Cosmic Coffee Break



Take your inner being to the outer limits and ignite your creativity, embrace your life purpose, fulfill your dreams and have fun doing it! The Cosmic Coffee Break with Lumari brings you quick, powerful ways to improve your life. Each episode, Lumari, internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, psychic consultant, intuitive coach and author shares the brilliance of the universe. Her wisdom teachings, practical guidance, meditations, visualizations and blessings will rejuvenate your spirit. Find your greatest potential, connect with your spiritual core and celebrate the pure joy of you. Listen to inspiring and life-changing teachings, and illuminating interviews with authors, healers, speakers, leaders and coaches to empower and enlighten your personal development, self-improvement, radiant health, creative expression, inspiration, wealth, prosperity and success. Enter this sacred space and awaken, soar, flourish and thrive from the depths of your soul to the heights of your spirit and then, take the actions you need to manifest your gifts and your dreams. The present is in your hands. Create your future now. For free gifts and downloads visit Contact Lumari at:


  • Magic Ta Da List 8 Share My Divine Connection

    14/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    Get ready for part EIGHT of your TA-DA! List. Share My Divine Connection Now, you’re in a richer place in your TA-DA! List.  With each intention, focus and frequency you are becoming more of yourself. You play in all the frequencies and make the positive transformations to embrace your soul and purpose and sacred inspiration. You Play Bigger, Increase Wealth and Abundance, Boost Self Care and Wellness, Have Even More Fun, Smile More, Live Inspired, and Enjoy Change.   Your TA-DA! List is a very unique approach to creation and fulfilling your life and soul’s calling. This TA-DA! List intention, focus and frequency is Share My Divine Connection. It’s time to dance into that energy   When you dance with your TA-DA! List experiences, growth, healings, openings and transformations, you can really shine and share! When you say you want to share the brilliance of your fulfillment, soul and life, you are saying, Share My Divine Connection   The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry them.

  • Magic Ta Da List 7 Enjoy Change

    07/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    Get ready for part SEVEN of your TA-DA! List. Enjoy Change As you go even deeper into your TA-DA! List powerful things start happening. You are shifting, growing and opening to more brilliance. It is all about change. You know everything keeps on changing and being open to change is sometimes challenging. With your TA-DA! List change unfolds in a beautifully positive way.   Your TA-DA! List is a very unique approach to creation and fulfilling your life and soul’s calling. The expansion, and transformation can be gradual, it can be accelerated and it can be magically stunning. Sometimes people have such profound experiences that it even feels miraculous.    This TA-DA! List intention, focus and frequency is Enjoy Change. Change, evolution, transformation, growth, healing, creation all express change but, we don’t always Enjoy Change. This intention will help you enjoy it so that when life changes, when you change, you can enjoy the journey.    The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to ca

  • Magic Ta Da List 6 Live Inspired

    30/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    Get ready for part SIX of your TA-DA! List. Live Inspired Take a moment right now, and be grateful for your TA-DA! List. This is a very powerful way to shift your energy and move into Soul Synchronicity. Now you expand even more! Number 6 on your TADA! List is your call to Live Inspired! I have a huge connection with true inspiration and I even wrote a book, “Living Inspired with Lumari”. It’s all about the real frequencies and power of true Inspiration. Really you want to Live Inspired!   In this Cosmic Coffee Break podcast mini-series, the Magical TA-DA List is an intention, focus and frequency to bring elegant shifts in your awareness and more opportunities for your gifts to shine. True inspiration can totally change and uplift your life. Fulfillment, creativity, passion, wisdom, healing and transformation flow from inspiration!   TA-DA! Live Inspired! You got it! It’s not about your goal, it’s about your soul! That’s a TA-DA! List!    The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry

  • Magic TA-DA List 5 Smile More

    23/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    Get ready for part FIVE of your TA-DA! List. Smile More How are you doing with your TA-DA! List? Are you seeing and feeling the shifts and transformations? Definitely be attentive to the changes, openings and positivity expanding in your life.    In this Cosmic Coffee Break podcast mini-series, the Magical TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. Each part of the TA-DA List is an intention, focus and frequency to brings celebration, opportunities and shifts in awareness. TA-DA! You got it! It’s not a To Do List, it’s a TA-DA! List! It’s not about your goal, it’s about your soul!   The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry them. Now we’re ready to Smile More that’s intention #5 on your TADA! List.    When you smile more, you actually shift your energy to more joy. Your smile brings joy to you and to others at the same time. When you smile you experience more happiness emotionally and your physicality shifts into joy, too!  

