Cosmic Coffee Break



Take your inner being to the outer limits and ignite your creativity, embrace your life purpose, fulfill your dreams and have fun doing it! The Cosmic Coffee Break with Lumari brings you quick, powerful ways to improve your life. Each episode, Lumari, internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, psychic consultant, intuitive coach and author shares the brilliance of the universe. Her wisdom teachings, practical guidance, meditations, visualizations and blessings will rejuvenate your spirit. Find your greatest potential, connect with your spiritual core and celebrate the pure joy of you. Listen to inspiring and life-changing teachings, and illuminating interviews with authors, healers, speakers, leaders and coaches to empower and enlighten your personal development, self-improvement, radiant health, creative expression, inspiration, wealth, prosperity and success. Enter this sacred space and awaken, soar, flourish and thrive from the depths of your soul to the heights of your spirit and then, take the actions you need to manifest your gifts and your dreams. The present is in your hands. Create your future now. For free gifts and downloads visit Contact Lumari at:


  • Words Are Power

    18/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Do you remember a time in your life, when words changed your life in that moment? Something that someone said or something you read changed how you think or feel. Words are power. They can change your life. Words can change your perceptions about life just by speaking, reading or hearing them. Lumari shares her Words are power practice so you can use words today and have the power to uplift, awaken, encourage and heal yourself and other.  

  • Catch and Release

    16/01/2017 Duración: 10min

    Do you know that what stops you, or slows you down or diverts you has nothing to do with your dreams. There are undercurrents that mess with your plans. Hidden in these undercurrents are all of these ideas, thoughts, emotions and past situations that influence you.  It’s time to try something different.  “Catch and Release” is a new practice from Lumari to help you let go of One Small Thing, one problem, one nagging thought, one blocked emotion, one unevolved concept that’s no longer beneficial to your life. This opens the way for your dreams to be fulfilled.  In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in her new Catch and Release practice so you can clear your attachments, energy and thoughts to create more fulfillment and purpose for new beginnings in your life.

  • Stop In The Name of Love

    13/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? You said a little more than you should or said something by mistake and now it’s too late. Maybe you hurt someone, inadvertently or even intentionally and you just wish you hadn’t! Don’t you wish you just caught yourself and stopped? Lumari shares a fun and powerful way to stop the conversations without recriminations or blame. This is one you can use and still keep laughing! 

  • How Can I Help You

    11/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    How can I help you? What if you could answer that question and receive the help you need or want? This question opens new possibilities for you. What will serve you? What will inspire you? What will help you in your life? What will help you fulfill your dreams and increase your contribution?   Lumari shares the insight the question ”How can I help you?“ can help you and help others help you.

  • Turn The Light On

    09/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Divine messages can come in a fun and lighthearted ways. TURN THE LIGHT ON is a message I received to remind me to continue to illuminate truth, understanding and healing. When you TURN THE LIGHT ON, you connect with and become a source to awaken and share energy, wisdom, truth, vibration and light for everyone.

  • Green Meditation

    06/01/2017 Duración: 10min

    Abundance, Joy, Healing, Growth and Life are all metaphysical properties of the color green. Your thoughts and the actions inspired by your thoughts bring changes to our world. When you focus on the positive and vibrate to those energies, you spread that positive energy everywhere in our world and beyond.  In sacred green connection, you can harness and share the abundance, healing and growth that Gaia naturally provides when you hold the presence of sacred green energy.  In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in A BEAUTIFUL MEDITATION, AFFIRMATION AND BLESSING to help align your vision and your purpose with positivity and share that with our world, in this moment.

  • The Courage To Be You

    04/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    You are born to be only one thing. You are born to be you. The Divine is really smart and it’s important to know that it’s in your destiny to embrace your gifts, your quirks and your perspective and be that.  In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in A BEAUTIFUL MEDITATION, AFFIRMATION AND BLESSING to follow your heart, your passion and your gifts and have the courage to embrace your life.

  • New Years Blessing

    02/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    The energies of blessing in this audio are here for you to receive. So, my New year’s gift to you is to offer these blessings and ask that if it’s right for you, that you receive them all with an open heart. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari shares and bestows a blessing to bring health, love, good fortune, play, purpose and inspiration to your life.  Please receive these blessings with the love, honor, appreciation and delight that I have for you! Thank you so much. You are a blessing.  

