Turkia Radio

Turkía Radio, todos los viernes de 19 a 20H en el 97,6FM (A Coruña) con Txury Ferrer y Antón Lezcano

El Túnel

Una historia de perdedores que sabe a whisky y a rock, una novela sobre los meandros de la vida y los que deciden nadar a contracorriente. David, un músico de tercera, ha visto...

Turtle Running Crew

Qué es Turtle Running Crew? qué servicios ofrecemos? Entrenamientos Integrales para corredores

Nada Te Turbe

Catalina Béjar de Prado es una mujer progresista hasta donde le conviene: se casó con un «igual», o eso es lo que ella creía, pero, en el fondo, Catalina se casó para...

Turner And The Masters - Spanish

Turner is certainly one of the figureheads of English painting in the early nineteenth century. Celebrated for his last manner characterized by blurred landscapes lost in the...

El Túnel De Brooklyn - Dramatizado

Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Año 1977: la familia Brooks, el pequeño Jack y su madre llevan el libro nigromántico a Nueva York para que la tía de Jack lo...

Talking Turkey

To Talk Turkey is to talk business! Interesting professionals in the industry get to give their insights about life, tell stories about their journey and give a word of motivation

Turkey Wonk

Nuclear and political musings in Turkey and beyond

Talking Turkey

Distilled from a year's worth of off-kilter conversation between two fledgling PhD students, Talking Turkey offers all flap and no flight. Equal parts absurd and insightful.

Turkey Crossing

This is a podcast about education and my attempt to use classroom 2.0 tools in my classroom. I examine topics that often go unmentioned in education classes, professional...

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