Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom



Get ready for fun. Business folks from all over challenge Host Bart Jackson with some of business stickiest situations and frustrating inter-personal dilemmas. Tackling them head on with his witty wordsmithery, Bart will craft the response that is most likely to ease the tension or extract the speaker from a potential fist fight. The world belongs to the talkers those people whose words convince others that they are trustworthy, their products beneficial, and their ideas wise. So tune in and learn a little chat savvy and a gentle way to boost your esteem in others eyes.


  • Hidden Persuaders of Artificial Intelligence Marketing – What’s Here, What’s Coming

    13/08/2019 Duración: 40min

    Somewhere out there a connected network of very, albeit artificially, intelligent machines is gathering vast amounts of data about you, your activities, your preferences, even your personal health.  All the better for some company to more effectively customize its marketing pitch to you.  Host Bart Jackson invites top digital marketing-and-A.I. authority William Ammerman to explain how machines are tracking, sensitively interacting, and nudging the decisions of we humans who created them.  Author of The Invisible Brand, Marketing in the Age of Automation, Big Data, and Machine Learning, Ammerman explains the psychotechnology revolution that brings billions of marketing messages into play, and how machines literally transform these messages into learning experiences to improve their goals. Tune in and discover how the digital realm of cyber-seduction is changing our society and ourselves. 

  • Talking Your Way to the Top – Advanced Presenting Techniques

    05/08/2019 Duración: 39min

    You’re a solid speaker, fairly adept presenter, but now you are moving up into the big leagues. You are called before CEOs, Boards of Directors, and Congressional committees – an impatient, sophisticated audience that doesn’t tolerate mediocrity even slightly.  Host Bart Jackson invites to the microphone C-suite presentation coach, speech pathologist, and author Eileen Sinett, CEO of Speaking that Connects.  Together Eileen and Bart discuss the more technical points of honing your personal style, intonation, dynamics, pace, the value of theme repetition, and the power of silence, and much more.  Tune in an learn when to employ audio visual aids and when it distracts from your presentation.

  • Winepreneurs, Legendary Winery Tours & Savoring Liquid Assets

    28/07/2019 Duración: 36min

    Both the enjoyment and business of wine have exploded across the U.S.  Every state in the Union boasts several wineries and for most, it is their fastest expanding form of agriculture.  America’s consumption and its appreciative sophistication continue to hit all time highs.  Host Bart Jackson sits and sips with American Wine Society director Dr. Gary Pavlis as they discuss the reasons and the trends behind this industry’s growth.  Taking us out into the vineyard, Gary explains how the finest vintages are crafted in the field, what distinguishes a winery of renown, what high tech implements are boosting yields, bettering blends, and saving arduous labor.  Stepping up to the tasting table, Gary lays out ways to more enjoyably savor and broaden your wine horizons.  And for the would-be winepreneur, here is your opportunity to learn the optimum plan, pitfalls, and potential profits of winery launching.  Tune in and see if a wine tour of Tuscany is the vacation you truly deserve

  • The Art of Today’s Real Estate Deal

    22/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    Real estate boasts the highest return with the least understanding that investors ever make.  It is the largest single purchase for families (more costly than divorce.) It’s the toughest of trades in hot-spot cities worldwide, and it’s tougher still when buying & selling for the wealthiest elite.  Yet New York real estate master Luciane Serifovic handles it all with deceptively easy-seeming grace.  Luciane joins host Bart Jackson to share her tale of how she rose from trainee to founding CEO of Luxian International Realty, supplier of high-end luxury to the highest end clients.  What are the best tech tools employed by top realtors to showcase properties and unearth clients?  What are the future, game-changing trends?  Tune in and take a realtor’s view from the penthouse.

  • Wattsamatter with Gen Z’s Today?