  • Magic Ta Da List 4 Have Even More Fun

    16/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    Have Even More Fun DESCRIPTION   Get ready for part FOUR of your TA-DA! List. Have Even More Fun We’re talking about fulfilling and engaging with your TA-DA! List. In this Cosmic Coffee Break  podcast mini-series, The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration of fulfillment and success.  TA-DA! You got it! It’s not a To Do List, it’s a TA-DA! List! It’s not about your goal, it’s about your soul!   The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry them. Now we’re ready to Have Even More Fun that’s intention #4 on your TADA! List.    Personally, I think the universe was created through laughter. There was no Big Bang. The Goddess laughed and the Universe was created! The Universe is created through the Laughter of the Goddess. The universe was created in Joy. The universe is created in Joy.   This next intention on our TA-DA! List is Have Even More Fun. It’s not just fun, it’s even more fun. We ‘re expanding the bo

  • Magic Ta Da List 3 Wellness

    09/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    It’s time for more fun when we create, move in new directions and live inspired! We’re talking about fulfilling and engaging with your TA-DA! List. In this Cosmic Coffee Break  podcast mini-series, The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration of fulfillment and success.  TA-DA! You got it! I created the TA-DA Lists in my Alawashka Gatherings.    The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry them. Now we’re ready to Boost Self Care and Wellness, that’s intention #3 on your TADA! List.    Self Care and Wellness are so vital to our life, fulfillment and joy. So think Vitality, stamina, Health, vibrancy, and collecting your mind, body and spirit to support your life. We are here in 3D as well as the multi-dimensional planes! So part is a focus on letting go of patterns and energies that don’t sup[ort your health and vibrancy. Part is increasing and aligning with all the best energies to feel and be truly alive.

  • Magic Ta Da List 2 Increase Wealth

    02/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    It’s time for more fun when we create, move in new directions and live inspired! We’re talking about fulfilling and engaging with your TA-DA! List. The TA-DA List focuses  on what you want to create with your highest vibrations and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration of fulfillment and success. TA-DA! You got it!  I created the TA-DA Lists in my Alawashka Gatherings.    This is not a “To Do” List. It’s not about checking off the boxes, crossing things off the list of what you need To Do.  It’s not about your goal, it’s about your soul!   The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry them. The first intention, focus and frequency on our TA-DA! List is Play Bigger.    The next intention, focus and frequency on our TA-DA! List is Increase Wealth and Abundance. Wealth and Abundance bring in flows of energy, capacity, opportunity and freedom. That wealth and abundance can help the pathway of fulfilling your soul, your destiny and your joy. Tune in, energize

  • Magic Ta Da List 1 Play Bigger

    27/03/2018 Duración: 12min

    It’s time for more fun when we create, move in new directions and live inspired! Here’s my totally fun and evolutionary way of creating. I call it, the TA-DA! List. The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create with your highest vibrations and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration of fulfillment and success. TA-DA! You got it!  Everyone who’s been in my Alawashka Gatherings knows about TA-DA!    This is not a “To Do” List. It’s not about checking off the boxes, crossing things off the list of what you need To Do.    It’s not about your goal, it’s about your soul! The TADA! List creates with intention, focus and frequency. You can generate everything you want to achieve, create, receive, share, change and uplift in this cycle.   The TA-DA! List for this cycle has 9 intentions and the vibes to carry them. The first intention, focus and frequency on our TA-DA! List is Play Bigger.  TADA! When you Play Bigger, you connect and live from what I call, “the more of you.” You tap int


    13/03/2018 Duración: 09min

    We want to stand together! You are here on our world to live your calling and shine. You are here to be “The More Of YOU!” We want to stand together! Now is the time when many voices together change the world.   Today in our 3-part anthem series, we have a collective anthem to bring us together in love and truth and community. Bring your light and voice, so we can stand together and helping each other.    We’re going to claim our power and our journey and send healing, and light and blessing and stand for our greatness together. You are not alone. We are not alone. We are all here right in this moment, bringing in the highest blessings of our loving community of humanity.   You need to know You’ll never walk alone. We all need to know we’ll never walk alone   It’s time to stand in fullness together.  Take a deep breath, and center into the fullness of your being, stand and get ready to shine, together!

