Shelly Manougian

Oprah tells us that women are not wearing the right size bra - and she is right! Listen each week to Shelly who will help you look and feel better in your clothes, help you have...

Shelly Hollis

SHINE Ministries Podcasts

Madhuri Srivastava

Hey i will sing here for my listeners..stay musical

Abel Mahari

Welcome to my podcast where i give advice about life,relationship,carrer,and many more just send any questions u have or what u would like me to talk about

White Guilt: How Blacks And Whites Together Destroyed The Promise Of The Civil Rights Era

"Not unlike some of Ralph Ellison’s or Richard Wright’s best work. White Guilt, a serious meditation on vital issues, deserves a wide readership.” — Cleveland Plain...

All That You Want To Know About The Universe [russian Edition]

New worlds, planets, and stars, invisible space and black holes. All of this is our universe. The simplest unicellular organisms, quarks, hadrons, and neurine - is also all our...

Gatekeeper [abridged]

Gatekeeper features a labyrinthine setting -- from the chambers of the American embassy in Paris to the stoops and back alleys of New York City -- stocked with characters whose...

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