  • The Beginning of Time

    30/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    What if you knew that each moment is the Beginning Of Time. It’s not just a new sequence, but this moment can be a real beginning – fresh, uninhibited and free to create, now. If you understand that your life on this world is comprised by a series of moments, then you can “seize the now" and declare it a new beginning. Lumari shares her new wisdom teachings so you can discover a new freedom, more personal joy, creativity, spirituality and bigger possibilities. When you focus in the present and create your future as though the beginning of time is now. This episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break includes the beginning of time guided meditation and affirmation helps you create new beginnings and embrace fresh ways to create your life.

  • Opening the Worlds Heart part 2

    28/12/2016 Duración: 08min

    You have the power to uplift and bring positive change to our world. You can bring a healing change, into your own heart and from your heart into our world. That is part of your destiny. We are designed to do it. You have the power and wisdom to open your heart, because you choose it. In part 1 of Opening the World's Heart you moved into the Opening the World's Heart meditation and experienced the beauty, majesty and power of the stream of love. You joined a stream of energy Opening The Worlds Heart to healing, love, compassion, beauty and connection. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Opening The World’s Heart part 2, Lumari shares the Opening the World's Heart PRACTICE, that allows your open-hearted awareness to show you which simple actions you can take to share the blessings of this world. These are not random acts of kindness. These are deliberate actions to open your own heart and share the blessings of life. Let’s all take actions to share our caring and generosity whenever the moment arises.

  • Opening the Worlds Heart part 1

    26/12/2016 Duración: 16min

    You have the power to uplift and bring positive change to our world. You can bring healing change to your personal life, your communities and your world. You can do it. We can do it. That is part of your destiny. Are you ready and willing to make a quiet choice to bring positive change? A quiet choice is an inner dedication, an awakening, a realization and a decision, to shift your attention, focus and energy to a higher place. When you make that quiet choice, your whole field and being aligns to that choice. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Opening The World’s Heart part 1, Lumari shares more about the wisdom teachings of quiet choices. She also guides you in a very powerful and saturated meditation, Opening the World's Heart, to help you and all of us move into a greater experience of open-hearted living.  Please move the energies forward  into your heart, so our future can be filled with blessing, community and relatedness for all.  And please share this meditation. You will be delighted and mov

  • Money Karma and Love

    23/12/2016 Duración: 08min

    Money influences so many different areas of our lives, that it’s tricky to see the full scope of it. We think money and love are separate, but they are not. Your Money Karma can negatively influence the love in your life. Money Karma can block you from finding love. Money Karma can block you from receiving love. It can also affect your choices in love, choosing partners that may not hold you in the highest regard and can cause lots of difficulty in your life. This episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break includes Lumari’s Money and Love visualization and affirmation helps you separate the frequencies of Money and Love and the keep them separate so you can really have more fun with both. Imagine the abundant possibilities that await you!

  • Love is a Realm

    21/12/2016 Duración: 15min

    Have you ever been in love? Have you ever moved into that world where light shines, your heart opens and you realize there is more to life that you knew the day before? The power of love is even bigger than our own experience of it. That’s amazing. Love is bigger than any one of us. Love is bigger than all of us together. There are so many positive, uplifting ways and aspects of love that every story of love, every experience of love makes love bigger. That’s why I say love is a realm. When we love, we enter that realm. When you love, you enter a world filled with love. The more you love, the more love grows.  In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break podcast, Lumari shares a beautiful meditation so everyone can experience the Realm of Love together, right now. You can connect to love in this visualization, LOVE IS A REALM, and experience the vast world of love.

  • Celebrating the Night - Night Meditations

    19/12/2016 Duración: 15min

    Now you are a witness to the beauty, magic and sacred energies of the night. You can make a deeper connection to the light and darkness that blesses the night skies and open to a greater sense of stillness, connection, gratitude and beauty. You can celebrate the expansion of night and your own spiritual expansion, as well. All of these meditations and practices help you to feel more centered, calm and at peace within yourself and with your connection to the Divine.  Look at the night skies and be open to the flow and inspiration this beauty contains. You are part of the deepening cycles of quiet blessings. These creative and simple practices will help you tap into a deeper place of being and nourish your inner self with the open vistas of night skies. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in the Night Meditations  and you can simply breathe in the sacred energies of the Silence of Stars.  This beautiful, watchful meditation can take you to deeper realms of calm and connection to spirit

  • Celebrating the Night - Silence of Stars

    16/12/2016 Duración: 14min

    Have you ever explored the Silence Of Stars? Have you ever felt the passage of time, the movement of the cosmos and the silence of the night, where only your thoughts and the universal pulse is present? Let’s explore the possibilities of quiet celebrations to bring expansion and renewal into our lives. These creative and simple practices will help you tap into a deeper place of being and nourish your inner self with the open vistas of night skies. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in the Silence Of Stars meditation your can simply breathe in the sacred energies of the Stars. You can you receive the light and beauty of the stars and feel the expansion of night and embrace silence of your own spirit.  Do this mediation at night, in the dark and embrace silence with inner reflection, appreciation and gratitude for the gifts in your life. 

