Wayne Stiles Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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The practical Bible Teaching of Wayne Stiles, connecting the Bible and its Lands to Life.


  • The Affirmation You Need when Struggling


    Part 18 - “Route 66”Book of JobIn times of suffering, God reveals Himself to us not by answering our questions and accusations but by affirming His total control. We don’t have to understand all that goes on behind the scenes in the spiritual and moral realm of God’s plans for us. God calls us instead to trust and obey.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Incredible Influence of One


    Part 17 - “Route 66”Esther 4Esther found herself in a place of influence, providentially placed to do what was right in a wrong-headed culture. Like Esther, we must realize that God has placed us where we are for such a time as this, and we must say and do what is right . . . even if we stand all alone.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Keep the Change


    Part 16 - “Route 66”Nehemiah 10; 13Israel’s great national return and repentance was short-lived. Once committed to changing, they failed to keep the change and backslid toward the sins that caused their original undoing. Learning from their mistakes, how can we cooperate with the Spirit of God and enjoy positive change without regression? Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Pagans, Prayers, and Promises


    Part 15 - “Route 66” (A message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Ezra 1; 1 Timothy 2:1-8The Book of Ezra reveals that the Lord, being sovereign over all kingdoms, moved the heart of unbelieving Cyrus to fulfill God’s will. God also stirred the hearts of His people to respond and return to the Promised Land. Today, we should pray to God on behalf of unbelieving rulers so that political circumstances may become favorable for the message of the gospel . . . and the living of its commands.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • God’s Tough Love


    Part 14 - “Route 66” (A series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)2 Chronicles 34Josiah’s great reforms for Israel began when he heard, as if for the first time, the Word of God. Israel’s inevitable exile was temporarily delayed because of the repentance of Josiah and Israel under him. We must renew our devotion to the Word of God, for God’s iron hand of love will draw us back to Him through discipline if we ignore the Scriptures.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Magnitude of God’s Grace


    Part 13 - “Route 66” (A series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)1 Chronicles 17The books of Chronicles, written to God’s weary people returning from exile, present a reason for hope in the Lord. In spite of all the faults of the kings from David’s line (including David himself), God will not renege on His promises to David. We too can take courage that God will fulfill His unconditional promises toward us . . . in spite of our sins. This shows the magnitude of God’s grace.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Problems with God’s Grace


    Part 12 - “Route 66” (A series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)2 Kings 5The leper Naaman initially felt insulted that all he must do to be healed was dip in the Jordan River. God’s grace often comes off as offensive to unbelievers. Gehazi, on the other hand, felt shocked that his master Elisha took no money from Naaman for his healing. So Gehazi took some money in secret and thus later suffered discipline. God’s grace has problems, as it were—offensive to unbelievers and abused by believers.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Wisdom Isn’t Enough


    Part 11 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)1 Kings 6, 9, 11 http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=6559961329458171864&postID=7515726099358635412How could the wisest man in the world blow it so badly? Solomon told God he wanted wisdom to govern God’s people, and he received it. But he should have also asked for a heart to obey God. Solomon’s priorities reveal a man with good intentions who forsook his own advice through compromise. We should commit not only to obtaining wisdom . . . but also to applying it.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Allure and Alloy of Adultery


    Part 10 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)2 Samuel 11-12 The secret sins of lust and adultery cratered the man after God’s own heart and made his walk with God miserable. The entire book of 2 Samuel pivots on one fateful evening in King David’s life. Only in repentance did David discover restoration and joy. We too should guard against the allure of adultery, for it jeopardizes our relationship with God and our joy in living.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Pressure Points


    Part 9 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)1 Samuel 13-15 King Saul experienced pressure to disobey God from extreme circumstances, from his own pride, and from people’s desires-- all of which he responded to poorly. We can learn a lesson, as we travel back with personal interviews with King Saul, how to respond to pressure God's way.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Sweetening That Bitter Spirit


    Part 8 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Ruth 1; 4Bitterness blurs your vision, exaggerates your emotions, and takes a healthy, balanced perspective of life and twists it out of proportion. You can be riding along with a full tank, and bitterness will show you a gauge almost empty. How often do we beg and plead for God to give us something—a mate, a child, riches, healing—when already we may be fuller than we would be if God gave us what we wanted? Could not God’s withholding our request (which to us leaves us “empty”) actually be God giving us more than our desires?Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Gideon: A Gross National Product


    Part 7 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Judges 6:33-7:18Gideon’s fearful heart prevented him from trusting the promise God gave about delivering Israel from the Midianites. So God uniquely worked to overcome Gideon’s deficiency and to bring him to a point of worship and faith. Only then could Gideon lead in victory. We also must face our fears and lack of trust in God’s Word and God’s power if we ever want to lead a victorious spiritual life.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Renewing a Heart for God


    Part 6 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Joshua 24After settling in the Promised Land, Joshua challenged the nation to renew their devotion to God and abandon their culture's and their ancestors' idols. He told them that everyone must “Choose today whom you will serve.” Seeing how God has faithfully worked in our lives in the past spurs us to reaffirm: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Second Chance with God


    Part 5 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Deuteronomy 6:1-15Holidays remind us to remember. And as we consider our relationship with God, Moses' message to the Hebrews remains true: When you prosper, remember that it’s all of God, and when you disobey, expect the Father to exact His perfect discipline because He loves you. For Israel, conditional blessing stemmed from obedience. But for those believers in Jesus Christ, whom God has already blessed with every spiritual blessing, obedience should come as we remember our deliverance.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • When God Gets Your Goat


    Part 3 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Leviticus 16The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) served as the most important day of the Hebrew calendar. This one day per year offered God’s children to regain and sustain fellowship with God—because of the death of a substitute. This practical picture points us to its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the one through whom we have forgiveness from sins and fellowship with God today.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • I'm Free!


    Part 2 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Exodus 12The Exodus of Israel through the blood of the Passover lamb displays God's gracious provision of redemption. The Exodus is the most important event of the Old Testament--just as the cross is for the New Testament.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • How It All Started


    Part 1 - “Route 66” (a series with a message from each of the 66 books of the Bible)Genesis 3; 12:1-3; 15:1-6Genesis demonstrates how God’s right to rule through man is challenged by the sin of man. So God, in His grace, chose to bless the whole of mankind through one man's descendants. The problem of sin is met with the promise of gracious redemption.Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • To Do: Fear God and Love People


    “To Do: Fear God and Love People” -- Matthew 22:35-39; Ecclesiastes 12:13 -- The application of the greatest command in the Bible can release us from our dependence on people. Solomon concluded after a meaningless life of chasing idols: “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.”(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Delight in Your Powerful God


    “Delight in Your Powerful God” --Isaiah 6 -- The person who fears the Lord fears nothing else. The fear of the Lord is awe, trust, devotion, and worship. We can loosen our grip on people when we grow to understand that God is more loving and more powerful than we can possibly imagine.(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Big Needs and a Little God


    "Big Needs and a Little God" --Matthew 6:9-13 -- We hear: "I need a vacation." "I need sex." "I need my husband to listen to me.” “I need a better job." Needs are sometimes greeds cloaked in good intentions, or at best, elevated godly desires. The Bible reveals our true needs for God and people are not often what we think. So what do you need?(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

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