  • I am the Fire

    09/03/2018 Duración: 10min

    Are you standing for yourself?  You are here on our world to live your calling and shine that light of you. You are here to be “The More Of YOU!”   This is the second in our series of 3 Cosmic Coffee Break podcasts about anthems. Your anthem is a song that calls you forward, gathers your vision and invokes your strength. It motivates and helps you stand for what is highest and best in you and live that in our world. I really think you should have an anthem.   Today, your anthem, is about claiming and living your talent, your passion. You your anthem encourages you to bring your gifts forward in an unmistakable way. That’s why you came to this planet! You are here to shine.   It’s time to stand in your fullness.  You are the one you’ve been waiting for! You are rising higher. You are here to shine! So, Who Are You? You Are the FIRE!   Take a deep breath, stand and get ready to shine! Listen to Halestorm - "I Am The Fire" ‎

  • Who Are You

    28/02/2018 Duración: 11min

    I love great questions. Give me a great question and I’m already in joy and expansion. A great question leads you to discovery, wisdom, illumination and inspiration.    My question for you is “Who Are You?”  Who Are You?” What turns you on? What inspires you? What leads you forward in your life?   In the next few episodes of Cosmic Coffee Break, we are going to have some wild fun. We’re going to work with anthems. Your anthem is a song that inspires you to pay attention to who you are and how you show up in your life and our world. It motivates and helps you stand for what is highest and best in you.    Take the time to listen to this series of podcasts, each with it’s own anthem, meditation and vibration to lift you up, share your brilliance and celebrate your soul and your purpose. It’s time to stand in your fullness. Listen to this meditation and anthem every day for a full week and see the difference it makes! Listen Here on

  • Lighten Up

    19/02/2018 Duración: 08min

    This is a unique moment and the power is in our hands. We are here now and this is so important. It’s our planet, our lives and our cosmic future we’re creating. Take a little time to lighten up and feel your heart, joy and freedom expand.    In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, I’m bringing in more love, light and joy for everyone! I’m guiding you in a meditation and wisdom teaching, the Lighten Up Activation, to help you receive love, light and blessing. As you know, in each episode I am sending high vibrations that resonate to expand your true being and help guide your journey to your own highest expression. AND to have fun doing it. This wisdom teaching and visualization will bring you into the vibration of your light. It will open you to share light and blessings. So join me in this beautiful episode to activate, bless, open, reinforce, reconnect and support the optimal levels in your life and our world.

  • Creating the Future

    18/12/2017 Duración: 17min

    Each moment of your life, you are creating the future. Usually it’s not conscious. You’re thinking and taking actions that move you into the future, whether you’re aware of it or not. Then, even if you are aware of creating your future, you’re doing it from a list of things you want to get and accomplish. OOPS! That doesn’t bring you joy, fulfillment and true purpose. That brings you check lists.    In today’s podcast of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in a very different view of the future, “Creating The Future” from the qualities you want to feel and experience, not the things you want to get. “Creating The Future” from Love. Her wisdom teaching and guided meditation will make a profound difference in your life and our world.

  • Be the Blessing

    11/12/2017 Duración: 13min

    Blessings are more than good thoughts and wishes. Blessings are vibrational flows of energy that have the focus and power to uplift and enhance your life. While sometimes you say the words  “bless you” it doesn’t mean you are actually blessing someone.    Discover how to create and increase the vibrations of blessings in your life. Lumari guides you in a very special and unique practice to create and hold blessings and this will make a profound difference in your life and our world.

