Dennis Gulley



Our purpose as a church is, simply, to "Walk intimately with God and to Invite others to journey with us".


  • The Beatitudes


    What did Jesus tell us about his kingdom? What did he tell us about life and worship and relationship? Join us as we begin our study of the things Jesus said to us, and what he means for us to do about it!

  • I Am the Resurrection and the Life


    Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and he has power over death and all of creation. We have nothing to fear if we believe in him!

  • I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life


    Jesus doesn't point toward the way, he doesn't tell us about the truth, and he doesn't describe life. He IS these things, and he is inviting us to know them in him.

  • I Am the Light of the World


    Jesus is the light of the world, driving out darkness and helping us to see!

  • I Am the Bread of Life


    The Word was made flesh, and he told us that he is the very thing that sustains and feeds us. He is the bread of life, and is everything we need to live!

  • The Gate and the Good Shepherd


    Jesus is the Gate and the Good Shepherd. He is the way and he is the guide, and he came to lead us home!

  • I Am The True Vine


    As we explore the word this year, we come to the season of advent and confront the reality that the word is not a book but a person, and that person has told us what he is. Jesus is the Word made Flesh, and he has come to reveal his Father to us!

  • Prophecy - God's Call To Relationship


    The power of prophecy is not the telling of the future, but God calling us back to relationship. He wants us to trust him, to know that he is in control, and that he desires that we would live in relationship with him!

  • Lament - Crying Out to a God Who Hears


    Walking through hardship and suffering is incredibly difficult for us to do, and we can even often feel like we're failing because as followers of Jesus shouldn't we be filled with joy all the time? God has filled his word with lament to show us that he hears our cries, and that our hurts are not failure but part of relationship.

  • The Psalms - Worship


    God has given us his word for all kinds of reasons - to tell us about himself, what he has done, how we should live, how we should understand the world. But he has also given us is word simply that we can worship him! He has provided us the words and the direction to understand what it means to worship, and to live in a way that brings him glory.

  • The Law - Revelation


    God has given us his law in creation, and revealed his law in his word. He has written out his will and purpose for us, and as we live in alignment with his will, we will find life!

  • The Law - Creation


    God has determined how things are meant to work, and has laid the foundations of his law in the foundations of creation itself!

  • History - Broken People


    The history of God reveals how he has walked with and worked through broken people, just like us, to accomplish his will and purposes.

  • History - God Is Greater


    Part of the story God has given us is revealing his power over the things of this world and the things in our lives. God records history to help us see that he is in control and to help us to trust him.

  • History - Seeing God in His Story


    God wants to reveal himself in his word, and as we read his story, we must listen to see what he is trying to tell us about who he is!

  • TJ23 Celebration Sunday


    This morning we got to hear from our team that went to Mexico this summer. God is moving in amazing ways, and it is such a joy to be a part of what he is doing here and all around the world!

  • Kickoff Sunday


    We're stepping into a new year and a new theme - we're going to be exploring the Word and everything that it means for us. The power, the beauty, the authrity, the purpose of the Word, and how God desires us to grow with him as he speaks to us!

  • Set Free - It is for Freedom


    It is for freedom that we have been set free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery!

  • Set Free - Pride


    Pride caused Satan himself to fall, and our pride holds us back from enjoying the fulness of life we have been created for. Only in humility and submission will we find fulfillment!

  • Set Free - Wrath


    The Bible talks about God's wrath, but our wrath is not the same as his, and we must trust him and bring glory to him in peace and love to others.

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