Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 1:40:39
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Living and Extraordinary Life


  • Why I Quit It All and What’s Next?

    07/02/2023 Duración: 18min

    The post Why I Quit It All and What’s Next? appeared first on Brett Campbell.

  • AATV Ep #24: Live Events

    15/09/2016 Duración: 04min Transcription: How you doing? This is Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy Online Coaching Community, and today, I want to talk about live events. Why I believe live events are important on 2 levels ... Number 1, being the person who is actually going out there and attending different events, and then number 2, the person who is actually running and putting on events where people are actually coming to see you and to learn from what it is that you know. First things first, go back to number 1 here, and is the concept of you actually attending an event. You're booking in an event, whether it's a free event or a ticket event, whether you are flying to another state, another country or whatever the case is ... What I suggest is every single entrepreneur do is at the end of each year is look at the calendar for the following year. Now a lot of events may be only marketed, say, 3 months prior, some even 8 weeks prior, actually to the event. Some of th

  • AATV EP #23: ClickFunnels vs InfusionSoft

    01/09/2016 Duración: 05min

    Want to grow your fan pages? Transcription: Hello, Brett Campbell here. I'm just shooting this quick video because I get asked this question a lot. It's to do with ClickFunnels, Infusionsoft, other email marketing services, and drag and drop website builders, et cetera. I'm just going to lay out my experience and why I use what I use, and hopefully with that can help you because number 1, I just want to put out there that just because Expert A says that you must use this and this, it doesn't mean it's going to be the best fit or perfect fit for your business, so really important that you remember that because someone could easily say, "Yes, you should use Infusionsoft." At the end of the day, it really does depend and I'll share with you why. When I first started out in the game, I was using AWeber as my email marketing service. It was because I had a very ... I didn't really even have a list when I was starting so that's where I started building my list. The reason being wa

  • AATV Ep #22: How Clear Are You?

    16/08/2016 Duración: 02min The post AATV Ep #22: How Clear Are You? appeared first on Brett Campbell.

  • AATV Ep #21: School’s Out: Stop Learning, Start Doing.

    04/08/2016 Duración: 04min TRANSCRIPTION How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community where I help entrepreneurs generate more leads, more fans, and more customers. If you want to find out and that sounds like something you'd like to learn more about, head over to, but today I want to talk to you about this concept that was given birth to on a podcast episode I recorded yesterday on another show that I have called the "Deep Dive Podcast." Feel free to go check that out, I was talking to my co-host there, Jeff Moore, and as always before the show I always ask Jeff, I go, "Jeff, what do you want to talk about today?" and he always comes up with something cool in regards to a term, and what I mean by that, he said, "Let's talk about school's out." I was like, I had to think for about a second or two and I said, "That's a great topic." We got talking. We got talking and discussing this concept of

  • AATV Ep #20: One Thing You Need To Succeed In Business

    02/08/2016 Duración: 03min TRANSCRIPTION If you really want to succeed in business you must have one of these. How you doing, it's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy Online Coaching Community where I help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers so ultimately they can get their message, their skill set, their knowledge out to the people who want and need it most. Today I want to share a quick little story with you and share this number one thing that every single business owner must have in their business if they are looking to really succeed and take it to the next level. This morning I embarked to the gym and started working out, and today was a little bit different than normally. See, the last few weeks I've been turning up to the gym and I've been going to the gym and just sort of jumping from one thing to another and going, "Oh, okay I'll go and do that now," or, "I'll go and do this exercise now." Coming from a fitn

  • AATV Ep #19: Facebook Ads Don’t Work

    02/08/2016 Duración: 03min

    10 Tips to building your fan page: TRANSCRIPTION Facebook Ads don't work. How're you doing? This is Brett Campbell here, curator and founder of the Authority Academy, where I help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers to they can ultimately get their message, their skills set and their knowledge out to the people who want and need it most. Today, I want to talk to you about this concept "Why Facebook Ads Don't Work." Before I get this post and before I get the feedback from everyone going, "Brett, you're full of shit, Facebook Ads are amazing," here's my caveat. Facebook Ads don't work if you don't know how to do them properly, if you don't know how to execute them properly, if you cant understand what it all means. The amount of times I see people when I ask them, I say, "To here, put your hand up if you had used Facebook Ads before." Of course, everyone's hands go up, everyone's dabbled a little bit. Maybe you're lucky,

  • AATV Ep #18: The #1 Sales Funnel You Should Be Using In Your Business

    29/07/2016 Duración: 03min Transcription: How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community where I help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers. Today I'm back with another training where I actually have just finished up a community training, so I had the team on the line and we're there for an hour, and I was going through several different things that are working right now for us in our business. Some of them are already implementing and achieving amazing results, which I'm pretty stoked about, of course, but I wanted to share one of these methods with you. I guess it's more of the over-arching topic of it, because I'm sure you can go away and run with it. It's this concept, and I don't want to say it straight away because I know what you're going to think. You're going to go, "Well that just makes sense, Brett. That's just common sense." I want to make sure that you're not using the

  • AATV Ep #17: Why Are Podcasts So Valuable?

