    29/02/2016 Duración: 55min

    Five years ago, The Fukushima Daichi plant melted down after an earthquake and tsunami, and today spills out radioactive water from cooling operations that are still ongoing. What effects will it have on the population? Plus, Joe Alton, MD, talks all about asthma, especially in survival settings and give an update on the latest on Zika Virus. Also, super-resistant lice are now seen in 25 states, what can you do to deal with this new threat? All this on the Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Burns, Sleep Deprivation, More

    20/02/2016 Duración: 55min

    In survival, getting sleep is important to keep you sharp and make sure that appropriate judgements are made and actions taken. Learn about sleep hygiene from Joe Alton, MD, plus a new study tells you what states in the U.S. are the most sleep-deprived. Also, Dr. Alton discusses first and second degree burns, the difference between sunscreen and sunblock, and what the SPF rating system means. Also, how to identify and treat these common injuries in disasters or other situations where medical help isn't on the way. Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones also discuss the latest about Zika virus, plus how the Army is so lacking in medical providers that they are offering a rapid path to citizenship for foreign medical graduate volunteers. All this and more on the Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Bleeding Control Kit, Herbal Teas, Zika update, more

    31/01/2016 Duración: 56min

    Would you have the materials and knowledge to stop heavy bleeding if you were confronted with it? In these violent times, you should be prepared to deal with injuries that could be life threatening and have the equipment that might save a life. Hear Amy Alton, ARNP, explain her thinking in designing a compact med kit that deal with hemorrhage that she believes should be in every workplace, classroom, and homestead. Also, Joe Alton, MD, talks about natural remedies when he goes over some herbal teas. Plus: Why does Zika Virus in Brazil cause birth defects, while no major history of the problem seems to occur with Zika virus in its original territory (Africa and Asia)? Is a mutation the cause? All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Blizzard, Natural Remedies, More

    25/01/2016 Duración: 56min

    26 inches of snow and high winds cost 19 people their lives this weekend on the East Coast. Would you know how to keep warm in a blizzard? Dr. Joe Alton discusses the news and basic strategies that could save your life. Also, What will you do when the pharmaceuticals run out in a survival setting? Do you know the basics of natural remedies like essential oils and herbal medicine? Joe Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, ARNP, discuss what you need to know about the medicinal benefits of various natural substances.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Jim Rawles, Trauma, Collapsed Lungs, More

    17/01/2016 Duración: 56min

    Survival scenarios come with an increased risk of major trauma. Gunshot and knife wounds can lead to life-threatening chest wounds. Joe Alton, MD discusses options with faced with rib fractures and collapsed lungs (pneumothorax) in these situations. Also, a new virus has made its way across the Atlantic and is causing birth defects in thousands of newborns in Brazil and other countries. Find out more in Dr. Alton's report. Plus, famed author James Wesley, Rawles discusses the idea of a Christian refuge nation in his new novel "Land of Promise", and discusses the recent stock market woes as they pertain to a possible future economic collapse, all in the latest episode of the Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: New methods of Sterilization, Ginger, Skin Infections

    11/01/2016 Duración: 55min

    One big issue in remote locations is the sterilizations of instruments and dressings. Now, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease has tested a new method that claims 100% sterilization using portable items that won't break the bank. Joe Alton, MD explains the procedure and talks about infections you'll find in soft tissues as a result of poor disinfecting practices and dirty wounds. Also, Amy Alton, ARNP talks about one of her favorite natural remedies: Ginger. All on the latest Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Dental Preparedness+

    04/01/2016 Duración: 55min

    Being medically prepared means being dentally prepared as well. Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP discuss what you should have in your storage to deal with dental issues that you might encounter in a long term survival setting.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Tornadoes, Lice, Dental Hygiene in Austere Settings

    28/12/2015 Duración: 56min

    More deaths from late season tornadoes in Texas makes us ask this question: Do you know how to keep your family safe if you were in the path of a twister? Find out what to do to decrease the risk of injury. Also what part does hygiene play in survival success. Dr. Alton talks about a common issue in good times or bad: LICE. Plus, some thoughts on the part dental hygiene plays in the duties and responsibilities of the survival medic, all in this episode of the Survival Medicine Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Patient Transport, Vitals, Mold, More

    20/12/2015 Duración: 56min

    How do you transport an injured person when the ambulance is heading in the other direction? Joe Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, ARNP, explore some of your options when a victim has to be transported and you have to improvise a stretcher. Also, Christmas trees increasing mold counts in homes are leading to some severe allergies, plus a Christmas Eve asteroid fly-by, and some discussion on vital signs in austere settings. All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Hour.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Vital Signs, Dakin's Solution, Fungal Meds, More

    13/12/2015 Duración: 56min

    Is ISIS causing an outbreak of the parasite Leishmaniasis by dumping bodies on the street? Plus, are there fungal meds in veterinary medicine that could be used in survival scenarios for humans? Plus, how to treat wound infections with Dakin's solution and the simple formula that can save your precious supply of antibiotics. All this and a primer on vital signs for the survival medic with Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton ARNP in the Survival Medicine Hour podcast.                                  

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Active Shooters, SWAT-T, New Superbugs

    06/12/2015 Duración: 56min

    Would you know the right plan of action if you were caught in an active shooter situation? Having a plan of action may mean the difference between life and death in the New Normal. Joe Alton, MD, gives his take on what to do in a mass casualty event, plus discusses a new tourniquet, the SWAT, that might save lifes in these uncertain times. Plus, a new superbug that's resistant to just about everything. All this and more in the latest episode of Doom and Bloomtm's Survival Medicine Hour.

  • Survival Medicine Hour: Flu Vaccine, Nosebleeds, Natural Diabetes Remedies, More

    28/11/2015 Duración: 56min

    What's different about the flu vaccine the FDA just approved? Will it allieve concerns of the general public about vaccines in general? Also, what natural remedies might have an effect on diabetes? Also: Head Trauma, Nosebleed treatment with Afrin, also known as Oxymetazoline, and much more in Joe and Amy Alton's latest Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Hour...

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