    15/07/2019 Duración: 39min

    How do you think generations Y and Z should be educated and trained for entry into business? Host Bart Jackson invites educational changemaker Mark Perna who offers revolutionary ideas on how we should train our children – the purpose of colleges – and how better to fill business’s skills gap.  What makes this episode such fun is that, while both Mark and Bart have a passionate concern for younger generations, they differ immensely on educational principles, strategies, and even goals.  So tune in and watch them debate as the chalkdust flies. Mark, founding CEO of TFS Results (tools for schools) and author of Answering Why: Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in Younger Generations holds a more skills/career solution, while Bart, author of CEO of Yourselfand The Art of the CEO, concentrates on mind development and personal fulfillment.  Here’s you chance to find some fodder to help you forge your own beliefs. 

  • Here’s To Your Noble Self – Growing Your Prime Asset

    09/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    Your unique personality, just as you have it right now, is all you require to lead, expand your firm, and reach your own career goals. Forget all those success mongers who seek to transform you into some cookie-cutter image of previous high achievers.  Under the banner of Grow – Don’t Change, psychologist Dr. George Watt and his fiscal wizard partner Laurie Blazek have founded Top Line Talent Coaching that sets you on the path to discovering your strengths and employing them most profitably. Host Bart Jackson invites on both George and Laurie to discuss their process for realizing your innate personality, how to brand yourself as a leader, and develop an action plan based on the powers you’ve probably been neglecting.  Also, they lay out some tactics for maneuvering those downside-aspects of your person that could set your business off course.  

  • The Man Who’s Remaking Marketing

    30/06/2019 Duración: 33min

    When the big players: Amazon, Coca Cola, Facebook, Leggo, Ford Motors, face product trouble and they just cannot understand why – they call on Christian Madsbjerg.   He and his company ReD Associates are totally transforming the old, flawed marketing models that are so popular and so inaccurate.  Host Bart Jackson invites Madsbjerg on to discuss what’s wrong with the big-data and impersonal survey methods employed by most firms and why they simply do not reflect human reality.  To find out how Leggo blocks can compete in the digital-screen-oriented age, and what Ford truck owners really want out of their vehicle, Madsbjerg insists that we need human contact, not algorithms.   In his immensely well received books Sensemaking and Moment of Clarity he shows how business has been lured into false assumption by “weapons of math destruction” and how a more anthropological approach is need to get us back on track.

  • Achieving Your Highest Performance – What It Takes

    25/06/2019 Duración: 40min

    What does it take to fly with the Blue Angels – flying jets at Mach 1, wingtips inches apart, forming terrifying maneuvers with the world’s best aerial acrobatic team?  John Foley, former Blue Angels lead solo pilot joins Host Bart Jackson to tell exactly what is the right stuff to reach this rarefied air.  And, more important to you, John translates the art of cultivating those vital abilities into your own career.  Whether you are leading yourself or an entire corporation, John lays out a pathway for your achieving, as his book titles it, “Fearless Success – Beyond High Performance.”  John’s personal example and insightful strategies guide you in connecting to a purpose greater than yourself, battling petrifying fear, earning trust, gaining respect, and the resiliency to gain a Glad to Be Here mindset.  Tune in and discover just how high you can take yourself.

  • The Retail Food Market – What Buyers Really Want

    19/06/2019 Duración: 36min

    Brian Todd, President of The Food Institute, reveals who’s feeding consumers best today and what food shopping will be like tomorrow. Supermarket checkout is changing. Will mobile checkout work? What will the new supermarkets look like? How will plant based foods fare? Smaller packaging for small families and food for one.  Hungry to learn what the food consuming public is demanding in the future – or how stores will change to accommodate new buying habits?  Host Bart Jackson brings you one of the planet’s greatest food experts, Brian Todd, President of The Food Institute to discuss the battle of plant-based vs. meat burgers, why women select differently from men, where the most nutritious food lies, and all the steps involved in that intricate dance between food retailer and food consumer.  Brian’s insights and prognostications will truly amaze you. Tune in and learn what will happen to the checkout line.

  • Tough Business Calls – How Would YOU Decide?

