Clyde Christian Bible Church



A collection of sermons from Chris Lantz, Pastor of Clyde Christian Bible Church. We meet Sunday mornings, 10:30 until 12:00 (or whenever he finally wraps up the sermon). If you can't make it on a Sunday morning, find the sermon content here.


  • Steadfast to the End: Paul's Lost Years

    02/01/2019 Duración: 37min

    The Bible is sufficient for all our needs... but it has some missing content that fills us with curiosity.  So it is with the lost years of Paul.  What we can piece together about the Apostle's last half-decade of life offers both sadness and strength, as we get a portrait of a hero facing the end of his mission with dignity and power despite loneliness and suffering.

  • A Timely Formula for Christmas (Christmas Eve 2018)

    28/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    "Despite __________, I know ___________, because _____________."  It's an overly simplistic formula for the gifts offered by Jesus at Christmas: Hope, Faith, Joy and Love.  But as we'll see, each of these gifts is rooted in the past, present, future, and eternity, and as we unwrap each one, we find the formula for a life of fulfillment and purpose.  But the formula requires one extra factor: YOU.  Someone to accept the gifts and step into the beautiful timeless Kingdom of the Christ Who came to us.

  • Love: A Family Reunited (Advent 2018)

    24/12/2018 Duración: 24min

    It's the holidays, meaning you will likely be gathering with family members you don't see as often as you'd like, sharing gifts and meals and time together.  As we close out the four weeks of Advent, we examine how the arrival of Emmanuel is like a family being reunited.  It's also something like the greatest Christmas movie of them all: Gladiator.  Trust me, it'll make sense.Celebrate the God Who took on flesh in order to fight the battle with us and return us to the Love of our Father.(Note: CCBC does not own the copyright to the image of Russell Crowe from "Gladiator".Scott, Ridley (Director & Executive Producer). (2000) Gladiator [Motion Picture].  Canada: DreamWorks Home Entertainment.)

  • Peace: Life as it Was Intended (Advent 2018)

    17/12/2018 Duración: 28min

    In the story of a great man suffering terribly, we see a portrait of conflict and tragedy.  In the story of a powerful, wise, and loving Creator being born as a helpless, vulnerable baby, we see God's response.  Find out what peace means for us at Christmas time and beyond.

  • Joy: Encountering the Promise (Advent 2018)

    12/12/2018 Duración: 34min

    Joy is rooted in the promises of God.  However, it's easier to describe through stories of experience, so that's exactly what Marnie does: she shares joyful stories of bringing the Kingdom to a hurting place.  Rejoice along with her as we hear how God is at work in this broken world, as He was during the arrival of the Messiah.Plus, you can almost taste the chocolate playing "guess the joyful Christmas carol lyrics"!

  • Hope: Embracing the Silence (Advent 2018)

    05/12/2018 Duración: 34min

    The first week of Advent is the week of hope.  In this sermon Marnie beautifully examines the connection between hope and silence, taking us from the empty manger of Bethlehem to the broken people of small town Manitoba, piercing us with the words of favourite carols along the way.And fear not: that 60 second quiet you hear is no audio malfunction!  It's a crucial reminder of the power and beauty of expectant silence.

  • The End (is not the end): Acts 28:11-31

    26/11/2018 Duración: 38min

    Our two year journey through the Book of Acts has come to an end.  However, though the book has ended, the story hasn't.  Find out what it might mean for us that Luke ends his great narrative so abruptly.  Where the stories of Paul and the Apostles end, our story begins.As an added bonus, hear a special trailer for Luke's never-before-seen third masterpiece!  (Note: it's totally fictional.  And totally stupid.)

  • The Adventure of a Lifetime (Acts 27:1-28:10)

    19/11/2018 Duración: 43min

    Sure it's a cliche, but that's only because it's a truth that fits so perfectly: life is an adventure.  In the case of Paul in Acts 27, that adventure takes him to the high seas, where he faces storms, shipwrecks, and serpents.  Through it all, God is in control, and Paul himself is a light of hope, wisdom, witness, service and leadership to those around him.  Hopefully we can hop aboard with Paul on his adventure and let it lead us to reflect on our own lifetime adventures.

  • In the Name of Remembrance

    11/11/2018 Duración: 10min

    Remembrance Day used to be known as Armistice Day.  But as with many Biblical name changes, the change in name for November 11th resulted in greater power and purpose.  Why is it better to Remember than to celebrate an armistice?  What is worthy of Remembering, in the church and culture at large, about national involvement in war?  Why does Chris insist on insulting the farmers of Alberta?  Find out in this brief call to action on Remembrance Day.

  • Crucial Symbols (Acts 25 & 26)

    07/11/2018 Duración: 46min

    Symbols are everywhere in our world, and the most important ones are designed to keep us healthy and sustain life.  This is true in the Church as well.  In this sermon we will examine the two most crucial symbols of the church, after seeing how these symbols empower and embolden Paul as he remains in legal limbo.We will also be blessed with the incredible dramatic vocal talents of Nick, Barb, Angie, and Andrew (some more dramatic than others)!Also: apologies for the terrible audio quality.  A mistake was made in the recording process.  Fixed it as best we could!

