Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom



Get ready for fun. Business folks from all over challenge Host Bart Jackson with some of business stickiest situations and frustrating inter-personal dilemmas. Tackling them head on with his witty wordsmithery, Bart will craft the response that is most likely to ease the tension or extract the speaker from a potential fist fight. The world belongs to the talkers those people whose words convince others that they are trustworthy, their products beneficial, and their ideas wise. So tune in and learn a little chat savvy and a gentle way to boost your esteem in others eyes.


  • Opportunity – Rising From the Ruins of Hurricane Sandy

    31/07/2017 Duración: 33min

    Real Estate CEO Don Slaght how he seized opportunity from Hurricane Sandy’s devastation with a vital home restoration service. What do you do if you’re in real estate and Hurricane Sandy suddenly blows into your state and devastates 350,000 of the homes and businesses in your area? Well, if you are Hollston Realty Group principal Don Slaght you see the need and seize the opportunity to literally get those buildings (and your community) back on their feet. Host Bart Jackson invites Don on to tell how he swiftly expanded his firm into Northeast Home Elevation to salvage and restore, raise on stilts or move to higher ground homes and commercial structures damaged by Sandy. Tune in and learn this admirable tale of business adaptation and community service, along with some fascinating feats of creative engineering. (How does one lift up a home from flooded shore and heft it to a high hill?)

  • Armed & Ready - Getting Prepped for Opportunity

    17/07/2017 Duración: 37min

    International corporate mentor Joe Paris tells how to put your whole company in a State of Readiness to act and react swiftly. Is your business – your whole business – armed and in state of readiness to seize all new opportunities? Host Bart Jackson invites international corporate counselor Joe Paris to lay out a course that sets your company on a path toward bristling preparedness, and your managers in a mindset for incisive decision making.

  • Marketing Within the Financial Maze

    09/07/2017 Duración: 34min

    Noted Marketer Joan McGeough sets down the keys to marketing everything from an aquarium to an investment bank. What’s does a zoo, Brooks Brothers fine menswear, a museum, and the DAK Group investment bank all have in common? Award winning marketer Ms. Joan McGeough has deftly market them all to exponential growth.

  • The Life of a Sculptor - Joseph Petrovics

    02/07/2017 Duración: 31min

    Joseph Petrovics has created the 9/11 World Trade Center firefighters’ memorial, monumental pieces for St. John the Divine cathedral, well known governmental commissions, as well as highly popular abstract pieces in wood, bronze, and stone. When not instructing Americas young, up-and-coming elite, he labors in his studio, transforming his dreams and visions into the tangible. All the while, Joseph is an independent businessman. His art must not only meet his own idealized standards – it must be salable. How does a sculptor, even a top sculptor, make his work known and purchased? How does one transform a 20-inch model of clay into a 16-foot bronze monument? Now, Joseph has brought to life a new life-size model of a very unusual, emotionally-gripping horse.

  • Toymakers – How David Beats the Goliaths

    19/06/2017 Duración: 34min

    In an industry where $10 Billion giants rule the shelves, how does a smaller “David”, Like Tucker Toys company competitively bring down these Goliaths? Host Bart Jackson invites Tucker’s CEO/President Mark Nathan to unfold this tale of inventive triumph. Dedicated to keeping kids active, Tuckers’ innovative team generates a constant stream of new games and sports equipment that transforms play and brings home revenue. Tune in and see how far a business can go when it’s devoted to a positive mission.

  • Survival Tale: How to Merge & Thrive

    12/06/2017 Duración: 35min

    How do top players merge strong, equal firms merge seamlessly into growth? How can you position yourself to take advantage when your firm is considering a merger? Host Bart Jackson invites Howard Cohen, former Chair of EisnerAmper accounting firm to share his tales of how he engineered the merger that created this financial powerhouse. ‘Tis a fascinating, detail-rich story of how experts handle inorganic growth so that all stakeholders win, and the new company bites off a larger chunk of marketshare.

