Newton Santos

Bienvenidos a los podcast de Newton Santos. Donde compartir lo bueno es un compromiso.

Isaac Newton

James Gleick has long been fascinated by the making of science -- how ideas order visible appearances, how equations can give meaning to molecular and stellar phenomena, how...

Simplement Jessie

Podcast by Simplement Jessie

I'm Josh Newton

Im Josh Newton. I work with organizations and individuals to identify the unique hardwiring and innate abilities found in each human being. In this show, you'll hear a...

Jessie Cervantes En Vivo

Durante cuatro horas Jessie ofrece un programa con colaboradores de primer nivel, además de tocar temas de entretenimiento, noticias, sexualidad, desarrollo humano, tecnología y...

Jessies 15mins Show

Hi there! I m Jessie a sophomore student in college . Living in a boring but amazing life. Want to know more . Stay tuned

John Newton E A Vida Cristã

"Este livro, de um dos mais brilhantes escritores do evangelicalismo contemporâneo, examina as lições de vida de um escritor de hinos, de um lutador pela liberdade, e de um...

Jessie And His Music

I love all kinds of music but especially bossa nova samba instrumental smooth jazz especially guitar and voice

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