Honestly Planted



Sowing seeds to expand your Haven.


  • Gratitude for the Body and Mind

    19/11/2022 Duración: 10min

    PLEASE  USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 11-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing,  with an open mind. You will be guided through the visualization of the body, filling up with gratitude as you go.

  • Making Room for Gratitude

    18/11/2022 Duración: 10min

    PLEASE  USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 11-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position with your spine supported, with an open mind. You will be guided through the visualization of gratitude, and how to fill up with gratitude as you go.

  • Loving Kindness Through a Body Scan

    10/11/2022 Duración: 30min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 30-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through the visualization of the body, filling up with gratitude as you go. During this meditation,  if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time.

  • Affirmations of Gratitude

    09/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 12-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through affirmations of gratitude. During this meditation,  if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time.

  • Gratitude Around the Heart

    08/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 17-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through the visualization of gratitude filling up your heart. During this meditation,  if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time.

  • End the Day with Gratitude

    07/11/2022 Duración: 21min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 22-minute meditation should be done at the end of the day when you can be fully present and have time to be fully relaxed. You should be in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through visualization of your in a manner to encourages you to let the day go and dive deep into a relaxed state. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time.

  • 12 Intentions of Gratitude

    06/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 19-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through the visualization of different areas of gratitude. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time.

  • Positive Moments Throughout the Day

    05/11/2022 Duración: 09min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 10-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through techniques on how to find positivity throughout the day. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time.

  • Gratitude in not in the Words

    04/11/2022 Duración: 07min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 8-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through the visualization of gratitude. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time. 

  • Guided Gratitude Meditation- Filling Your Cup UP

    03/11/2022 Duración: 14min

    PLEASE  USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 15-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing,  with an open mind. You will be guided through a visualization of a garden, along the way exploring gratitude concepts. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so.  This is your time.

  • The Experiance of Gratitude-Guided 14 min meditation.

    02/11/2022 Duración: 13min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 14-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through a few visualizations on physical health, financial health, and relationship health. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so.  This is your time.

  • Gratitude for the small things-Guided 18 min meditation.

    01/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    PLEASE USE HEADPHONES FOR THIS SESSION. This 18-minute meditation should be done in a comfortable space, in a comfortable position of your choosing, with an open mind. You will be guided through your everyday routine and have the opportunity to visit the small moments that may get overlooked. During this meditation, if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or need to change the position of your body please do so. This is your time. 

  • Full Moon in Aries for the month of October 2022

    17/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    This episode is 10 minutes and should be listened to with HEADPHONES! Without headphones, the sound will be too much for your phone and computer speakers. So grab your headphones and find a comfortable place to lay down or sit in a quiet space and give yourself these 10 minutes to just let the sound carry you. 

  • Intro to Mindfulness and Meditation

    12/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    In this episode we will explore what mindfulness is, what meditation is, and how you can practice both. This is great place to start if you are new to meditation or new to mindfulness. The series to follow is a set of meditations to be done once a day for 30 days. It is in the practice that we grow and expand. 

  • Your Not Alone

    01/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    Your feelings are valid and there are many out there that feel the same way. In this episode I talk about the struggles many of us are having around moving forward when the Pandemic has taken so much from us. I share my experience, my thoughts, and what tools I am using to help me move forward and cope with all we have been through. 

  • Challanging Beauty Just For Me

    23/02/2021 Duración: 16min

    This episode I share a challenge I was given to do beauty just for me. I dive into challenging my beliefs, and what this experience has taught me. 

  • Couples Episode: Recharging

    21/01/2021 Duración: 20min

    In this episode Sam and I discuss physical and mental recharging and how it builds your relationship.

  • Body Image Does NOT Determine Health

    20/01/2021 Duración: 13min

    Join me in a series of conversations about body image and how health should NOT be determined by looking at someone. We are much more complex creatures then these boxes that we use to measure each other and we need to start changing this narrative. 

  • Thursday Meditation: Using the tools you where gifted

    20/01/2021 Duración: 07min

    Join me in a guided meditation using the tools you where gifted. 

  • Couples Converstation: Hearing vs Listening

    08/01/2021 Duración: 21min

    In this episode Sam and I discuss how we overcame a communication issue and how we practice active listening.

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