  • Love, Self-Discovery and Shopping

    23/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    We can’t get enough love. We have to sing about it and celebrate it and tell people about our love.    Shopping is actually a journey of self discovery. When you’re shopping, you’re looking for things that enhance and complement your life. You’re looking for what you need and want based on who you are. Well, you have to know who you are. You have to know your size, your comfort level, your dreams, what you want to do and be. And then you go shopping.    In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, I’m guiding you in a meditation and wisdom teaching, Love, Self-discovery and Shopping, to will help you connect with the power of self-discovery in shopping – and -  attune to the true frequencies and multi-level qualities of love today!. 

  • Beauty and Magic

    02/10/2017 Duración: 17min

    Who are you in the beauty and magic of your life? Beauty and Magic inspire us to open to new wonders and motivate us into levels of expansion and greatness. When you see and recognize beauty, it opens your centers to appreciation and a sense of revelation in the beauty outside you and your own beauty. When you experience Magic, you experience transformation. Each quality and frequency lift you to higher expressions and experiences of yourself and your connection to soul, spirit and life. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, I’m guiding you in a meditation and wisdom teaching, Experience Your Beauty and Magic, to help you connect with your own Beauty and Magic.    You do have a special Beauty and Magic that can lift, encourage and shine in your life. That’s what this episode and meditation is all about. Today, you can get closer to your Beauty and Magic from this Experience Your Beauty and Magic meditation. That is a blessing for you and a blessing for all of us!

  • Heal your Money Karma and Your Family

    25/09/2017 Duración: 12min

    HEAL YOUR MONEY AND YOUR FAMILY When you start clearing and healing your Money Karma, you create a deep freedom that can flow through you and uplift your life. This healing can release your family history and open new possibilities for love, wealth and creativity in your life.        Money Karma is the relationship you have with money based on your entire existence as a soul in consciousness. Negative Money Karma can hold you back from your dreams and vision.   When you start clearing and healing your Money Karma, you create a deep freedom that can flow through you and uplift your life. This healing can flow through you to help release your family history and open new possibilities for love, wealth and creativity in your life.  And it generates a positive influence for all your loved ones.    

  • Breathing Purpose

    18/09/2017 Duración: 11min

    Having purpose is having a sense of meaning, direction and contribution. You feel a strong sense of action to help to do good, to help in specific ways and to make a difference in our world.  You have motivation and direction that comes from your soul and being and guides you to fulfill yourself. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, I’m guiding you in a meditation and wisdom teaching, Breathing Purpose, it will help you connect with your  purpose in life.    I understand that this one wisdom teaching and meditation may not get you fully aware of your purpose. It will bring you into the vibration of it. It will open you to hear, notice and feel more connected with your calling in a very clear, repeatable way. Today, you can still get closer to your purpose and receive big benefits from this Breathing Purpose meditation. If you already know your purpose and calling this meditation will reinforce and support the optimal levels in your heart mind and being.

  • Breathing Beauty

    11/09/2017 Duración: 12min

    You are beautiful. Do you see and know the beautiful being you are? Beauty is a magical quality that comes from within and radiates to those who can perceive it.    Lumari guides you in the Breathing Beauty Visualization to connect you with the true beauty of your soul, your being and your journey in this life. This meditation will encourage your mind, heart and spirit, focus your thoughts and bring you more beauty into your life. Release the judgment and embrace the beauty of your soul and shine!   Each time you do this Breathing Beauty meditation you’ll increase your own sense of inner- beauty.  

  • Answering your call to action 2

    04/09/2017 Duración: 11min

    When You have a Call to Action, your life takes on a new excitement. That’s Living Inspired. You’re moved and motivated to express your self. To bring in new inspiration you will open your self to possibilities that are aligned with your true calling.    Living Inspired is a call to action. It’s active inspiration that connects you to spirit, your soul calling and purpose. You are called to move, engage and live in a fuller capacity and to create the clear path to your vision, self-expression, service and your dreams.   In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Answering Your Call to Action Part 2, I’m going to guide you in a visualization to open to receiving a call to action or many calls to action that are in harmony with your own purpose and destiny. Get ready to feel and experience the joy, freedom and fulfillment of Living Inspired.

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