Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom



Get ready for fun. Business folks from all over challenge Host Bart Jackson with some of business stickiest situations and frustrating inter-personal dilemmas. Tackling them head on with his witty wordsmithery, Bart will craft the response that is most likely to ease the tension or extract the speaker from a potential fist fight. The world belongs to the talkers those people whose words convince others that they are trustworthy, their products beneficial, and their ideas wise. So tune in and learn a little chat savvy and a gentle way to boost your esteem in others eyes.


  • Art, Beauty & the Wolf at the Door Grounds for Sculpture

    06/02/2017 Duración: 35min

    Famed Sculptor Gyuri Hollosy explains the artistic mindset – how you can foster it profitably – and what commerce asks of Art today. How does one be a successful sculptor in this cash-only-concerned world? Host Bart Jackson invites on globally famed sculptor Gyuri Hollosy to explain the commercial side of being an artistic creator in today’s economy. And, as author of the markedly insightful Voices in an Artists Head, Gyrui delves deeply into that artistic mindset that we all possess, but fail to employ to its best advantage. Are you using your emotions in a way that brings joy and sparks creativity?

  • So You Have Failed – Now What?

    01/02/2017 Duración: 30min

    You have launched your business, mortgaged your home, and put your dreams out there to see – and Boom! It fails. Host Bart Jackson takes you through the emotional and financial healing process. Tune in for some solid counsel on restoring credit, retaining assets, assessing the damage, and most of all, sensible ways to rebuild your mind and attitude.

  • The Mind Mastery of Elite Achievers - Psychologist/coach to Olympians and Business Masters, Dr. Stan Beecham details how Elite Minds do – and you can – achieve.

    23/01/2017 Duración: 32min

    Life demands more than a recipe. Those who accomplish great goals not only have planned out flexible strategies – they have examined exactly why they work and why they are following them. Host Bart Jackson brings on board professional sports psychologist and leadership consultant Dr. Stan Beecham to detail the thought processes at work for winning Olympians and business masters. Author of the highly acclaimed Elite Minds – How Winners Think Differently, Stan encourages us to squelch our insatiable obsessions with doing better – ever wanting more; to beware of culturally implanted limitations; to carefully scrutinize the pop several-step-success formulae; and get down to the business of doing our very best this very day. Tune in and get some solid advice for accomplishing your goals, and learn how it has worked for the best in their business.

  • Corporate Messages That Mark Your Mind – what sticks in your mind and inspires your actions

    17/01/2017 Duración: 34min

    Cognitive Neuroscientist Carmen Simon tells why certain companies’ pitches and messages stick in your mind and inspire your actions. Dr. Simon designs the pitches and messages that your brain remembers and wants to act on. Like to know how and why? Host Bart Jackson invites Carmen, author of best-selling Impossible to Ignore, to talk through the motives behind the messages she has developed for major name computer firms, food chains, tech firms, and others. Bart will present challenge situations from select businesses and allow Carmen detail what pitches that firm needs to present – why it centers itself in the gray matter of the audience - and in how it will direct an action response. Tune in – it’s enlightening, a bit scary, and it’s a tool you yourself should be employing.

  • OMG! – Tales & Traumas of an Overnight CEO - WatchYoMouth Game

    10/01/2017 Duración: 33min

    Joe Caiola details how and why his Watch Yo Mouth game has become one of the most explosive overnight successes in business history. So how would You handle it if your kitchen-table startup made its first thousand sales in 24 hours and sold another one-third million units within the next half year? Host Bart Jackson invites Joe Caiola, founder of Watch Yo Mouth game & corporation to tell the tale of his overnight success, and how he is handling his volcanic explosion into the giddy task of becoming a CEO. Staffing, warehousing, capitalizing, law suits, compliance, customer relations, and cracking the whip on production have all heaped upon the broad shoulders of this amazingly clever entrepreneur. Tune in and learn how this ultimate Horatio Alger living legend is riding the whirlwind he created.

  • 10 Reasons for Hope in 2017

    02/01/2017 Duración: 31min

    Listen to the real facts and take heart: Why 2017 will make your life richer, your career thrive and your ventures flourish. Wake up and smell the facts: 2017 is the year perched and primed to be your best year ever. Host Bart Jackson spells out solid, factual reasons as to exactly how this new year holds out the best hope for your personal life, your career and the many ventures into which you may plunge. Better business support systems – expanded markets – more and more eager investors – the craving for fine talent (like you) – greater entrepreneurial advantages and funding – galvanizing of ethical and environmental forces…Oh, he can go on forever. Forget all the media moanings and the political chess-boarding. This is your year, my friend. Tune in and let Bart spell out why and where your opportunities lie. Come get ‘em, Tiger.