    13/07/2016 Duración: 04min Transcription Why it's extremely valuable for you as an authority to have a number one rated podcast. How are you doing? Its Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community where we help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers so they can get their message, their skillset, their knowledge out to the world. Today, I wanted to talk to you about something that I find very interesting. I logged onto the computer this morning, went onto iTunes. We've recently just released another podcast. My wife, Emily, she's created a podcast called the Health and Fitspiration Show. Currently, You can't probably see that right now, but it's sitting at number one. There's something really interesting that I found whilst I was looking at this. I've been doing podcast shows for about, I think I started our first show would have been close to three years ago now. I think the Health and Fitspiration Show

  • AATV Ep #16: How You Can Use Pokemon Go To Revolutionise Your Business

    13/07/2016 Duración: 03min Transcription What you can learn from this phenomenon called Pokemon GO. How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy, the online coaching community where we help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers. Today, I want to talk about a craze that is sweeping the globe, and it is that of Pokemon. Just before we get into that, I just want to give you just a few numbers, just to add some context to this. No doubt you've seen in your Facebook news feed, or even members of your family running around the streets trying to catch these bloody things called Pokemon. The reality of the situation is, is this game, right? It's a game that is created, I don't know too much about it, to be honest, because I haven't jumped over the fence yet. Mind you, though, I'm very, very curious to actually have a go at it, but I think I will manage by leaving it alone. Anyhow, Pokemon, I was reading this morning,

  • AATV Ep #15: Are You Giving Customers What They Really Need And Want?

    12/07/2016 Duración: 02min TRANSCRIPTION Are you giving your customers what they really need and what they really want? How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community, where I help small business owners and entrepreneurs get more leads, get more fans, and ultimately get more customers so they can make a bigger difference in this world. Today I want to talk about this concept called are you giving your customers what they really want and what they really need? Now I just ran a recent Authority Academy one day event. I talked about this topic in depth. I just want to give you the snapshot of it, so you can actually go away and start thinking about this. One of the points that I rose at the event was why are there one hour personal training sessions? Why are personal training sessions or fitness classes one hour long? I asked the audience. There was actually a fair few fitness professionals in the audience. They were like, "I don't really kn

  • AATV Ep #14: Are You Utilising This In Your Business?

    05/07/2016 Duración: 04min Transcription: You must be utilising this in your business if you're looking to generate more leads, more fans, and more customers. How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy. Today, I'm going to share with you a simple strategy, and I hope you're probably doing this, or I bet you've tried this before and maybe you haven't followed through with it. I know for certain, being someone in the industry who creates a lot of content, we have a lot of information and knowledge that we get out to the world that we must have this variable working in our business. It is that of a marketing calendar. A marketing calendar. I know that sounds so simple, but are you using one? You know what they say, "Common sense is not always common practice." I want you to think about this. All you need to do is go to Google. I want you to print this out to start with. I know if you're someone who you work off a digital calendar, you're going to go, "Oh, I'll j

  • AATV Ep #13: Why Lead Magnets and Optin Pages Suck

    05/07/2016 Duración: 05min Transcription: Why lead magnets and opt in pages suck. How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of The Authority Academy, the online coaching community for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone who has a passion, a skill set, and knowledge that they want to get out to the world. Today I want to talk to you about why I believe lead magnets and opt in pages suck. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're like, "Brett, you have lost your marbles. You've gone absolutely out of control." There's a caveat that I want to put around this. Now, of course, I use that why lead magnets and opt in pages suck to get you interested into coming in to listen to what I have to say about it. Trust me, what I am about to tell you is 100% truth, and I reckon by the end of this explanation, you're going to agree with me. Let me start. Lead magnets and opt in pages suck if used incorrectly. In this day and age with the accessibility and ease of being able to creat

  • AATV Ep #12: Take The Leap

    23/06/2016 Duración: 01min Transcription: Sometimes in life you’ve got to just take the leap. How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of Authority Academy and today I'm reporting live from magical Thailand. It's about quadrillion percent humidity here. I'm currently just taking 7 days out and I'm over at a friend's event and we're doing a heap of cool things. I wanted to send this quick video. I was just sitting over in my seat and checking out this trapeze thing going on here and I'm seeing these little kids climbing up to the top and you can see the fear in their eyes that they're not sure whether or not they need to take the leap. I just want to ... It really just implanted this message with me. So many things that we do in our everyday life, what we do and what we tend to do is we over complicate things. When you're at the edge sometimes, you do just need to take the leap. If you've got a harness on and you're strapped in, you're going to be safe. It made me think of how many