  • Mammon: Combating the Enemy (Acts 24:24-27)

    23/10/2018 Duración: 42min

    Mammon.  It's an ugly word to say.  And for followers of Jesus, it's an even uglier word to be influenced by.  In this sermon, we examine the response of Felix and Drusilla to the Gospel of Jesus, and expose the twisted, selfish, and violent nature of the idol Mammon (which means "wealth").We also kick a few rocks at a prominent Christian media mogul and a famous country music singer.  Apologies to Toby Keith fans everywhere!

  • Too Legit to Quit

    14/10/2018 Duración: 39min

    Now here's a little story I've got to tell / about three white rappers you know so well (or perhaps don't), and the issues of legitimacy that faced the Beastie Boys in 1989 and MC Hammer in 1990.  Were they real hip hop?  Or posers and phonies?  How do you measure legitimacy anyway?For the Apostle Paul, the question of legitimacy was life or death as he faced trial before Felix, the Roman ruler.  Would the Church be validated and legitimized by the worldly powers of the day?  And is there an even more crucial source of legitimacy in the eyes of God and neighbour?  Find out as we explore Acts 24 (and the history of rap in the late 1980's).

  • A Good Story. And That's a Promise. (Acts 23:11-35)

    08/10/2018 Duración: 35min

    Are you ready for a dramatic thrill ride of assassination attempts, family reconciliation, and political backroom dealings?  Then have we got a story for you!  But although we learn smaller lessons from the assassins and the young nephew, it's one tiny verse of Paul that serves as the main course for this Thanksgiving sermon.  And that's a promise.By the way, apologies for those of you who can't or won't eat turkey.  Chris mentions eating turkey a lot in this sermon.  We love you too, vegetarians.

  • To Whom Do You Belong? (Acts 22:22-23:10)

    04/10/2018 Duración: 42min

    "It is not he or she or them or it that you belong to." These lyrics from Bob Dylan encapsulate the heroism of Paul as he defends himself against Romans and Jews alike. We examine the third way of Jesus, where we don't pledge allegiance to flags or denominations or nations or anything else human and fallible. Instead, we are devoted to Christ and His Kingdom, turning outsiders into neighbors through His love and grace. For bonus fun, imagine Chris preaching this sermon with a creaky 1965 Bob Dylan voice.

  • Beyond Mere Tradition (Acts 21:27-22:24a)

    03/09/2018 Duración: 43min

    We're back in Acts, baby! After a quick twenty dollar summary, we examine how Paul's abuse in Jerusalem can inform us about our own tendency to cling to tradition (at the expense of outsiders around us). May or may not feature talk of NHL MVP Taylor Hall, and an ongoing spat in the Lantz residence regarding Christmas presents.

  • Fear and Death on a Friday Afternoon

    28/08/2018 Duración: 26min

    Chris shares a personal experience with fear and death, extending from his childhood to a recent funeral he performed. The central question, What's the Point?, is explored in light of the resurrection. "A sincere thank you to the family who welcomed me into their home, into their grief, and into their lives. May your mourning be turned into joy in light of the hope of resurrection made possible by Jesus." -Chris

  • Jasper Camp Recap 2018

    27/08/2018 Duración: 28min

    The mountains are stunning, but they wouldn't be the same without water. In this sermon, Chris recaps the five lessons he taught the 30-some young people who attended Clyde Christian Bible Church's annual Jasper Camp. Each lesson is a journey through the salvation story, with water as the common ingredient. From Genesis to the Gospels, see how water can teach us about Who God is and who we are in His story. (Best if listened to while driving through Jasper National Park, if you can!)

  • Determination for the Journey (Acts 21:1-16)

    03/07/2018 Duración: 35min

    This sermon is like a roadtrip. It starts off weird, with talk of cows and goose statues. There are detours into feminist theology. And eventually we arrive at our destination: an examination of what fueled Paul's determination to face suffering and imprisonment in Jerusalem despite the pleas of friends old and new. Buckle up. And try not to think too much about what the farm animals are pondering.

  • Encouragement (Acts 20:13-38)

    25/06/2018 Duración: 41min

    Today's passage is a beautiful and emotional portrait of Biblical encouragement. In this sermon, we explore the principles and powerful effects of encouragement on the hearts of followers of Jesus. You may get so encouraged that you find yourself on the floor, sobbing and being kissed by many people. But probably not. PS- please don't call this sermon "nice".

  • "He's Alive!" (Acts 20:1-12)

    21/06/2018 Duración: 36min

    There are a surprising number of resurrections in the Bible. As we examine the last of these resurrection stories, the account of Paul healing a young man who plummeted from a window, we will see how God has the power and compassion to bring life back to small, unimportant, broken people. But whatever you do, don't fall asleep during this sermon. It may be fatal, as Eutychus reminds us.

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