I Viaggi Di Marco Polo

"Maestro, quanti sogni avventurosi / sognammo sulle trame dei tuoi libri! / La Terra il Mare il Cielo l’Universo / per te, con te, poeta dei prodigi, / varcammo in...

The Secret Of The Island

It was now two years and a half since the castaways from the balloon had been thrown on Lincoln Island, and during that period there had been no communication between them and...

A Journey Into The Center Of The Earth

"A Journey to the Center of the Earth" is an 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are...

I Viaggi Di Marco Polo

In questo libro il genio di Jules Verne, basandosi sull’antico codice Magliabeccano, ricostruisce i viaggi di Marco Polo tra fantasia e realtà. Un percorso...

The English At The North Pole

Adventures of British expedition led by Captain John Hatteras to the North Pole. Hatteras is convinced that the sea around the pole is not frozen and his obsession is to reach the...

Ao Redor Da Lua: Autour De La Lune: Edição Bilíngue Integral Português-francês Ilustrada

A sequência de Jules Verne para "Da Terra à Lua" é uma novela de ficção científica que narra a continuação das aventuras dos aventureiros e exploradores do Clube do...

Eight Hundred Leagues On The Amazon

‘Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon’ follows Joam Garral a Brazilian ranch owner living on the Peruvian border. When his daughter wants to return to their old city of Belem...

The Adventures Of Captain Hatteras: The Desert Of Ice

Why would the Captain jump into a volcano crater? And will he make it back out alive?"The Desert of Ice" is the second part of Jules Verne’s novel "The Adventures of Captain...

B. J. Harrison Reads Around The World In 80 Days

Despite his wealth, the rich British gentleman Phileas Fogg lives a simple and humble life. He is a member of the Reform Club, which is one of London’s best gentleman's club....

Viaggio Al Centro Della Terra

 Il professor Otto Lidenbrock trova in un vecchio libro del ‘400 una pergamena che contiene un messaggio scritto in caratteri runici. Il messaggio viene decifrato da Axel,...

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