  • AATV Ep #11: Facebook Advertising

    20/06/2016 Duración: 03min

    10 Tips to Growing your fan page: Transcription: If you're advertising on Facebook, this is your first step. How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone who is looking to turn their passion, their skill, and their knowledge into profits. Now, today I want to share with you a very quick tip that I see so many entrepreneurs and business owners doing wrong. I found this out when I was speaking in event. When I'm at events I like to do a little poll. I get the audience to put up your hand if you've ever used Facebook advertising, say you've spent money on Facebook. Near 90% of the audience their hands go up. I then ask the next question. Put your hand up if you advertise and you're spending money on a daily basis. The hands do not go up. Very, very few people are advertising on a regular daily basis, and this is the reason why. Number one is you do not hav

  • AATV Ep #10: Investing In The Best

    17/06/2016 Duración: 03min Transcription: Sometimes, you just need to invest in the best. How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of Authority Academy, the online coaching community for entrepreneurs and small-business owners. Today, I am back with a very quick tip, that is titled, "Invest in the Best." Now, there's some things in life, and we're going to talk about business here, there'† some things, especially in your business, where you do need to not be skimping on. What I mean by that is, I've just come into the kitchen here and I've just made myself a coffee ... Got a nice little mug here too, by the way. Invest in the best, right? Invest in the best. This is going to be a theme today. As you'll see, that we've got nice little coffee machine there. Now, yes, we could have come on over here, went to the to the kettle, and had the good old ... We do have it here, the old crappy coffee. That's a pretty workout right there, but what I want to about is this concept of too man

  • AATV Ep #9: Facebook Test Group

    16/06/2016 Duración: 01min

    Want more tips to grow your fan page? Transcription: If you're doing any form of online marketing on Facebook, you must be using this tip. Hello, it's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy, and today, I'm back with a very simple tip that you can utilise. Utilising the Facebook platform, and this tip simply stems from seeing many marketers, and even beginner to really advanced marketers, some of the best in the industry, falling for this particular trap. How this trap can be solved and solution provided is by doing this one thing. It is called creating a test Facebook group. Simple as that. Down the side of your Facebook profile when you login, you can go down and create a group. Maybe you've already got groups, communities, whatever the case, but I highly recommend you create a test group. What you do with that test group is any time you have a new link in your web page, a new website, anything like that, even a blog post, make sure you post the l

  • AATV Ep #8: Getting Your Products/Services Out There

    13/06/2016 Duración: 02min

    Want to build 100k Fan pages? Transcription: Where do you start, when it comes to getting your products and services out to the people who need it most? How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, Creator and Founder of Authority Academy. Today, I am actually poolside. Hanging out at my home here. Just finished a Facebook Live stream. If you're not doing those, you certainly must be getting onto those. I'm tell you, such an amazing opportunity that we have presented to us. As entrepreneurs and experts who want to get their passion, their school, their knowledge out to the world. This is not to talk about Facebook Live. I talk about that, in a past episode of the Authority Academy TV, so go check that out for sure. In fact, what I'll do is I'll link it up below this video. I'll send you a link directly back to that one, where I talk about Facebook Live. You can get the Facebook Live roadmap, etc etc that we have for you there. Today, I wanted to share with you, something that I

  • AATV Ep #7: One Step At A Time

    13/06/2016 Duración: 02min

    Want tips to building 100k fan pages? Transcription: It's all about taking one step at a time. How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy, and I'm standing here actually in front of my steps because I really want to paint a picture here. What I get a lot in the business world of course is, "It's so hard. I can't get any leads. I don't have any social media followers. I don't know what I'm doing," and it can become extremely overwhelming. Of course, look, I totally get it. I've been there. I know what it's like when you're going through the process, and all of a sudden, you just feel like you just get stuck, you've just reached a plateau, but all I want to show you is this. It's simple. Take one step at a time. You just need to learn one thing. Once you've learned that one thing, it'll start creating more momentum. It'll give you more confidence. It'll give you more courage to be able to take the next step. You're not expected to

  • AATV Ep #6: Why Aren’t You Asking?

    09/06/2016 Duración: 03min Transcription: We all need help, so why aren't you asking? Hey, it's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy. Today, I want to talk about a topic that ... It upsets me at times to see that this is such a prominent thing within the entrepreneurial industry community, et cetera, and even in general life to be honest. It's this concept of not having the ability or not taking the step to actually ask for help, putting up your hand and going, "You know what? Look, I don't actually know what I'm doing here," or, "Can you help me find a different path?" or, "Can you help me answer this question?" All right? For me, for example, when I was a kid and I was doing my homework, I was that type of kid who ... I would always yell out to my mom and go, "Mom, what's the answer to this? What's the answer to that?" Of course, my mom would say, "Look in the encyclopaedia," or, "Look in the books." We didn't have the computer back then. We didn't have the ... I think E

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