Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Are You Mad At Your Body?



Congratulations! You've stopped blaming the stop getting mad at your body. Anger is a very powerful motivator and more often than not, it leads to (further) destruction. You can't shame yourself into good health. You only ruin your health further when you don't recognize that your body needs love, time and patience. You took the time to drive over to your favorite fast food chain. You were patient enough to wait in line for that scrumptious taco meal. No doubt, you loved eating all that food and you couldn't get enough of it. Am I right? Yes? Perfect! Looks like we've established that you actually have the most important resources you need to improve your health. We just need to tweak where you focus using those resources on. Take time to start on the weight loss program that you signed up for. Take a step at a time. Be patient enough to follow your program and celebrate your victories with the reward system. You are accountable for loving your body until you can't get enough of its growth and pro