    10/06/2019 Duración: 45min

    When your career and/or company are pressed back to the wall, how brightly does your decision-making ability shine?  Host Bart Jackson gives you a chance to find out.  In this episode Bart lays before you a series of all-too-real business decisions, along with several considerations to take into account. Then he reveals the choice each business leader made, and the results that followed – for better or ill. Tune in and test your powers in ethical, financial, personal encounters – and even learn if you have the wisdom and backbone to match that of Mark Twain and a few modern luminaries. Great fun – great lessons.

  • Mythic Heroes for Today’s Business World

    04/06/2019 Duración: 53min

    Which is your better bet? Drawing your inspiration and role models from today’s latest, fleeting tweet – or from a mythic heroine/hero whose tales reach across the millennia and still fill millions with wisdom?  Get set for some fun.  Host Bart Jackson joins award-winning author Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan, who has penned “Legends of the Grail – Stories of Celtic Goddesses” and “Heroines of Avalon,” to discover the truths which we still quest after today.  Together, they examine specific business challenges and journey back to into the enchanting myths of eld to find solutions.  Sharing the deep well of Celtic heroines and divinities, Ayn proffers guidance for businesswomen, while Bart, attempting some gender balance, turns to the lore of the ancient Greeks and their heroes for answers.  What wisdom lies in the souls and stories 

  • What You Don’t Know About IT & Who Can Fix That

    24/05/2019 Duración: 36min

    Isn’t it about time that technology started serving you better? Wouldn’t you like some understanding mentor who sorts through the avalanche of Apps and set to work those tools that boost production and profit?  Host Bart Jackson brings you exactly that kind of IT master in his guest Darek Hahn, President & CEO of VelocIT.  Taking a general contractor’s approach to an organization’s IT needs, Darek offers for your selection more effective technologies to help sales, operations management, accounting, marketing and communication. He also details a blend of hiring and contracting methods to make sure you have the best possible IT wizards working on your goals, at the ready, when you require them.  Tune in and learn how to make yourself master of your technologies.

  • Making Your Adequate Presentations Powerful

    21/05/2019 Duración: 37min

    Isn’t about time people started listening to you?  Time you got the influence you deserve and the reactions you require? Presentation coach to President Carter’s cabinet and major C-suiters, Ms. Stephanie Scotti lays out an incisive, masterful strategy that will have you taking command of the podium and speaking effectively.  For the last 24 years Stephanie’s Professionally Speaking firm has provided individual and team mentoring for individuals facing the often fearful challenge of presenting their ideas in all business situations.  You can catch the Scotti method by reading Stephanie’s recently published Talk on Water - Attaining the Mindset for Powerhouse Presentations– or you may tune in and listen to Coach Scotti dissect the verbal ramblings of host Bart Jackson, as he delivers them right on the air.  If Stephanie can repair this host, there is great hope for you, my friend. 

  • The Future of Feeding our Planet – the AeroFarms Solution

    14/05/2019 Duración: 35min

    It’s not just for marijuana any more.  AeroFarms has put the scientific concepts of aeroponic farming on steroids and today is producing tons of its Dream Greens - non-pesticided, wholly organic leafy vegetables that scale easily into urban centers.  Host Bart Jackson invites AeroFarms cofounder Mark Oshima to tour us through his headquarters farm located in a resurrected factory in central Newark New Jersey.  Marc explains the science that allows a 350-times-per-acre yield of his crops, and the benefit of placing the greatest nutrition right amongst the greatest density of consumers. Marc also details how AeroFarms is able to compete with the food giants; how he has turned the aeroponic gospel into a wildly successful community outreach; and why this farming revolution may be a major key to feeding our planet.  Tune in and learn why the most popular gang to join in Newark is the aeroponic farmers group.

  • Nicholas Donofrio: New Visions for High Tech & High Finance

    07/05/2019 Duración: 34min

    Nicholas Donofrio has spent the last two decades as a restlessly inventive board member of the Bank of New York Mellon and the last four decades as IBM’ most prized scientists, currently holding that firm’s top honor: IBM Fellow Emeritus.   Host Bart Jackson sits down with Nick and discusses the new roles of corporate directors in today’s business climate, why and how the American work force needs to retrain, how financial institutions must/will shift in the forward march of technology, and how all of us, in every organization, must guard against the shackles of tradition.  Tune in and gain the lofty perspective of one of businesses’ grand masters.

