Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast | Weight Loss Motivation | Diet Advice | Lose Weight | Fitness



Cut The Fat Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals using science-based tactics and strategies. It's our mission to help people navigate the often times complex and conflicting information surrounding fitness, weight loss, and health. Besides helping people to achieve their weight-loss goals we also want to help people achieve that goal without having to resort to guilt as a mechanism for motivating yourself to achieve it. In addition, it's not enough that we just achieve weight loss. We also want to help people live a healthier and more energetic life. You'll find tactics for improving your diet, your exercise programs, your motivation, and you're overall mindset to achieve your health and weight loss goals. You will learn that we don't lose weight by white-knuckling our way through life, we build a fit body by building a fun life full of great-tasting food, amazing social support, tons of activity, fun hobbies and balanced minds.


  • Episode 73: How To Start Fresh – A Guide To Resetting Your Weight Loss Program

    27/01/2015 Duración: 56min

    In this episode we discuss how we would respond to the question, "How do I start over?" In other words, what do you do when you've been yo yo dieting, losing and gaining, and you're just frustrated with the whole weight loss process.

  • Episode 72: 10 Steps To Becoming A Weight Loss Pro (Part 2)

    14/02/2014 Duración: 41min

    During this episode we continue our discussion on moving from a weight loss amateur towards becoming a weight loss pro. In Episode 70, we discussed the qualities of a professional versus an amateur; in this episode, we're focusing on the steps to becoming a professional. They are: Admit That You're An Addict Allow Yourself To Hit Bottom Ignore The Opinions Of Others Have Empathy For Yourself Work The Program! Have Your Epiphany Embrace Ambition Cut Out Distractions Become A Creature Of Healthy Habits Play For Tomorrow! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 71: The Calorie Myth With Jonathan Bailor

    07/01/2014 Duración: 47min

    In this episode we're joined by fitness and fat loss expert Jonathan Bailor, author of the book, The Calorie Myth. In this riveting interview Jonathan debunks the myths surrounding calories and explains the concept of "set point", a system within the body that prevents you from losing weight and maintaining those weight loss results. This book is enlightening because it tackles one of the biggest questions that many of us face on a daily basis, to count calories or not to count calories. During the interview we cover: The Big Myth About Calories What set point is and how to alter it so that you can lose and maintain weight loss The four quality characteristics of food Finally, he answers the question, "how do you make it all work in limited time?" Here's a link to this fascinating book on The Calorie Myth: How to Eat More, Exercise Less, Lose Weight, and Live Better --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 70: Becoming A Weight Loss Pro Part 1 – The Secret To Weight Loss Success

    06/01/2014 Duración: 53min

    In this episode of Cut The Fat Podcast, we're going to discuss a philosophy that is critical to your success with burning fat and achieving a lean body this year! Based on the concepts taught by Steven Pressfield in his amazing books, The War of Art and Turning Pro, we're going to show you how to go from amateur thinking to thinking like a pro around health, fitness, and body change. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 69: Weight Loss Motivation Tips

    09/09/2013 Duración: 32min

    During this podcast episode, Blythe and Ray discuss the true purpose of motivation and how to apply it in real life so that you get the most benefit from the fleeting sensation of motivation. As you'll learn in this episode on weight loss motivation, you can't just focus on what motivates you, you must also focus on what demotivates you so that you don't short-circuit those moments when you feel the motivated to work towards the new, healthy, leaner you!

  • Episode 68: Making Fat Loss Stick

    29/08/2013 Duración: 39min

    In this episode Dr. Ray gets interviewed by Jonathan Bailor on his excellent podcast, The Smarter Science of Slim. The discussion for this episode is centered around the mindset needed for long-term fat loss success. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 67: Crazy Things Fat Loss Experts Say

    18/06/2013 Duración: 30min

    In today's episode Blythe and I do a little "Fat Loss Free-styling" where we "chew the fat", so to speak, about fat loss. We discuss a number of things that we hear "fat loss expert" say that we feel is not entirely accurate or is actually downright wrong. So, today's episode is about doing a little myth-busting where we discuss things like: Should you detox to lose weight? Is sugar the cause of obesity, rather than carbs in general? Do you need to eliminate all carbs? Should you totally overhaul your lifestyle?

