Fr. Bill's Podcast



Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest. This podcast was formerly called "St. Anthony's Podcast."


  • FBP 891 - Be Not Afraid

    16/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 891 (12:48) In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaches the homily; His story about struggling with competing voices of the world and God; Surrendering to God; Finding a place for quiet prayer with God; Do not be afraid Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 890 - The Transfiguration Isn't Just For Jesus

    07/08/2023 Duración: 13min

    Episode 890 (13:23) In this episode: 3 Difficulties getting to the Oregon Star Party; God's grace is effective through suffering; God desires to change and transfigure us; Prayer to be open at communion time to God's grace Related Web Sites:  Oregon Star Party My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 889 - Choose Christ, Who Gave Everything To Choose You

    31/07/2023 Duración: 10min

    Episode 889 (10:50) In this episode: Guest preacher, Dcn. Brett Edmonson; Another way to understand the parable of the treasure in the field and pearl of great price; Consider that we are the treasure and pearl and Christ gave all he had to purchase our salvation Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 888 - When God is First, the Rest Falls into Place

    03/07/2023 Duración: 13min

    Episode 888 (13:06) In this episode: Stories of sports obsession; Jesus' words are very difficult to listen to; When God is not first, other things take over and can enslave us; When we put God first, the rest can be enjoyed in right freedom, and the rest falls into place. I will not be preaching on Sunday through July due to the preaching schedule and a coming vacation Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 887 - Do Not Be Afraid

    26/06/2023 Duración: 09min

    Episode 887 (9:53) In this episode: things that give me fear; The great fear of humanity is death; Jesus came to save us from eternal death;  Reflection on what it might be like death and entering heaven; Why fear death when we have acknowledged Jesus in our lives Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 886 - How Does God Prove His Love?

    18/06/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 886 (12:40) In this episode: How does God prove his love; Film "Most"; Theological issues; Imagine how hard it is for a father to sacrifice his son; Love proves his love by his sacrificial love in Jesus' death and resurrection; Remember that you are God's beloved Related Web Sites:  Short Film: “Most” (“The Bridge”) by Eastwind FilmsWikipedia information about “Most”My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 885 - Finding Heart-Strength in the Eucharist

    12/06/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 885 (12:12) In this episode: Guest preaching: San. Brett Edmonson; Analogy of a camel; Manna was a gift but eventually became dissatisfying; Manna was a metaphor for Eucharist; Receive the Eucharist with true awareness and reverence Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 884 - We Become Like What We Worship

    05/06/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 884 (12:42) In this episode: Examples of people who are extremely dedicated and the consequences; God is love; We are made to love and be loved; Examples of three newly ordained dedicated to loving God; Do we love God before all else? In this we imitate the Trinity Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 883 - Come! Holy Spirit!

    29/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    Episode 883 (10:39) In this episode: Outpouring the Holt Spirit upon the Apostles; Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit; Memorizing the Fruits; Praying for the Holy Spirit to come into our lives Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 882 - What's Up, Jesus?

    21/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    Episode 882 (7:14) In this episode: Airplanes distract me; I'm often looking up; Jesus ascended up to heaven; Is Heaven literally up? God has communicated in many ways - all have us looking up; Our hope is in Heaven, but we need to be grounded to fulfill his calling Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 881 - Dare to Gather When Others Scatter

    16/05/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 881 (12:44) In this episode: Dan. Brett preaching homily; Commencement speech of Admiral William McRaven; Our world continues to scatter in many ways; Dare to gather instead Related Web Sites:  Commencement Speech of Admiral William McRaven My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 880 - Communion: This is THE WAY

    11/05/2023 Duración: 08min

    Episode 880 (8:34) In this episode: Children's homily for First Holy Communion Mass; Jesus wants to accompany us and be with us; How does he do that? Answer: through the Eucharist; Analogy to help understand Transubstantiation Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 879 - Do You Know His Voice?

    03/05/2023 Duración: 12min

    FBP 879 (12:37) In this episode: My dog, Snickers is similar to a sheep who hears his master (Me!); Jesus as the Good Shepherd; Reflection on where and how we can hear God's voice; Reflection on how we can tune our heart and soul to God's voice Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 878 - Beyond Doubt

    17/04/2023 Duración: 17min

    Episode 878 (17:49) In this episode: Do not fear doubt; Strategies to get beyond doubt; Use doubt as a catalyst to grow in understanding; Look for evidence for faith; Strive to understand and ascent in trust; Don't stop praying, going to Mass and the Sacraments Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 877 - Rescued

    09/04/2023 Duración: 09min

    Episode 877 ( 9:05) In this episode: Story of Mt. Baker rescue; Jesus wants to rescue us; Jesus is the greatest at search and rescue; What can we do to respond for all that God has done for us; Thanksgiving; YouTube Video footage by Francis Zuber (@Thenarf7007) Related Web Sites:  Tree Well Rescue at Mt. Baker (Warning: Strong Language) My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 876 - Christ Knows Our Suffering

    02/04/2023 Duración: 07min

    Episode 876 (7:11) In this episode: Picking up from Dcn. Brett's homily of last week; Christ knows our suffering by also suffering for us; His passion and death are the greatest sign of love; We must pass through our own passion and death in order to experience heaven Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 875 - When God Leaves Us In The Tomb

    27/03/2023 Duración: 15min

    Episode 875 (15:11) In this episode: Preaching by Dan. Brett Edmonson; Jesus waits before going to Lazarus; God is with us; Ideas for dealing with anxiety: Keep your eyes on the Lord, take solace in Scripture, and lean on those who love you. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 874 - What Blinds you from Seeing?

    21/03/2023 Duración: 09min

    Episode 874 (9:58) In this episode: Story of finding the Pool of Siloam in 2004 (this is the corrected date... I erroneously mentioned that it was in 2002); My periodic struggle with Sloth; Gratitude to God and giving Him the glory, Eucharist and Confession part of the remedy Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 873 - Jesus, Our Life-Going Water

    13/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 873 (12:07) In this episode: Imagery of water; Our deepest thirst is for God; Israelites and Samaritan woman; Analogy of type of water: dirt water, soft drink, and distilled water Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 872 - Confession Can Transfigure You

    06/03/2023 Duración: 16min

    Episode 872 (16:13) In this episode: Why go to a priest for confession? John 20:21-23; Benefits of going to confession; Common questions people have regarding confession; Communal Reconciliation Service Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

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