  • The World’s Longest Race & Toughest Security Challenge

    28/04/2019 Duración: 35min

    One of the most global and most aggressively expanding banking institutions worldwide has just launched its 90-day Belt and Road Relay Race involving thousands of runners through 63 nations, 44 separate markets in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. And Stephen Ward, Managing Director of Insite Risk Management has undertaken the ludicrously difficult task of providing security for each runner, press person, spectator and official involved.  Host Bart Jackson invites Stephen to share the stories of how this planet-spanning race is being run and how he is handling this logistical Everest of setting up a secure environment for it all.  ‘Tis an amazing tale which will help you comprehend the expansion and intricacy of today’s global commerce.

  • Clever Business Moves You Wish You’d Made

    22/04/2019 Duración: 32min

    There’s a gold rush on, but everybody else is after that mother lode.  You want to launch a stock exchange, but the big competing exchanges already have the major companies under contract.  Publishers find themselves undercut by the great self-published book avalanche.  In each case, one very clever individual stepped into these impossible situations and discovered a unique and wildly profitable solution. Host Bart Jackson sets up a series of real, crushingly challenging business climates and then introduces you to those inventive entrepreneurs who made the most out of what nobody else envisioned.  This is the ultimate takeaway show.  Tune in and learn how to explode the eyes out of a jack-o-lantern, and then transform such tricks into global fame and more companies than your magician father ever dreamed of. 

  • Challenging C-suiters to Summit New & Loftier Peaks – Literally

    14/04/2019 Duración: 36min

    What can climbing a Himalayan mountain teach you about yourself?  What can exploring the vast polar snows or remote jungles teach you about leading your business team?  Worldwide adventurer and expedition organizer, Ms. Julie Lewis takes leaders of self and corporations to those wild lands where exhilaration and self-discovery go hand in hand.  Founder of MountainHighMe, Julie joins host Bart Jackson to discuss their own treks from Tibet to Tierra del Fuego, and exactly what new resources people learn to draw upon when they rise from the swivel chair and venture into the unknown corners of God’s Eden.  As an added bonus, Julie, a certified resilience specialist will offer listeners the opportunity of testing, measuring, and growing their own personal resiliency. Want the ultimate business or personal retreat? Tune in and discover how aspirations and solutions are fueled by Nature’s voice.   

  • Celebrity Fitness Star Foils Human Trafficking

    10/04/2019 Duración: 36min

    Of America’s 260,000 professional fitness trainers, Ramona Braganza has muscled herself up to the pinnacle.  As celebrity fitness guru to stars, Ramona and her lavish fitness trailer are regulars on the Hollywood sets for the likes of Anne Hathaway, Michael Weatherly and more. Her 3-2-1 Fitness, Nutrition, and “Loose the Baby Bulge” books and tapes are best sellers.  Host Bart Jackson invites Ramona to discuss her climb up the physical fitness ladder, and to tell of her 3-2-1 Empower project in which Ramona rescues victims of human trafficking, giving them hope and training as fitness instructors.  Tune in and learn the sad truth about how human trafficking is a global tragedy – and the inspiring story of how it may be defeated.

  • Tales of a Nomadic CFO – Profitable Takeaways

    02/04/2019 Duración: 36min

    The Chief Financial Officer serves as dream-maker.  He/she takes that audacious vision of the CEO, fuels ‘er up, and puts enough financial wind beneath its wings to ensure its taking off.  Host Bart Jackson invites on board veteran CFO Wayne Ackerman, founder of Seaview CFO Solutions, to open his three-decade book of experiences and share some fascinating tales about the CFOs relations with CEOs, Directors, and those all-important investors.  How does a wise CFO tether his directors to financial reality?  Groom her CEO’s understanding of complex revenue deployment?  And present numbers that set banks and investors salivating?  Tune in and learn the delicate line the wise CFO must trod to play profitably with others.

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