  • Celebrating the Night - Dancing in the Dark

    14/12/2016 Duración: 11min

    Are you ready to embrace the night and receive some of the gifts of those midnight hours?  The darkness, the night time, can be an opening for magical messages to reveal themselves to you. Quiet moments can fill you with inspiration and clarity. That’s what we’ll celebrate today. You can celebrate the expansion of night and embrace silence with inner reflection, new possibilities and pure appreciation for the gifts in your life. In this episode we are going to create new opportunities to delight in the wisdom of the darkness and feel more centered, calm and at peace within yourself and with your connection to the Divine In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in the DANCING IN THE DARK meditation. This meditation will help you open a doorway to greater possibility, creativity and joy in your life. Do this mediation at night, in the dark and open to something new and inspirational.

  • Celebrating the Night - Five Minutes of Midnight

    12/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    There’s something magical about sitting in the dark. The tempo and pace of life immediately slow down. Our systems know that darkness is the time to slow down, reflect, and move into a place of quiet. We can use this to our advantage. We can use the darkness to experience new levels of reflection and creativity. Let’s explore the possibilities of quiet celebrations to bring expansion and renewal into our lives. These creative and simple practices will help you tap into a deeper place of being and nourish your inner self with the open vistas of night skies. In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in the FIVE MINUTES OF MIDNIGHT practice. It is a simple and powerful way you can feel the expansion of night and embrace silence of your own spirit.  Do this mediation at night, in the dark and open to something new and inspirational.

  • Heal Your Money Karma Heal The World

    09/12/2016 Duración: 11min

    There is so much abundance on our world that it is absurd that we even have scarcity, poverty, suffering and lack. Money Karma from people and nations clouds our vision and prevents us from seeing the true flow of wealth in our world and our lives. When you clear and Heal Your Money Karma, you can more easily increase your money, wealth and success. Lumari shares deep wisdom about Money Karma and how it influences all areas of your life.  This episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break includes Lumari’s Heal Your Money Karma- Heal The World visualization and affirmation and gives you a glimpse into the powerful transformation you can see in your life and the world, when you Heal Your Money Karma.

  • Breathing Joy

    07/12/2016 Duración: 11min

    Do you understand the power of real joy? Joy lifts us into our higher selves. Joy expands your personal connection with the Divine.  With JOY, you feel the light giggling inside you. Joy brings appreciation, light-heartedness and a sense of readiness. You are ready to smile, to laugh, to sing, to explore, to dance, to awaken and to share. Joy is calming. Joy is exhilarating. Joy is awakening. Joy is being at peace. Joy is love.  Personally, I think the universe was created through laughter. There was no Big Bang. The Goddess laughed and the Universe was created! The Universe is created through the Laughter of the Goddess. Do you have a moment to uplift your mood and move into a greater sense of joy?  In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari guides you in the Breathing JOY meditation. This meditation will lift your spirits, expand your awareness and increase your joy.  

  • Living Inspired is Life Changing

    05/12/2016 Duración: 11min

    Has your life been changed by Inspiration? Inspiration is a life-altering experience and can guide you to a new awareness. When you experience true inspiration, your life shifts into a higher expression.  Inspiration is not only for Artists, Innovators, Inventors, Makers and Creators. Inspiration is a life changing experience that lifts you up, gives you a new perspective, lets you feel and know something brilliant. True Inspiration has the real capacity to open your heart and change our world.  You can experience inspiration every day and inspiration can be an active part of your life. That’s Living Inspired. When you’re Living Inspired you’re centered in a unique, caring view that goes beyond what is simply present. You have vision of greater possibilities. Living Inspired is living your life from the power, joy and Divine connection of what truly inspires you. When you are Living inspired, your life is filled with purpose and connection.  In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, Lumari shares her Wisdom

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