  • A magical interview with Santa’s COO elf about Kris Kringle’s leadership strategies & what they might give You this Christmas.

    12/12/2016 Duración: 34min

    How does Santa run the world’s largest joy and toy factory in the frigid Northern Pole and still keep all his elves motivated? Host Bart Jackson, sparing no expense whatsoever, has flown in Santa’s COO elf, Jeanne Murphy, to show Santa’s methods for keeping the elf crew happy and the reindeer ever galloping forward. (Is Rudolph more motivated than Prancer?) Additionally, Ms. Jeanne Murphy, founder of the Santa Choice Awards will show the very best toys this holiday, and discuss what children truly want, as opposed to what they are told they want. Tune in and catch the real spirit of the holidays. Ho Ho Ho.

  • Dream Holiday Gifts for Every Businesswoman

    06/12/2016 Duración: 33min

    Host Bart Jackson offers the Woman of Business every career-fulfilling gift she desires – except diamonds. What does your heart desire to find under the Christmas tree this year? With substantial advising from his wife and his female COO, host Bart Jackson offers the perfect package of gifts for the lady rich in life and hope, who seeks a little more fun and fulfillment in her career. And, in fact, they are gifts which most gentlemen of business would like to add to their arsenals. So tune in and listen as we draw out of the Holiday bag everything you have been needing and dreaming of. Oh, by the way, with each of these gifts – some assembly is required.

  • Small Biz Beats Big Box Goliaths

    28/11/2016 Duración: 33min

    Bigness does not win in business – Brains do. In celebration of Small Business Saturday, (Nov 26), Host Bart Jackson gathers and reveals the clever tactics employed by thriving small companies that are carving off hefty slices of profit from their big box or giant corporate competitors. Want to know how to make the most from of your niche advantage? How to destroy the bigger-is-cheaper pricing myth? How to build a loyal customer base? Tune in and learn how your artillery advantage can send the neighboring Goliath crashing to earth.

  • Clinton vs. Trump vs. Your Best Leadership Style

    21/11/2016 Duración: 36min

    Leadership: What Trump did right - Hillary did right - What YOU need to do right. In the latest Presidential election, we have witnessed two opposite ends of leadership styles. Host Bart Jackson invites Leadership guru and noted author Rebecca Shambaugh to dissect the benefits of each – and most importantly find out what elements may best suit your personal style. Rebecca has challenged corporate leaders worldwide to move into a more inclusive, more integrated leadership method that allows for Your persona, and builds profits. Tune in and learn the skills that will galvanize the folks behind your vision.

  • What Truths were Hillary and Donald revealing with their gestures that their words obscured?

    14/11/2016 Duración: 38min

    Their lips were moving and the language might have sounded uncertain. But body language is a no spin zone where truth gets revealed. Host Bart Jackson invites body language and negotiating Master Greg Williams to analyze the real messages behind the verbiage of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. When were the two Presidential candidates feeling uncertain or strongly self assured?When were they being cagey? Did they display trustworthiness, sincere concern, fear? Tune in and learn what lay behind the battle of words and what we may expect from our new President.

  • Learn how Master Sharon Mahn distinguishes herself and stays at the top of the executive recruitment heap.

    07/11/2016 Duración: 33min

    Nobody does it Like Sharon Mahn. When the Fortune 500 seeks new leaders, they enlist Sharon Mahn. All the top executive and legal talent strive to be on her call list. Meanwhile, she hits all the most exciting high life in the globe’s most vibrant city (Manhattan, of course) and draws all the most sought-after business luminaries into the fun. Host Bart Jackson invites Sharon on to reveal how she distinguishes herself and remains at the pinnacle of the talent recruitment heap. Want to make yourself known as the go-to person in your field? Want to have your reputation make that long-deserved, meteoric rise – all the while having more excitement and fun the way Sharon Mahn does? Tune in and give your career a boost.

  • Fashion Forecasting: Dictatorship or Democracy?

    31/10/2016 Duración: 33min

    What will you wear next year? Do you know Why? Is it really your choice? Fashion Forecaster Emily Liu unravels this mysterious industry. What will you be wearing next year? Would you like to know who determines that and why and how? Host Bart Jackson invites noted fashion forecaster Ms. Emily Liu to give you a peep into the fascinating, absolutely vital, statistically laden, and oh-so-marvelous realm of fashion trend prognistication. Tune in and learn what styles designers determine to place on the runway and how the giant retailers go about deciding what it is you really want to toss on in the morning. With billions at stake, you may be surprised to learn just how much control you have.

  • Fair Standard Labor Act Changes Dec 1st!

