Calvary Baptist Church - Alexandria - La

Inspiring and uplifting biblical messages by Dr. David Brooks, senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Alexandria, Louisiana.


Cyril of Alexandria was the leading voice of Nicene orthodoxy in the Christological controversies between Constantinople (381) and Chalcedon (451). Assuming the mantle of the...

Grace Presbyterian Church - Alexandria, La

Sermons by Grace Presbyterian Church - Alexandria, LA

Sister Talks With Anaston & Alexandria

Everyone has that one person that they call when they need to have an open, honest conversation. These types of conversations inspired the creation of Sister Talks with Anaston &...

Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria Va

Sermons and educational audio from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA.

Audiocast Harmocast Alexandria Harmonizers Barbershop Podcast

The official podcast of the Alexandria Harmonizers - A Cappella & Barbershop Harmony

Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy by FORBES, Frances Alice

A short and rather old fashioned biography a great saint. Dont expect subtlety; its unapologetic hagiography. The saint is presented as a figure of pristine brilliance, courage...

Aleph, The Chaldean; Or, The Messiah As Seen From Alexandria

Two facts, at least, should be remembered by the readers of this book.1. It was not uncommon in the times of the Christ for Hebrew men, in imitation of Joseph and Moses and Boaz,...

Serápis De Alexandria: Discursos E Representações De Poder Em Disputa Na Época Antonina (96-192 D.c.)

O livro Serápis de Alexandria: discursos e representações de poder em disputa na época antonina (96-192 d.C.) lança luz sobre o contexto de romanização no Egito e as...

Erótica E Ontologia: A Questão Da Ontoteologia No Pensamento De Orígenes De Alexandria Em Diálogo Com Heidegger, Levinas E Marion

Este livro demonstra, sob a perspectiva erótica, como o amor constitui essencialmente o ser divino e como esse amor impele o divino à relação com os seres e com o mundo —...

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