Black Jade Radio



Black Jade Creative is passionate about taking your "secret sauce" to the next level. We add value to your vision by building trust with your brand through the human connection. We specialize in graphic and web design, corporate identity, branding, and e-commerce.


  • The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: The Number Six

    10/05/2010 Duración: 29min

    The Black Jade Creative Studio demystifies the Number Six and delves into its place in the modern branding and design landscape. The discussion will cover the nature behind the six, its application in our society, and how it is represented in logos and other branding endeavors. Featuring special guest, Brian Fons of Corporate Creations Chicago, LLC.

  • The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: The Number Five

    07/04/2010 Duración: 29min

    Black Jade Creative's own Rose Mulroney and Michael Gaspar discuss the inherent meaning behind the number five, the Golden Mean, and its effect on design and modern branding. Special Guest: Doug Davila discusses BrandSmart Awards 2010.

  • The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: The Number Three and Four

    14/01/2010 Duración: 28min

    The Mystery of Threeness We have all heard the cliché, “Third time is the charm.” The funny thing about clichés is that they are clichés because they are overused, and they are overused because they are for the most part true. Why is it that the third time is in fact the charm? Why not the second, or fourth time? Is the number three inherently lucky? In all honesty, we do not know, and neither did the ancients. However, what the ancients did do was observe, and set the stage for our understanding of the mystery of threeness. The Tetrad and the Birth of the SquareThe Tetrad refers namely to the understanding of “fourness” that derives itself from the vesica piscis that we originally observed in the dyad and the number two. As you can see, as the ancients did, if a circle is drawn in the center of the dyad, using the vesica piscis as the circle’s boundaries, and the dividing lines (hot dog and hamburger style) of the vesica piscis, connecting all the dots generates the square.

  • The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: The Number One & Two

    19/11/2009 Duración: 14min

    The digit between zero and two. The number that carries with it a prestige and swagger that most associate with greatness, speed, and competitiveness. If the number one could interact with people it would be proud, dark, good-looking, with a great job, and a firm grasp on the American Dream. Socially, the number one serves as a symbol of success and aspiration for all. Nobody wants to be anything but #1 in their class, their field, or their social spheres. Inasmuch as the number one bears a strong association with “the best” in American society, that is not the sole association that we can draw between the number one and its personality. The number one that we all know and love has a deeper history beneath its seemingly “successful” roots. That is why it is essential that we are made aware of the ancient significance of the number one in hopes of better understanding the number one, the number one as a symbol, and its profound effect on the modern-day design, marketing, and branding industries. If ther

  • The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: An Introduction

    21/10/2009 Duración: 13min

    What’s in a symbol?As a creative design and branding studio, Black Jade Creative puts an incredible amount of stock in the power of symbols. Whether the symbol is a hominid cave drawing, an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, an ancient Greek letter, or a 21st century business logo, all symbols have a voice that reveals their origins, values, and personalities. As the amount of businesses grows throughout the modern world, our brands are essentially what differentiate us from our competition. They reveal who we are and what we are capable of.

  • BJC Gets Real with Going Green

    29/09/2009 Duración: 07min

    Going green makes sense. Businesses and consumers alike are realizing that making “green” decisions are not only friendly to the environment, but are most importantly conducive to improving their bottom lines. Advancements in technology are among many of the reasons why going green is sustainable and becoming even more popular within businesses. Technologies now allow businesses to recycle materials, minimize waste, function more efficiently on all levels, and be more profitable. It just so happens that most of these practices are advancements in the green movement as well. Coincidence? Hardly. We, as a society, are now witnessing the natural evolution of technology and eco-friendliness, whose futures are becoming more and more intertwined.

  • Planning for the Future

    04/08/2009 Duración: 09min

    Andrew and Rose of Black Jade sit down to talk about how to develop a S.M.A.R.T. plan for your marketing.

  • Show & Tell

    29/07/2009 Duración: 14min

    Join us for Black Jade Creative's monthly networking event as we welcome Corporate Creations attorney Brian Fons. Brian will be speaking and answering questions about personal branding, podcasting, and more.

  • Email marketing, does it work for you?

    28/07/2009 Duración: 10min

    Andrew and Rose from Black Jade Creative sit down to discuss the benefits of email marketing.