  • Episode 66: It’s NOT All About Carbs!

    20/05/2013 Duración: 36min

    Recently a listerner, Sam, wrote us about our position on low-carb eating. He referenced an article on that seemed to contradict our approach to fat loss. In the article, titled Low-Carb Taliban, the author goes on to equate the low-carb movement to religious fundamentalists who preach unproven concepts and refuse to sway from their […] --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 65: The Magic Is In The Fundamentals of Fat Loss

    19/04/2013 Duración: 32min

    In this episode, we're going to hit the reset button and go back to the fundamentals... Why eating fruits and vegetables is so important and why the research supports the addition of foods that are low on the "energy density" scale. We often get caught up in the need for new and "advanced" weight loss tactics when "simple" and "easy" are far more effective. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 64: Unleash The Power of The Female Brain With Dr. Daniel Amen

    02/04/2013 Duración: 36min

    In this episode we interview Dr. Daniel Amen, author of the book, "Unleash The Power of the Female Brain"... During the interview we'll discuss the difference between the female brain and the male brain and how to use that information to cultivate more will power, self-discipline, and make better decisions around food and lifestyle. Core Philosophy of Dr. Amen According to the work of Dr. Daniel Amen, poor mood, lack of willpower, lack of self discipline, and poor decision making can be linked to having a sick brain caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. When we make healthier choices, not only do our bodies improve but our brain gets healthier. When we have a healthier brain, we make better decisions, enjoy better mood, and live long and energy-filled lives. In his book Unleash The Power of the Female Brain, Dr. Amen speaks about the unique challenges to females and how their brains differ from men. He then provides a system for improving your brain! A --- Send in a voice message:

  • Episode 63: How Often Should I Eat To Lose Weight

    13/02/2013 Duración: 45min

    The topic of meal frequency has not been a topic of much controversy because most experts just assumed that eating 4-6 small meals per day was superior to 3 meals or less per day. Assumptions are a dangerous thing... What does the science say about meal frequency? You'll be interested to know that there isn't much research at all and the majority of the research is not too compelling. In the end, the answer may surprise you. In this podcast episode, we discuss the research and, more importantly, what it means for you. You'll discover that although most experts suggest 4-6 meals is superior to 3 meals for weight loss, that it actually may not be. You'll learn that the body doesn't go into starvation mode after just 3 hours, in fact, it takes approximately 72 hours to trigger the dreaded starvation mode. You'll learn how to apply this information into your own life! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 62: The Carb Curfew & Mailbag

    19/12/2012 Duración: 43min

    In today’s episode, we go through the mailbag to answer questions that were posted on our Facebook page. In addition, we discuss a very interesting study sent to us by Andrea, one of our awesome listeners! The study, titled “Greater Weight Loss And Hormonal Changes After 6 Months Diet With Carbohydrates Eaten Mostly At Dinner” […] --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 61: Meal Replacements for Weight Loss – What’s Their Place

    09/11/2012 Duración: 42min

    Should you use meal replacements when trying to lose weight or are they just a crutch? If so, how do you get the most out of them? In today's podcast episode, we cover the topic of the role of meal replacement shakes, how they differ from meal adjuvant shakes, and how to supercharge it all by making some minor changes to your meal replacement shakes. Convenience is a key ingredient of long-term fat loss, and meal replacement shakes are a simple way to make life just a bit easier. We have to be honest with ourselves, sometimes we aren't going to take an hour to cook up a breakfast or go to the store to pick up a snack. Shakes allow us to mix or blend up a simple snack or meal in 5 minutes or less. If, however, you make some common mistakes in building your meal replacement, you could actually inhibit fat burning, rather than improve it. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 60: The Gabriel Method With Jon Gabriel

