Dennis Gulley



Our purpose as a church is, simply, to "Walk intimately with God and to Invite others to journey with us".


  • Set Free - Envy


    Envy is a subtle and powerful thing that can poison so many things in our lives. But we serve a God of overabundance and amazing promises, and if we truly believe what he has said there's no room for envy in our hearts!

  • Set Free - Lust


    God created physical relationships as a beautiful expression of his very nature of unity and relationship, and he wants us to live in that truth!

  • Set Free - Gluttony


    Where do we find fulfillmnet? Where do we find restoration and encouragement? Do we seek the presence of God? Or do we seek to fill ourselves with the things the world has to offer? God has created us for himself, and we will not find wholeness until we rest in him!

  • Set Free - Greed


    Do we believe that God is enough? Or do we have to take care of ourselves, to hold on to as big a pile of money as we can? God desires that we trust in his abundance, and to know that he will provide.

  • Set Free - Looking at the Seven Deadly Sins


    Pastor Scott continues to set the stage for our exploration of the power of the gospel over the hurt of sin in our lives.

  • Set Free - Embracing the Power of the Gospel


    Pastor Scott begins our series exploring the ways sin creeps into our lives, and calls us to embrace the power and freedom that Jesus offers to us in his life and death and resurrection.

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