
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 21:22:54
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FloraFlora FangVOA


  • 聆听:做人本该如此简单可爱

    05/11/2019 Duración: 03min

    1. When a human likes another human they hold hands.当一个人喜欢另一个人的时候,他们就会手牵手。Humans will often walk, sit or talk while holding hands. They hold hands with their mate, family, friends, and offspring.人们经常会在走路、坐着或者是交谈的时候牵手。他们会与他们的同伴、家人、朋友和孩子们牵手。2. Humans love to eat sweet and soft concoction made of sugar and cream. When it’s warm, they call it “pudding.” When it’s cold, they call it “ice cream.”人类喜欢吃由糖和奶油做成的甜软混合物。热的话就叫“布丁”,凉的话就叫“冰淇淋”。They even love sugar and cream so much sometimes they whip it and put the “whipped cream” on top of their other cream-based sweets.人们如此的热爱糖和奶油,有的时候会将他们搅拌起来,把这个搅拌好的奶油放到另外一个奶油做好的甜品上面。3. Humans love to “hug.” They embrace each others’ bodies and it actually produces good feeling chemicals in them.人们喜欢拥抱。当人们拥抱彼此的时候,内心会产生感觉很好的化学物质。Humans will hug each other for many reasons– love, celebration, sadness, comfort, romance, and even just to say hello or goodbye! How cute is that?人们会因为各种理由而拥抱——爱、庆祝、悲伤、安慰、浪漫或者只是打招呼或者说再见。是不是很可爱?4. Humans often “cuddle” which is basically just

  • 余生只做三件事:Live, love, laugh

    05/11/2019 Duración: 02min

    Life is crazyAnd totally unpredictableIt's going to push you overKick you while you're downAnd hit youwhen you try to get back up生活时而失控全然防不胜防它会将你打倒继以拳脚相加当你倔强爬起它又上来补刀Not everything can beat youThings are going to change youBut you get to choose which ones you let change you凡事未必打倒你凡事皆能改变你何事终将塑造你终究取决于自己Listen to your heartFollow your dreamsAnd let no one tell youwhat you're capable of听从内心的声音追寻梦想的脚步勿轻信他人告知你究竟多少能耐Push the limitsBend the rulesAnd enjoy every minute of it挑战极限冲破局限享受活着的每一刻Laugh at everythingLive for as long as you canLove allBut trust none看开一点活久一点爱所有人不轻信任何人Believe in yourselfAnd never lose faith in othersSettle for nothing but only the bestAnd give 110% in everything you do相信自己也不对别人失望凡事做到最好付出110%的努力Take risksLive on the edgeYet stay safeAnd cherish every moment of it勇于冒险绝地求生平安活着珍惜光阴Life is a giftAppreciate all the rewardsAnd jump on every opportunityNot everyone's going to love youBut who needs them anyway生活是一份礼物感恩每一次赠予把握每一次机会懂得并不是每个人都会爱你也懂得没必要让每个人都爱你Challenge everythingAnd fight for what you believeB

  • 你以为我一贫如洗长相平庸就没有感情吗

    05/11/2019 Duración: 02min

    You think that because I am poor and plain, I have no feelings?你以为我一贫如洗, 长相平庸就没有感情吗?I promise you, if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.告诉你吧,如果是上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像现在我难以离开你一样。I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the gave, and we stood at God's feet, equal——as we are!今天我以平等的灵魂站在你面前,抛除陈规旧俗、抛除身份尊卑,我的灵魂仍然能同你的灵魂对话,仿佛我们穿越生死,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等。I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.我是一个有独立意志的自由人,现在我自愿离开你。02I can live alone, if self-respect, and circumstances require me so to do.如果我的自尊和外在现实不能融合,我可以不结婚而独自生活。I need not sell my soul to buy bliss.我绝不违背自己的良心来换取富贵的生活。I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.如果外在的欢娱需要我以内心不可承受

  • 有时我们不够优秀,是因为想得太多做得太少

    04/11/2019 Duración: 02min

    I've always viewed life from the side linesJust watching it passing me byIn the past, too afraid to just let go and liveAnd lately too tired to try我把一生过成了一位旁观者总站在彼岸权衡自己的得失结果眼看着时间从掌心溜走年轻时害怕失败年纪大了又力不从心I've envied the people around meSo invested in living each dayWhile I spent my timehiding out from the worldAnd searching for ways to escape我曾嫉妒旁人能全情投入地生活而我只能害怕地躲在角落看着别人上演精彩剧情For most of my life I truly believedI was here to help somebody elseBut now it's so clear it was just an excuseTo avoid living life for myself纵观过去 我曾坚信自己是为别人而活 所以不能轻举妄动如今我才明白那只是个借口是我不求上进的借口It's sad that our lives and the pain we endureCan weaken our strength to move onBut if we get lost in the scars of our pastWithout knowing our lives will be gone苦难和疼痛会削弱我们的意志但如果迷失在过去的伤疤里就会忘记时间从来不等人It's true, people are disappointingThey can turn in the blink of an eyeBut we can't avoid hurting each otherWhen we all want a chance at this life诚然生活中的一些人会让你失望他们可能转眼就面目全非可为了获得人生中的宝贵机会人们注定免不了互相伤害But there's something I've learnedthrough the wisdom of ageA truth ab

  • 聆听:记忆

    17/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    断续的曲子Songs that stop and start again最美或最温柔的loveliest, or most tender夜,带着一天的星Night, bringing a skyful of stars记忆的梗上On the stem of memories谁不有who doesn't have两三朵娉婷two or three elegant flowers披着情绪的花draped with sentiments无名的展开nameless, spreading野荷的香馥the scent of wild lotus每一瓣静处的月明every petal a bright moonin a quiet place湖上风吹过,头发乱了,或是Wind blows over the lakehair gets ruffled, perhaps水面皱起像鱼鳞的锦the water is wrinkledlike a brocade of fish scales四面里的辽阔,如同梦in the surrounding vastnesslike dreams荡漾着中心彷徨的过往rippling in the centeruncertain of where to go不着痕迹leaving no trace, but谁都认识那图画everyone knows this drawing沉在水底记忆的倒影this reflection of memories sunk deepin th

