Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

The Art of Today’s Real Estate Deal



Real estate boasts the highest return with the least understanding that investors ever make.  It is the largest single purchase for families (more costly than divorce.) It’s the toughest of trades in hot-spot cities worldwide, and it’s tougher still when buying & selling for the wealthiest elite.  Yet New York real estate master Luciane Serifovic handles it all with deceptively easy-seeming grace.  Luciane joins host Bart Jackson to share her tale of how she rose from trainee to founding CEO of Luxian International Realty, supplier of high-end luxury to the highest end clients.  What are the best tech tools employed by top realtors to showcase properties and unearth clients?  What are the future, game-changing trends?  Tune in and take a realtor’s view from the penthouse.