Christine Otis

Interviews with writers and artists about their craft

Otis Spofford

When it comes to stirring up a little excitement in class, Otis Spofford knows just what to do. He can turn a folk dance fiesta into a three-ring circus, or an arithmetic lesson...

Good Genes

To voice the countless ways cultures and people express themselves

O Gene Egoísta

O gene egoísta foi publicado em 1976. Propunha-se a condensar o enorme corpo teórico já produzido para compreender como espécies surgem e se diversificam, como indivíduos se...

Sons Of Otis Sistrunk

Stories, myths and lies about sports

O Gene: Uma História Íntima

Neste best-seller do New York Times, Siddhartha Mukherjee traça uma história científica e íntima do gene humano.Nesta aclamada obra, Siddhartha Mukherjee, vencedor do prêmio...

Cutoff Genes Podcast

Ever wondered what consumer DNA testing can do for you- beyond telling you your ethnicity? Are you an adoptee- or someone who has an unknown parent or relative? Do you love...

Counterfeit Genes Singles

Why not subscibe to and download free singles from upcoming band Counterfeit Genes... Go On... what do you have to lose!!! Counterfeit Genes: Lewis Brander- (Lead Vocals, Rythym...

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