Peter: An Expositional Commentary

As a member of the Inner Circle Peter was present at the Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus' daughter, and the closer circle at Gethsemane. This most vibrant personality's...

Book Of Mark: An Expositional Commentary

"Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished...

I & Ii Samuel: An Expositional Commentary

"And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle [is] the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands." And it came to pass, when...

Behold A White Horse: The Coming World Leader

The final world dictator seeking global domination will also be an “Assyrian” who is here characterized by a bow, riding a white horse. It is interesting how many confuse this...

Ezra & Nehemiah: An Expositional Commentary

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah (and Esther) cover about 100 years, closing the Old Testament historical books. The books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles closed with the Southern...

I & Ii Chronicles: An Expositional Commentary

In Hebrew, this book is called dibhere ha-yamim: ''the words concerning the days.'' The Jewish Bible regards the Old Testament as 22 books and Chronicles is counted as a single...

Behold A Black Horse: Economic Upheaval And Famine

The third of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” brings inflation and famine on an unprecedented scale. What is the real cause of inflation? What are the real causes...

Joshua And The Twelve Tribes: An Expositional Commentary

Under close examination, the Book of Joshua seems to be a precursor to the book of Revelation: another Yehoshua, as Commander-in-Chief, will dispossess the Planet Earth of its...

The Whole Counsel Of God

Our Lord repeatedly instructed us: "Be not deceived." That is an imperative: a command, not simply a suggestion. But how? What are the tools to prevent our being deceived or...

Lamentations: An Expositional Commentary

The book of Lamentations is also included on this commentary. The book of Lamentations is a complete book in itself, a five-chapter book that is sort of an appendix to the book of...

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