  • Graduating from Job to Career

    06/06/2017 Duración: 34min

    Forget the rules you’ve been taught. Forget the quantitative approach of filling cyberspace with rubber-stamp resumes. Host Bart Jackson and Regional Personnel Services founder Dr. Jim Lynch set out a career-builder’s bible that is satisfyingly more personal and way more effective. Want to make the quantum leap from job to a fulfilling career?

  • Impossible People - Nixing em & Fixing em

    29/05/2017 Duración: 35min

    You know who they are: that bullying boss – the obsessive critic – the over-promiser – the head-in-the-clouds CEO – the over-communicator – the credit stealer…all individuals our listeners have listed as prime problems. Host Bart Jackson thinks it’s a bout bloody time we put these pests in their proper place and out of your life for good.

  • Launching Peer & Professional Groups – The Underrated Art

    15/05/2017 Duración: 33min

    Veteran organization-launcher Mark Kuehn outlines the ideal way to grow your professional and peer associations. Be it a large professional organization or more intimate peer group, enticing new members is tougher than winning Buddhist converts in Vatican City. And sustaining interest is harder than selling salary cuts to Congress. Few leaders build and maintain organizations nearly so capably my featured guest, attorney Mark Kuehn. Founder of the New Jersey Chapter of The Association for Corporate Growth as well as creator of several C-suite peer groups, Mark holds that special instinct for providing an organizational bond. How do you structure and increase membership?

  • Board Room Tales & Takeaways

    08/05/2017 Duración: 33min

    What does it take to direct a major, multi-national corporation? Board Directors are challenged with bringing sanity and profit to their company. They guide the founding CEO, prove compliance to government agents, and discover drive mergers that bring smiles to shareholders and clients alike. Host Bart Jackson invites veteran Director Mike Mardi who has governed wildly successful Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Nabisco Foods, Tumi luggage company, MacDonald’s major meat supplier and others through major growth movements acquisitions and mergers.

  • Percussions Brightest Pioneer Lisa Pegher

    03/05/2017 Duración: 37min

    Some innovations are so powerful they require a separate business to present them. Host Bart Jackson’s guest, musician Lisa Pegher has shattered the old symphonic mold of drummers and percussionists languishing in the orchestra’s back row, like accompanying wallpaper. Noted as one of the top six performers of her generation, the inventive Ms. Pegher has taken her virtuoso percussionist talents out to stage front, in concert of with the nation’s top symphonic orchestras. , Lisa has formed Controlled Chaos, a new band that is in demand in both traditional and avant musical venues,

  • Opinion Polls - Predictor or Perpetrator?

    17/04/2017 Duración: 32min

    Can you believe political and opinion polls? Just how accurate are they? How do pollsters conduct their surveys? Most important: How much do polls actually affect the outcome of an election or market? Host Bart Jackson challenges noted pollster Krista Jenkins, Director of Public Minds polling service, to defend the objectivity of polls and reveal this complex and evolving process.

  • Wealth Management – Where’s Your Cash Going?

    10/04/2017 Duración: 33min

    If the signs on the doors say Wealth Manager, Financial Planner Asset Manager, Investment Broker, Financial Advisor, do you know which door to select? Do you know how these counselors make their money – and more importantly, what they do with yours? Host Bart Jackson brings on veteran fiscal wizard Jaime Rasculinecz, CEO of Next Generation Trust Services, to demystify and make sense of all this financial advisory. Jaime and Bart will discuss the ranges of client involvement and investment types, and help you determine to whom you should be turning for advice and administration.

  • Trampling The VIntages at Hopewell Valley Vineyard

    04/04/2017 Duración: 29min

    Wine is a tough business. Host Bart Jackson takes you on a remote broadcast to Pennington, N.J.’s Hopewell Valley Vineyards where owners Sergio and Violetta Neri lovingly grow a wide range of fine varietals and magically transform their juice into true Dionysian nectar. In addition to creating a tasteful offering of award-winning wines, Sergio and Violetta have developed their winery into a tourist destination, which has become the hub for local jazz top talents, all enjoyed with full-bodied vintages and brick oven pizza served in Hopewell Valley’s elegant halls. Visit for 2017 Events and Dates

  • Career Kickstarters: Going Temp - How the right temporary job for your skills can grow profitable and permanent.

