Andrew Farley



Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows.


  • “I’m still not healed! Am I doing something wrong?”*

    16/06/2024 Duración: 54min

    Who was righteous in Jesus’ day? How can I develop a deeper relationship with the Lord? Does God still punish believers? I’ve prayed and been anointed but am still not healed. Am I doing something wrong?   *Previously aired

  • Forever in His Presence – Part 5

    16/06/2024 Duración: 36min

    Discussion Questions: Read verses 10-12. How do the words “obvious”, “love”, and “hate” make John’s point clear? Read verses 13-15. How does John continue to drive the “obvious” contrast home for us in these verses? Read verses 16-18. How is Jesus the example? Example of what? Read verses 19-22. Why is this not a “name it, claim it” passage? What is John’s meaning instead? Read verses 23-24. What two commandments is John referring to? Why is it important to define “commandments” in this context? How are these the natural mark of every believer? React to this statement: A majority of this entire passage is descriptive, not prescriptive. Now, how does this statement keep us from a performance mentality and help us to identify ourselves as new-hearted believers? (Note: Verses 16 and 18 are indeed prescriptive.)

  • Rethink the private prayer language… (1 Cor 14)

    15/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    What is speaking in tongues? A private prayer language or something different? What is a healthy view of God’s sovereignty given the evil and pain in this world? What does it mean to examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith? How does this relate to law and grace?

  • How do we define sin without the Law?

    14/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Did Demas lose his salvation because he loved the world? I struggle with a sin consciousness and often doubt my salvation. Can you help? Our Bible study group is studying Romans, and I’m wondering how to teach law and grace, especially when it comes to how we define sin today?

  • Do we gain or lose heavenly rewards?*

    13/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over? *previously aired

  • Why go to church?

    12/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Do I need to go to church more consistently? Who are the people with “soiled garments” in Revelation 3? My mother passed away last week, and I’m not sure that I’m making enough time for God right now. What are your thoughts?

  • Forever in His Presence – Part 4

    09/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    Discussion Questions: Verse 25 holds a promise for us related to the truthfulness of God. What is it? How does it relate to our security with God? Verses 26-27 reveal that one purpose for John’s letter is to contrast believers and deceivers. How does this give us more fuel for understanding 1 John 1:9 and its surrounding verses? Read verses 28 and 29 and react to this statement: I can have confidence upon Jesus’ return because I am born of God and as righteous as He is! Read verses 1-3. What does the purification refer to? What’s the motivation for this purification? Read verse 6. How are we to interpret this passage if Christians still fall into temptation and commit sins? Read verse 7. React to this statement: I am as righteous as Jesus Christ. Read verse 10. How does the word “obvious” play into our understanding of John’s contrast between righteousness and sin, light and darkness, believer and deceiver? Why is this word so important for those who get caught in morbid introspection of their performance?

  • “Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11?”

    08/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    How does the Holy Spirit interact with nature? Why did Jesus say “I have other sheep not of this fold”? I’m being harassed on Facebook. How do I strengthen my armor to endure this? Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11? What is the difference between the gospel of grace and the gospel of the kingdom?

  • You don't have to be militant. Just be available to God's Spirit.

    07/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    How can I work through the sexual abuse that I experienced and grow in Christ? Your books are a great way to dive deeper in the truth of the Gospel! How can I share the gospel with Jehovah's Witnesses? Does Acts 14:22 mean that we have to endure many tribulations to be saved?

  • What does “died to sin” even mean?

    06/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Does God punish us with circumstances today? If Jesus died for our sins, why do we still battle temptation? Is it okay to listen to rock music? My mother passed away yesterday. How do I move on?

  • Do we gain or lose heavenly rewards?

    05/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over?

  • Is it “God’s will” to heal everyone? (Hint: No!)

    04/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Why do we pray if God knows everything? Is it God’s will to heal everyone? If not, then how do we pray for healing in a biblical way?

  • “I’m still not healed! Am I doing something wrong?”

    02/06/2024 Duración: 54min

    Who was righteous in Jesus’ day? How can I develop a deeper relationship with the Lord? Does God still punish believers? I’ve prayed and been anointed but am still not healed. Am I doing something wrong?

  • Forever in His Presence – Part 3

    02/06/2024 Duración: 35min

    Discussion Questions: Why is verse 12 written to “little children” with a past tense verb such an important marker of transition from chapter 1? (Hint: Consider 1 John 1:9). Verses 13-14 emphasize that we already know God. How can this encourage you when you’re wishing you felt more or “experienced” more with God? How might verses 18-22 radically change the way we use the term “antichrist” compared with the common use of the term today? Read verse 24. Recall the best understanding of “abiding in Christ.” How does this passage affirm the truth about abiding? Verse 25 holds a promise for us related to the truthfulness of God. What is it? How does it relate to our security with God? Verses 26-27 reveal that one purpose for John’s letter is to contrast believers and deceivers. How does this give us more fuel for understanding 1 John 1:9 and its surrounding verses? Read verses 28 and 29 and react to this statement: I can have confidence upon Jesus’ return because I am born of God and as righteous as He is!

  • “My friend said Jesus fulfilled PART of the Law!”

    01/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Did Jesus only fulfill a portion of the Law? Is Hebrews 8:13 only referring to the sacrificial laws? What kind of repentance did the Jews (and Gentiles) need in Acts 2:38? My wife and I divorced a year ago, and I now wonder what God thinks and if I’m free to remarry. How does the Gospel speak into my situation?

  • "Are you saying that morality is determined by the culture?"

    31/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Why was there polygamy in the Old Testament? Does it mean God is okay with it? Does morality change over time? Why did Jesus tell John the Baptist they were fulfilling all righteousness? What Bible version should I read?

  • “I’m missing something to make my marriage better”

    30/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Is every sin really willful? What about mistakes we make? I’ve heard your messages on a healthy marriage, and I agree and have implemented those truths. But I feel like I’m missing something that will make my marriage richer and deeper. At the same time, I’m afraid of losing my marriage. What can I do? Why are there so many conflicting passages on water baptism? Is it really needed for salvation?

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