Platsen Podcast

En podcast om platser och det som händer där. Varannan vecka besöker vi en ny plats och ger er berättelser från olika vinklar. Drivs av Oskar Simann och Samuel Horgby.

Outlaw Platoon

In combat, men measure up. Or don't. There are no second chances.In this vivid account of the U.S. Army's legendary 10th Mountain Division's heroic stand in the mountains of...

Xplicitly Platonic

Hollywood has romanticized platonic relationships since lord knows when. Boy meets girl, they become friends, one of them starts to like the other, the other party eventually...

Quantum Plating

We are 2 guys sitting around talking science we are no experts by any means but we enjoy science. We are keeping this kid friendly so your whole family can listen to it. thank you...

Platanos & Grits

Listen as two born and raised New Yorkers make sense of the world around them and the beast that is the Entertainment Industry & what society considers "popular culture". Become a...

Plato's Crito

The Athenian court has found Socrates guilty and sentenced him to death. While he is waiting to be executed, his friend, Crito, comes to the prison to persuade him to escape and...

Plato’s Ion

Socrates questions Ion, an actor who just won a major prize, about his ability to interpret the epic poetry of Homer. How does an actor, a poet, or any other artist create? Is it...

Plato’s Symposium

The dramatic nature of Plato’s dialogues is delightfully evident in the "Symposium." The marriage between character and thought bursts forth as the guests gather at Agathon’s...

Plato’s Apology

Socrates is on trial for his life. He is charged with impiety and corrupting young people. He presents his own defense, explaining why he has devoted his life to challenging the...

Plato’s Crito

After Socrates is sentenced to death by the Athenian court, his friend Crito comes to the prison to help him escape and go to another country. Socrates responds by saying that he...

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