    27/03/2017 Duración: 31min

    frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> All jobs are temporary. The average working American will hold his current job for 3.4 to four years. Today’s careers are being made by caroming your way to the top, rather than grinding slowly up one corporation’s ladder. Host Bart Jackson invites on board Adam Lifson, business development manager for the professional temporary positions placement firm Accounting Principals. Together they will shatter the myth of temporary jobs as acts of fiscal desperation, and show the many advantages of getting your foot in the door of some very lucrative business chambers.

  • The Shipping Revolution - Shipping specialist Abed Medawar explains how new advances get your goods moved faster, cheaper, safer & more profitably.

    20/03/2017 Duración: 34min

    It’s a $1.5 trillion industry. It has sped up the business process as greatly as the computer. And yet shipping remains a mystery to most who employ it. Host Bart Jackson invites veteran shipping logistics expert and President of Somerset Marine, Abed Medawar to explain the recent huge leaps made in moving goods from point A to point B. What advancements allow Alaskan-caught fish to be filleted in China and sold fresh in Scotland? What options allow your entrepreneurial firm to make and sell worldwide? What are those really clever pricing tricks? Tune in and learn how to span the globe.

  • Wild Tasmania – Business as Unusual

    07/03/2017 Duración: 32min

    Bart Jackson reports how the business in Tasmania is uniquely personal, admirable and devilishly profitable. Take notes. The island state of Tasmania hangs like a jewel just off the southern tip of Australia. Slightly smaller than England with a mere 500,000 souls this isolated land holds its own methods of business – so much of which is very personal, admirable, and very profitable. Host Bart Jackson has just returned from a month touring Australia’s most southern state, and he reports to you all the Tasmanian business deviltries by profiling a series of the most fascinating ventures and individual venturers. How do you sustainably harvest the most useful and valued timber on the planet that grows only on your island? How is one small village transforming itself into the bicycle capital for the world’s elite cyclists? And by what amazing process have these heirs of convict laborers and wild speculating prospectors turned their land into one of the most cleverly marketed tourist attractions on the plane

  • Unified Community – Just Add Energy

    28/02/2017 Duración: 33min

    Trenton’s Strongest Booster, Jacque Howard lays out strategies for transforming housing blocks into supportive, alluring neighborhoods. This show includes an update on Trenton’s Library Box Program. There is no wiser investment of your precious time and talent than in the community where you live. There is no more sure-fire way to enrich your life than by enriching the plot of earth in which you dwell. As living proof of this, Host Bart Jackson brings on the city of Trenton’s most active champion, Jacque Howard to lay out the best strategies for civic engagement.

  • Who’s Got Your IP? – You? What is Intellectual Property?

    20/02/2017 Duración: 36min

    Top corporate attorney Phil Crowley details how to take and keep control of your most valuable property – the human intellect. The most valuable property in any company churns ceaselessly in the intellects of its people. But who owns it and how can a company best hang on to it? Host Bart Jackson brings on renowned corporate attorney Phil Crowley to explain the vital safeguards for all business owners and inventive individuals. Do you know what elements will make non-compete, confidentiality, works-for-hire, and other agreements legally effective? How to protect your sales lists and other non-patentable parts of your business? And have you figured the balance between keeping ownership of IP and still fostering the spirit of innovation.

  • Orchids - Letting Your Love Bloom

    13/02/2017 Duración: 34min

    Susan Gange explains the allure that makes orchids the globe’s premier flower and reveals the profit process of these exotic beauties. Over 250 million roses will be bought and given to beloveds this Valentines Day, but if you really want to impress her, my son, it had better be an orchid. Host Bart Jackson invites Susan Gange, owner & founder of Stony Brook Orchids to explain just how dirty you have to get to bring beauty into the world. Every wonder why the orchid has become the globe’s premier flower? What it takes to raise, market, and cultivate a prosperous business from these exotic beauties? How do sellers deal with the boom-and-bust sales season? Tune in and delve deep down the allure and labors of the fascinating orchid trade.

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