Learners Inspired

Welcome to Learners Inspired, where amazing things happen. We're just two Instructional Technologist eager to share our journey and experience with technology integration in...

Nerdin' & Learnin'

This is a place where Mental Health is promoted and supportive of IP and fun stuff! You get to nerd out with me and whatever it is I happen to be exploring or researching. This...

Creative Learners

Musings on everything creative from books, plays, films and a little philosophy for good measure

Lessons Learned

A podcast about the best teacher on Gods green earth, life...

Learned Lag

We play Learned League, the greatest trivia competition in all the land. Each day, we run through the questions and how we arrived at the answers (or at least, how we arrived at...

Learn Vern Learn

RB related topics, chatter, pink/bant news, poster interviews and rants served cold with a spoonful of sugar and a bowl of inappropriate and personal information.

Learnt Up

Lorraine DeGraffenreidt is a black person! Sarah Isaacson is a Jewish person! As it turns out, there's a lot of black and Jewish stuff that they don't know anything about -- and...

Get Learnt

We talk about new research going on with professors, post docs, and graduate students. Get Learnt is a relaxed science podcast, we keep it humorous, humble, and exciting to listen...

Learned Optimism [abridged]

ARE YOU HOLDING YOURSELF BACK? Without knowing it, most of us impose limits on our achievement and our happiness by approaching life's problems and challenges with unnecessary...

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