Fr. Bill's Podcast



Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest. This podcast was formerly called "St. Anthony's Podcast."


  • FBP 911 - Chosen By God

    24/01/2024 Duración: 12min

    Episode 911 (12:11) In this episode: Review of track story; God has chosen each of us; God chose his Apostles or like Zebedee, a parent; Dramatic events can help us know our calling; Heroic action of Majiah Washington; Ask God what your particular calling is Related Web Sites:  Rescue Story by Majiah WashingtonMy Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 910 - It's Not Too Late

    14/01/2024 Duración: 12min

    Episode 910 (12:01) In this episode: Track story; Eli, the absent father; It's not too late to be a role model for others; Be an Eli for a Samuel in your life Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 909 - How To Be A Hottie

    09/01/2024 Duración: 11min

    Episode 909 (11:47) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaching; We crave love and attention; Story of how attractive prayer and holiness is; We need to be wanted; Herod's need to be wanted was frustrated; Herod's evil self-preoccupation; Loveliness comes from being loved by God Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 908 - Surrender To God This Christmas

    25/12/2023 Duración: 13min

    Episode 908 (13:44) In this episode: Spending Christmas alone; Sadness and Joy; Charlie Brown Christmas; the Real Meaning of Christmas; Linus drops his security blanket Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 907 - Eucharist Leads To Reverence

    24/12/2023 Duración: 17min

    Episode 907 (17:15) In this episode: What is Reverence; Examples of reverence in liturgy; Definition; Is reverence silent or sound? Reverence God and people; Homework-reverence those who come to Christmas Mass Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 906 - Receive Communion In Order To Be Communion

    18/12/2023 Duración: 14min

    Episode 906 (14:57) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaches the homily; Story about a homeless woman named Mary; The Eucharist creates our communion; Go out and form communion with others Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 905 - The Eucharist - Our Comfort Food

    13/12/2023 Duración: 13min

    Episode 905 (13:14) In this episode: Pt 2 of Eucharistic Homilies; Fr Anthony Hoangphan is preaching; What is your comfort food? The Eucharist gives us comfort and healing; As eucharistic people, go and invite someone to a meal to share in the healing God offers Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 904 - Sacrifice Is the Proof Of Our Love

    04/12/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 904 (12:07) In this episode: Pt 1 of Eucharistic Homilies; 2023 CARA Report; Story of being helped during my move to Holy Trinity; Sacrifice is the proof of our love; St. Ignatius of Antioch desired to sacrifice for his people; Go and help others sacrificially Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 903 - Who Are You Living For?

    27/11/2023 Duración: 10min

    Episode 903 (10:04) In this episode - Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaching; An interview with a Special Forces soldier regarding fear; It is important to know who we are living for; It's not easy to follow Jesus; It's hard to serve those who are difficult and distressing Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 902 - Give Praise Amidst The Storms

    24/11/2023 Duración: 08min

    Episode 902 (8:27) In this episode: Why give thanks or praise to God? Does he need it; God is complete in himself; The "loop of grace" from the praise we offer is reflected back to us by God and changes us; Praise God in the midst of the storms Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 901 - Reason To Hope

    13/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    Episode 901 (11:11) In this episode: How I watch football and 5 reasons why; Watching a recording of a game is analogous to our faith; God has already won; Jesus has conquered sin and death, Satan and his demons; This is our reason to have hope Related Web Sites:  Wikipedia page for Chuck Colson and quoteMy Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 900 - The Heart of the Matter

    07/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    Episode 900 (11:34) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Preaching; Experiences on vacation in Italy; He notes that some of tour guides would explain the amazing art in terms of modern and politically correct categories while missing the heart of the matter; It is all about Jesus! Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 899 - We Yearn To Be Saints

    02/11/2023 Duración: 09min

    Episode 899 (9:47) In this episode: Who is your favorite superhero and why; Super heroes point us to the qualities of God and the saints Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 898 - Whose Are You?

    22/10/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 898 (12:50) In this episode A knowledge quiz regarding the images on U.S. currency; The money we use belongs and is backed by the government who offers services to the people; Jesus tell us to give to God what is God's; Everything belongs to God, especially us. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 897 - The CARA Report & Evangelization

    09/10/2023 Duración: 15min

    Episode 897 (15:20) In this episode: Analogy and comparison of roses and grapes; Pew Study Report and CARA Report on the belief of Catholics in the True Presences of Christ in the Eucharist; What does this mean for our Eucharistic Revival? Related Web Sites:  CARA Report on the Eucharist (2023) PEW Study Report (2019) My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 896 - Late Have I Loved You

    02/10/2023 Duración: 23min

    Episode 896 (23:06) In this episode: The amazing people in the RCIA; Our need for conversion; While in this world, it is never too late to turn to God; COVID update; CARA Report on the Eucharist Related Web Sites:  CARA Report on the Eucharist (2023) My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 895 - Take The Smallest Piece Of Cake

    26/09/2023 Duración: 13min

    Episode 895 (13:15) In this episode: Homilist: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan; Story of wanting the biggest piece of cake; Comparison drives us to envy; Instead of being envious, rejoice with those who rejoice; Kindness; Generosity; Next time you are served cake, take the smallest piece. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 894 - Leading With Love

    13/09/2023 Duración: 12min

    Episode 894 (12:05) Preacher: Dcn. Brett Edmonson In this episode: Steps for loving confrontation: 1. Reconciliation (Are we trying to win and humiliate or seek reconciliation?) Questions to ask prior to confronting someone: Is what I am about to say a. true, b. kind, and c. at this moment helpful? 2. A willingness to seek out the lost. No brooding or nursing of grudges; Seek them out where they are and not where they should be. Lead with love. Do not ignore the truth, but show care for them first before our need to be right. We need to be willing to listen and be open to things we don’t know or even wrong about. There is a perception from non-believer-young- adults (according to a survey mentioned by Fr. Mike Scmidtz): Judgemental, bigoted, elitist, and hypocritical. Homework: With whom am I at odds? Consider approaching the other using the guidance just offered to seek out reconciliation. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • 893 FBP 893 - Yeah, But Where Is Jesus' TikTok Account?

    27/08/2023 Duración: 14min

    Episode 893 (14:25) In this episode: Fundamental Attribution Error; Do we really know more about the faith because of social media; Best to share faith and struggles in person; Jesus was no mere guru or nice guy; Jesus claimed to be God; Know Jesus by reading the Gospels and attending Bible studies Related Web Sites:  People Answering the Question, "Who is Jesus?"   Who is Jesus? (NY Street Interviews)   Who Is Jesus? (Christ Fellowship Church)   Do College Students Believe in God (PragerU)   Bishop Barron: Who is Jesus and what makes him unique?   Bishop Barron: Who is Jesus?   Bishop Barron: The Historical Reality of Jesus   TruU #3 Who Is Jesus (Focus On The Family) My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 892 - Be Bold With God

    22/08/2023 Duración: 11min

    Episode (11:40) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson offers the homily; story of a strict teacher who became a beloved teacher and taught his students to think and be bold; The woman begging Jesus to heal her daughter was bold; Be bold with God in your prayers. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

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