    25/10/2016 Duración: 32min

    The FLSA doubles salary threshold for formerly 4.2 million American employees. How will Your job - Your Payroll change? Will your salaried workers be claiming overtime before the first snowfall? Will you, Mr./Ms. Employee be counting your hours and demanding increased wages? As dramatic a change as the upcoming election, the new FLSA’s Final Rule could, in a December twinkle, bring that about. Host Bart Jackson invites noted employment law expert, attorney Amy Vazquez to explain how the Act’s new doubling of salary thresholds raises the exemptions bar for executives, administrators, and professionals may force them into new (and costly) wage categories.

  • Offbeat Tricks of Leadership

    17/10/2016 Duración: 32min

    Learn how the best leaders have solved their worst nightmares – and get paid if your write-in solution is better. This episode is YOUR opportunity to let your managerial expertise win you some straight Cash from The Art of the CEO. When you lead/manage a team or a company, every day presents a problem that is out of the norm. Host Bart Jackson has invited corporate leaders to present some of their more offbeat challenges – some of their real stumpers. Bart will present the challenge – invite your response – and then reveal the solution the company leader actually provided. It’s your chance to learn how the best face the worst. And if our judges think the solution you write in to is superior, you’ll receive a check and adulation on our next show.

  • Your First Hires: Care & Grooming of Top Talent

    10/10/2016 Duración: 33min

    Once you have brought that new top talent on board – how do you pamper him/her into optimum productivity? In this second of a two-part series about entrepreneurial hiring, Host Bart Jackson discusses those best and proven methods for encouraging and planting those seeds of energized dedication. How do you physically set the workplace stage? What atmosphere needs be conveyed? What emotional and verbal adjustments do you, Mr. Employer, need to make? How do you nurture, credit, reprimand, and turn talent into teammate. Whether your are completely new to hiring or an experienced veteran with a loyal staff, tune in and learn how to unleash the top talents within each member of your company

  • Your First Hires: The Talent Hunt

    04/10/2016 Duración: 33min

    People are your business’ greatest growth engines. For entrepreneurs who are new to the talent hiring process and for those veterans who would like to improve their vital hiring skills, Host Bart Jackson has gathered an audio hiring manual. Employing the practices of leaders who have successfully garnered top achievers and contributors, Bart gives you tactics on where to search, how to present your offer attractively, how to interview, and what winning attitude adjustments you need to make. This is Part 1 of a two part series, on initial hiring, with Part 2 discussing the care and grooming of top talent once they come on board your company.

  • Accomplishing Your Dream – Tales of Solopreneurs

    27/09/2016 Duración: 36min

    It just takes one person to launch a revolution and/or a business. Why not You? Hear the tales of how many entrepreneurs are launching single-person businesses that are thriving, and contributing to the owner’s income and to the community. Whether you have the art of singing, programming computers, painting, or deftly handling tax forms, you will want to gather the tools for a successfully starting up your firm, from those who’ve achieved it. And even if you have no Horatio Alger plans yourself, you will be fascinated by Jacque Howard’s stories about individual solopreneurs who have risen from worrying about rent money to surplus revenue investment.

  • When Your Product Flops

    19/09/2016 Duración: 30min

    Bart Jackson rolls out proven scrap and salvage strategies that save cash, the firm, and reputation when customers just aren’t buying. You love it, but apparently no one else does. ‘Tis one of the oldest disasters in business. You’ve poured your sweat, dreams, and all your cash into creating the perfect service or product that customers just won’t touch. Host Bart Jackson rolls out fascinating proven damage repair strategies that prevent one product failure from sinking the entire ship of your enterprise. Can the product be tweaked and sales salvaged? Or if it must be scrapped, how can you save your reputation and get your finances into secure lifeboats? Whether you are solopreneur or corporate head, tune in and learn how you and other clever leaders can keep non-sellers from becoming true business disasters.

  • Fiscal Fitness for Non-Profits

    15/09/2016 Duración: 33min

    CFO Eileen Xethalis tells how non-profits can achieve more bang with well managed bucks. It’s not how much money you have, it how competently you manage it. As organizations so passionately focus on their missions, too many charities and foundations are letting their fiscal sides slide – to the detriment of programs and donor base. Host Bart Jackson invites Eileen Xethalis, director of CFO Consulting partners to lay out strategies for nonprofits that will make them more effectively manage revenues. A respected veteran CFO of many non-profits, Ms. Xethalis reveals how charitable organizations may make themselves more attractive to donors, survive audits, and get well managed bucks to give their mission and programs more bang. Tune in and learn how both non and for profits may better manipulate their revenue with greater responsibility and efficacy.

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