03-31-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spi

03-31-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Press Conferenceaudio English

03-16-2017 - President Donald Trump Live Speech At

03-16-2017 - President Donald Trump Live Speech at the St Patricks Day Receptionaudio English

Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer 02-03-17

Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Press Conference (02-03-2017 ) Sean Spiceraudio EnglishPresident Donald Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer held a Press Briefing on...

03-29-2017 - President Donald Trump Speech At The

03-29-2017 - President Donald Trump Speech At The Womens Empowerment Panelaudio English

Hat James Comey Die Wahrheit Über Donald Trump Gesagt?

Der Jurist James Comey behauptet, dass Donald Trump ein unmoralischer Lügner ist und vergleicht den Präsidenten sogar mit einem Mafia-Boss.Was ist von diesen...

03-29-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spi

03-29-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Press Conference Sean Spicer Press Briefingaudio English

03-23-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spi

03-23-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Press Conferenceaudio English

Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, And The White Nationalist Agenda

“A vital book for understanding the still-unfolding nightmare of nationalism and racism in the 21st century.” –Francisco Cantu, author of The Line Becomes a...

President Donald Trump Speech At Cpac 2017 2-24-17

President Donald Trump Speech at CPAC 2017 (02-24-2017)audio EnglishPresident Donald Trump Speech at CPAC 2017 (Conservative Political Action Conference), Frid7ay, February 24,...

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