GracePointe Church Douglas, GA
Luke: The Call to Disciple - Audio
22/06/2016 Duración: 1919h00sWhy follow Jesus? What makes Jesus worth following? Jesus has all the characteristics of a great leader. He is perfect in all He does so He is able to guide us in all we do.
Unanswered Prayer: Hindered - Audio
19/06/2016 Duración: 2632h00sSometimes God is silent and you don’t know why. There are other times that it should be very apparent why God is not giving us the answer we desire. This sermon helps us to look at what may be the reason our prayers go unanswered.
Luke: Dealing with Darkness - Audio
15/06/2016 Duración: 2761h00sLuke records the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. He started by teaching the word in the synagogues. His ministry created quite the buzz as he cast out demons and healed the sick. Jesus has power over the physical and spiritual realms of this world.
Unanswered Prayer: No Answer - Audio
12/06/2016 Duración: 2634h00sHave you ever called someone only to find that they didn’t answer your call? It’s frustrating. When we call out to God and He doesn’t answer it can be even more frustrating. Is it just you He doesn’t answer? Does the Bible have anything to say about unanswered prayer?
The Return of the Lord, and Lifestyle in the Meanwhile. - Audio
08/06/2016 Duración: 3652h00sPaul is writing to the Church at Thessalonica concerning the false teaching that Christ had already returned. He informs them that Christ has not already returned and he praises them and encourages them in their Faith, Love and Hope in Christ.
Time Flies: Good Times - Audio
05/06/2016 Duración: 2301h00sParents can be hard on kids. Of course, some are not hard enough. But when you look back at your time with your kids, what will you want them to remember about being with you? Your time will be over soon so be wise in what you do.
Time Flies: Tribes Matter - Audio
29/05/2016 Duración: 2484h00sPeople need People and Kids need Tribes. Kids need people who will save a seat, make them known, and welcome them no matter what. Kids need tribes to teach them what forgiveness, joy and fun look like.
Luke: New Ministry Launch - Audio
25/05/2016 Duración: 3159h00sEvery Christian needs to start doing ministry somewhere.Where did Jesus start? What happened at the launch of his new ministry? We can learn about ministry by looking at Jesus launching His new work.
Time Flies: Love Matters - Audio
22/05/2016 Duración: 2276h00sOur words and actions are important in raising kids. What we do and what we say play a huge role in the development and health of our children. Each word and action needs to be laced with the super ingredient known as love.
Luke: The Temptations of Jesus - Audio
18/05/2016 Duración: 2770h00sIs Jesus qualified? Luke helps us to see the greatness of Jesus as He is tested in the desert. Jesus demonstrates His worthiness to be Lord and Savior by overcoming temptations that came His way. We can learn how to pass our daily temptations by seeing what Jesus did to overcome.
Time Flies: Life Service - Audio
15/05/2016 Duración: 1933h00sTime flies when you are raising children. What you say matters. What you do impacts what you say. This sermon helps us to think about what we do and how it impacts what we say to our children.
Time Flies: Vocab Words - Audio
08/05/2016 Duración: 2026h00sWhat you say is important in every relationship. It is extremely important that we are careful with our words when it comes to raising our kids. The words you choose to use will shape their lives. Handle them with care.
Luke 3: Jesus is Qualified - Audio
04/05/2016 Duración: 2852h00sLuke writes to show that Jesus is qualified to represent both God and humanity. He is the most unique person in all of history to take care of our deepest need.
Time Flies: Make it Count - Audio
01/05/2016 Duración: 2215h00sTime flies when you’re raising kids. When we count our days as parents, we will make our days count.
Luke: Grace and Wrath - Audio
27/04/2016 Duración: 2737h00sJohn the Baptist started his ministry with a bang. His message was hard. His passion was great. He gives a warning that the coming Messiah will change everything. He is the voice crying in the wilderness.
SIRIus: The Hammer and the Phone - Audio
24/04/2016 Duración: 2265h00sTechnology and spirituality are two terms that don’t seem to go together, but together can be a powerful tool for good in the lives of others. Imagine a world where people used technology solely for the purpose of helping others.
Pride and Humility - Audio
20/04/2016 Duración: 2693h00sOur brokenness beginning from birth predisposes us to Pride - which separates us from God. The antidote - humility, restores God to the proper place in lives - FIRST!
SIRIus - Audio
17/04/2016 Duración: 2685h00sTechnology has an upside and downside. How can we as Christians relate to the technological advances of our time? Is it something we should reject or receive? Let’s take a serious look at technology and the impact it is having on us.
The Resurrection: He Is Alive! - Audio
11/04/2016 Duración: 2245h00sWhat if there is no resurrection? People have denied that there is a resurrection all throughout history. If that's true then what are the consequences for the church? If that's not true what are the consequences.
Luke: Parenting Jesus - Audio
06/04/2016 Duración: 3046h00sJoseph and Mary had the privilege and the extraordinary task of raising the Son of God. Every parent is well acquainted with the difficulties that come with raising children. The great part is that children grow up, but it is also one of the most challenging parts of parenting. Luke lets us discover who Jesus is, and in the process we can learn to be better parents.