    25/10/2012 Duración: 47min

    In this interview with Jon Gabriel, author of the book The Gabriel Method, we discuss the impact of stress on our body's ability to store and release fat. Jon reports that emotional stress changes the chemistry in such a way that makes it want to store fat and that in order to burn fat you must remove the underlined reason for the fat's existence. For many, this reason is not caused by eating too much and exercising too little, in fact, we eat too much and move too little because the chemistry is out of balance due to too much emotional and physical stress. In this show we discuss: The chemistry of storing fat How emotional stress changes the chemistry of the body, literally forcing the fat cells into overdrive How to trigger your body to let go of fat How to eat to burn fat If fruit consumption can be a problem Much, much more A  Links: The Gabriel Method Main Website The Gabriel Method Total Transformation Package --- Send in a voice message: Support th

  • Episode 59 – All About Metabolism and Weight Loss With Jonathan Bailor

    02/10/2012 Duración: 52min

    Your lifestyle is the single most important factor in metabolism and weight loss is dependent on a rocking metabolism! In today's podcast, Jonathan Bailor, from The Smarter Science of Slim, joins Dr. Ray Hinish to discuss the metabolism for weight loss. Using a clogged sink as a model for the fat-storing metabolism, Jonathan teaches you why your body can't release fat when hormones are out of balance and then he get's into practical suggestions for applying the science of fat loss in your life. Dr. Ray and Jonathan cover everything from fat intake and heart disease, controversies surrounding fiber and whole grains, as well as how many carbs is too many carbs. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 58: The 7 Core Guiding Principles Of Fat Loss

    17/09/2012 Duración: 42min

    In this episode, we teach you the 7 Core Guiding Principles of Cut the Fat that act as the framework by which we analyze the hordes of incoming weight loss tips, tricks, tactics, etc. We consider this one of the most important episodes because these seven principles will help you to filter the endless influx of weight loss tips and tricks from coworkers, magazines, and diet books. By committing these principles to memory, you will take one big step closer to becoming your own fat loss and fitness expert! The seven principles are: Guiding Principle #1: There are only two reasons why youa€™re not losing weighta€¦either your program sucks or your follow-through sucks. Guiding Principle #2: Therea€™s Only One True Fat Loss Formulaa€¦Anda€¦Ita€™s Different For Everyone. Guiding Principle #3: Will Power Is An Exhaustible Resourcea€¦Nobody Is Immune to Willpower-Exhaustion Guiding Principle #4: Eat & Exercise to Change Your Hormonesa€¦Not to Manage Calories Guiding Principle #5: Without Self-Awareness, Nothin

  • Episode 57: Exercise for Weight Loss Round Table with Dr. Jade Teta & Jonathan Bailor

    27/08/2012 Duración: 01h12min

    What role does exercise really play in your fat loss program? Although Blythe and I have covered this topic in numerous episodes, today we join Dr. Jade Teta of The Metabolic Effect and Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter Science of Slim to dig deeper into the the topic of exercise to work through some of the controversy. Exercise and weight loss is not as cut and dry as many "authorities" would have you believe. As you'll learn, if you exercise to burn calories, you may be missing the greatest benefits of exercise! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 56: Exterminating the Calorie Myth – An Interview with Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter Scienc

    03/08/2012 Duración: 01h48s

    If you’re serious about burning fat and keeping it off for a lifetime, then there’s one thing that you need accept, it’s this… “Trying to control calories manually is nonsense…” One of the most frustrating “Vampire Myths” (Because it refuses to die) that we deal with in helping people change their body and health is […] --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 55: The Weight Loss Hierarchy

    24/07/2012 Duración: 28min

    In this episode, we'll discuss the Weight Loss Hierarchy, a simple framework for building your weight loss program. The three general ingredients in a weight loss program are: Diet & Nutrition Muscle-Building Activity Non-Muscle Building Activity The question that we tackle in this episode is how do you build a weight loss program when your time is limited. By learning the framework, not only will you be able to build your weight loss program, you'll know how to alter it when life get's in the way. For example, what will you do when your boss asks you to stay 2 hours late for work and that 2 hours must come from your "health and fitness time"? A  A --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 54: 5 Tips for Losing the Last Stubborn 10 Pounds

    27/06/2012 Duración: 49min

    If you only have 10 more pounds to lose, then congratulations! This means that you’ve already tackled the big rocks…you probably train consistently, have a fairly high protein/high fiber diet, and your diet is likely contains very limited amount of sugar. But…you have those last 10 pounds to get through and you can be sure […] --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

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