Babe And Mimi The Biggest Loser Podcast



Babe and Mimi's weekly podcast will run down the happenings at the Biggest Loser ranch, the development of the contestants and the struggles they tackle.


  • Episode 10 Dec 21 - The Finale


    The finale episode of the Biggest Loser has come and gone. So sad, over already! Bill and his bubba Jim take home the booty, all of it. They all come out winners though...Biggest Losers all. We had fun doing the podcast and hope you guys all enjoyed it too. We are still penciled in to do the Big Brother 9 podcast, Big Brutha Luva, in February.The best place to find us for details on what we're doing is at our MySpace page ( Also at Take it easy all y'all. Let's stay in touch.-mimi and babe

  • Episode 09 Dec 14 - Babe's Nah-no


    The penultimate episode of The Babe and Mimi Biggest Loser Podcast! The theme is the letter "I". Ice, iPods and Isabeau. The finale is Tuesday, already! We've got the Final four and Mimi still maintains that she predicated a Bill win months ago. Ok, big deal, give her a prize...White mountains, New Hampshire, and how in the world could they find a way to talk about yellow mustard? huh?

  • Episode 08 Nov 26 - No, it's not A-OKae!


    Biggest Loser won't be the same without Kae. Bye girl, thx for the mounds of inspiration! She looked so incredible at the live weigh-in, the finale is going to be a blowout this season! Can't wait. It's on Dec 18 btw.Thx to Sistah J for the voicemail feedback. If you were a subscriber to the Sistahs En Review podcast, you have to Unsubscribe and then Subscribe again as their feed address has changed.Babe and Mimi talk about post-Thanksgiving, "reality" tv and its future, their hope for Rock Star to make a resurgence, and the future of big brutha luva.If you need a film that blows all other films out of the water, we saw the first of a 10 part series of films called the Decalogue. If you need an hour where you want to sit in the dark, and be blown away, Decalogue:One is the film for you.

  • Episode 07 Nov 20 - Have a Mindful Thanksgiving!


    Thanksgiving week is here. Think about your best self and how you're gonna make it to the other side. Mimi goes solo on this Biggest Loser ep and talks about the triathlon and donut temptation challenges. 900 calories may have helped pushed two under the yellow line. Ya gotta wonder. Hollie conquers the triathlon and gets to go home to her peeps. Props to you Hollie!Tonight's ep will present their "before" pix and their makovers. What the heck is a live weigh-in on a previously recorded show...? huh?An explanation about this writer's strike we hear so much about.Sistah K puts out a Friday Night Lights episode recap and poses some Qs for Mimi to explain. Thx for the feedback K.!Thx also to Jenn and Quinn for the episode intro.edit: I just saw a commercial for tonight episode. A live weigh in "...of the eliminated player". Cool. It's giving us a taste of the finale. Getting us all psyched for it.

  • Episode 06 Nov 12 - Mourvedre and Deep Fryers


    Babe and Mimi's stream of consciousness: Mourvedre wine, Meditation, and MySpace/babeandmimi; BB9 and Black Team Losers will Win; Donuts and Deep Fryers; Eggs, Ezekial bread, and EatPrayLove; 5% body weight loss, 7-11 burritos, 206 984-4202, and 3200 calorie pizza lunches.

  • Episode 05 Nov 4 - Ups ...and Downs


    The fallout continues as more players are revealed to have participated in Neil's plan to get the edge over other teams. It's a game, a big money-prize is on the rainbow, but even Neil said it best "There are unwritten rules to this game..." We're still rooting for the lovefest to renew itself. Seemed like Hollie or Kae would've been the target last week but Dave was sent home. He seems to have it all together back at home w/ his family. Good luck D.!Babe and Mimi enter the 21st century and are very grateful and proud to announce that Black Team Hollie is our first (and only...besides Tom) friend at our new my space blog. Please come over there and get added to our friends list!Isabeau is looking hot hot hot! Check out her My Space for some of her original tunes for sale. Good stuff.The show is getting good. So much emotion. Let's hope everybody can survive this, including all of us!We don't talk yoga or food or anything. Enjoy the mashup though. Dr. Waumiau's "1,2 Step Salmon R

  • Episode 04 Oct 24 - Watergate!


    Say it ain't so!!! Why do we all feel so blindsided... Dude GAINS 17 pounds, SEVENTEEN pounds in a week?? Ah, he admits, reluctantly, to drinking 2 gallons of water before the weigh in. Hasn't this water-load tactic been used before? Never so blatantly. Babe and Mimi didn't even know about it til the whispers of Red Team doing it a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, for Jez, ...and Jillian... and the Black Team... and the viewers ...and the loyal fans, we all got slapped. What will happen with the dynamics of the contestants and the trainers on next week's ep? We'll all been tuned in to see, that's for sure!This episode should be called "Innocence Lost" cuz that's how it feels... I thought they were all trying real hard to lose weight and achieve a greater goal for themselves. Ah well.. everybody could use 250K.We launch the Babe and Mimi Food Segment with the esteemed Faye. Listen as she tells us how to keep prepared for anything, make a stir fry, and create a different state of mind when it comes to y

  • Episode 03 Oct 14 - Yoga Yourself


    The Biggest Losers end up in Jamaica and lots o'folks aren't quite sure of their purpose there. Jez and Jillian's exchange was the best of the episode. Black team breaks up the twins and sends Jim off the campus. How did Red Team manage to each only lose 1 lb last week and then all kick out 10 plus this week? Hmmm...We talk about Redskins, Friday Night Lights (a GREAT show!), our podcasting friends Sistah's En Review episode 9, and a funny story about gramma's final words.Don't get freaked out, but babe and mimi are both doing yoga and share the warm n/ fuzzies they get from its benefits. Babe and Mimi Food Segment coming in future eps. Get a nano. Pick up Womankind on Annie Lennox's new album at iTunes. Oh heck, get the whole kick a-- album!Darn, I wanted to talk about Big Brother buzz regarding Dick, Zach, final competition, mirrors, angles of opportunity...or not. Maybe next time.Hey, please send us an email, voicemail, leave a comment, sumthin'! Send us some Yo!

  • Episode 02 Oct 5 - Trail Hazards


    Babe popped a hamstring while climbing over roots and rocks and sh... She'll turn to yoga for its healing touch. Mimi has turned to post-it notes for inspiration and possible confusion.Patty admitting to herself that she is worth it was a touching moment in this weeks episode. We need to find and accept that we do indeed have value in this life. Priorities are in order to help make this happen.Don't fear The Motion.What does your goal shirt say...?Tune by Dr. Waumiau, Where's Your URAQT, a mash of Quincy Jones, MIA and Basement Jaxx.

  • Episode 01 Sept 23 ...Change


    Episode 01 hits the ground running and Babe and Mimi get right into talking about the changes they need to make in their lives to be healthier, happier Babes and Mimis. Making a Change is a good start. The girls are both branching out into the world of yoga, Babe is an extreme runner that wants to trim down a few lbs, and Mimi sits on her arse all day and needs to get some blood flowing (as well as getting rid of that arse). Things gota change for these two.This premiere episode didn't touch on the Biggest Losers very much but there'll be lots of talk about those guys in eps coming up. (Go Black Team!)Mashup by DJ Moule, "Positive Walk", a mash of Lou reed, Wax Taylor and the Rolling Stones.Click the Title to launch the mp3 or right click/save it. Don't forget about Subscribing in iTunes as an option...---Yo, Jennifer from North Carolina! We just got your voicemail. lol! Indeed, we had to decompress after BB8 but are back and ready to give it a rip! Thx for missing us cuz you know why....we miss all you g