The Kreutzer Sonata

The Kreutzer Sonata, one of the most controversial novels written by Leo Tolstoy. It was named after Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata and attracted immediate attention of censors on...

Family Happiness

The story follows unconventional love and marriage of a young girl, Masha aged 17, and the much older Sergey Mikhaylych , an old family friend. The story is narrated by Masha....

Ivan The Fool

The story of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers Simon the Warrior and Taras the Pot-Bellied, and of his deaf and dumb sister, and the old Devil and three little Devilkins.

The Imp And The Crust

A poor peasant set out early one morning to plough, taking with him for his breakfast a crust of bread. He got his plough ready, wrapped the bread in his coat, put it under a...


A story of a successful farmer Ilyas who grew into one of the wealthiest in the area only to loose it all through series of bad accidents. He finds his happiness however only...

Little Girls Wiser Than Men

Two little girls from different houses happened to meet in a lane between two homesteads, where the dirty water after running through the farm-yards had formed a large puddle. One...

God Sees The Truth, But Waits

In the town of Vladímir lived a young merchant named Iván Dmítritch Aksyónof. He had two shops and a house of his own. Aksyónof was a handsome, fair-haired, curly-headed...

Two Old Men

There were once two old men who decided to go on a pilgrimage to worship God at Jerusalem. One of them was a well-to-do peasant named Efím Tarásitch Shevélev. The other, Elisha...

A Spark Neglected Burns The House

There once lived in a village a peasant named Iván Stcherbakóf. He was comfortably off, in the prime of life, the best worker in the village, and had three sons all able to...

How Much Land Does A Man Need?

An elder sister came to visit her younger sister in the country. The elder was married to a tradesman in town, the younger to a peasant in the village. As the sisters sat over...

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