  • 聆听:生命所渴求

    04/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    Desiderata生命所渴求作者:Max EhrmannGo placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.在嘈杂和慌乱中平静前行,记住和平也许就存在于寂静之中。不卑不亢,和所有人保持良好关系。 Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.平和清晰地说出你的真实想法,同时也倾听他人,尽管会平淡枯燥,可他们也有自己的故事。 Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.躲开那些招摇和咄咄逼人的人们,他们会使你的精神痛苦。如果你将自己与他人相比,那将是苦涩空白一片,因为总会有比你伟大或是比你渺小之人。 Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.只享受你自己的成就和计划吧。专注于你自己的前途,但保持谦卑;这是多变的命运旅途上的必经之路。 Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; m

  • 王小波:我是个俗气至顶的人

    03/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    我是个俗气至顶的人王小波(作)  我是个俗气至顶的人见山是山,见海是海,见花便是花唯独见了你云海开始翻涌江潮开始澎湃昆虫的小触须挠着全世界的痒你无需开口我和天地万物便通通奔向你A vulgarian I am merelyMountains I see as mountainsseas as seasflowers as flowersOnly when I see you makes all the differenceThe waves begin to rollthe tides start to roarthe tentacles of insects are to tickle the worldWithout uttering a word from your lipsthe whole universe and Irun to you without any reserve——王小波《爱你就像爱生命》

  • 我曾七次鄙视自己的灵魂

    03/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height.当能进取时选择了顺从现状,此为其一The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled.在瘸子面前跛行,此为其二The third time when she was given to choose between the hard and the easy and she chose the easy.当面临着困难和容易的选择选择了后者,此为其三The fourth time when she committed a wrong and comforted herself that others also commit wrong.犯错后以其他人皆会犯错为借口,此为其四The fifth time when she forbore for weakness and attributed her patience to strength.因软弱而忍耐并把这种忍耐归于坚强而聊以慰藉,此为其五The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face and knew not that it was one of her own masks.鄙视丑恶的面孔却不知自己早已是那副面孔,此为其六And the seventh time when she sang a song of praise and deemed it a virtue.唱起颂歌还以美德自诩,此为其七

  • 女人嫁给你,不是来帮你做家务的

    03/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    On marriageRead | Meryl StreepYou were born together你们一块儿出世And together you shall be forevermore也将永远相依You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter yourdays当死神的白色羽翼驱散你们的日子,你们也应在一起Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God的确,你们始终相守,即使在上帝的记忆中But let there be spaces in your togetherness但在聚守中你们要保留空间And let the winds of the heavens dance between you让空中的风在你们之间飞舞Love one another but make not a bond of love彼此相爱,但不要让爱成为束缚Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls让爱成为奔流于你们灵魂海岸间的大海Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup盛满彼此的杯盏,但不要只从一只杯盏中取饮Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf彼此互赠面包,但不要只向一块面包取食And dance t

  • 如果你和某人说话而他没有回复

    03/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 你连睡觉的时间都控制不了,更别提人生了

    03/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 你所期望的人生,没有那么难

    03/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 在孤独中愉悦的人都是狠角色

    03/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 在嘈杂和慌乱中平静前行

    03/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    晨读美文,享受语言之美,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、和Flora一起与英语相伴。我是Flora Fang,蔚来英语俱乐部主创、“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播。“英语相伴”持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文。

  • 致单身的自己:珍惜独处的时间

    03/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hey girl,嘿,姑娘:So it's a Monday night, you have your wine, Twitter is open and you are live-tweeting The Bachelor thinking to yourself, "Where is my rose?" Let me tell you, Neely, once you are married, these Bachelor nights will not look much different. Only instead of wine, you'll be eating dinner with your husband, still live-tweeting.今天是周一,晚上,你喝着红酒,开着推特,你一边看着《亿万未婚夫》一边用推特吐槽,心里想着,“我的王子会在哪儿呢?”让我告诉你吧,一旦你结婚了,那些看《亿万未婚夫》的夜晚也不会有什么不同,不过你不是在喝红酒,而是和你的丈夫一起吃着晚餐,手里还是在刷推特在线吐槽。Anyway, Single Neely, enjoy this time. Not because it's better than marriage — trust me, marriage is better. But enjoy it because you should be appreciating time with yourself and learning who you are. Go out with your friends more. Do all the happy hours, drink all the wines, and flirt with the cute waiter. Why? Because WHY NOT?!单身的妮莉,无论如何,请享受这一刻。不是因为单身比婚后生活好——相信我,婚后生活更幸福。你要享受这段时间的原因是,你应该珍惜独处的时间,并借此机会更了解自己,多和朋友们聚聚,多做让你开心的事情,多去喝喝红酒,跟可爱的服务生调情,为什么要这样做?因为你为什么不这样做呢?When that guy ghosts you after three great dates, it stings. You think, What did

  • 这,就是你的生活

    03/04/2019 Duración: 05min
  • 霸王别姬

    03/04/2019 Duración: 14min


  • 30岁之前必做的事情

    03/04/2019 Duración: 03min

    Of course, there're a lot of things you should do in your 20s.当然,20多岁时需要做的事情很多。But I always think there are several of them which deserve more priority .不过我一直觉得其中有一些更加优先一些。And these 17 are on the top of my list.下面这17条就是我觉得最重要的。Plan what to do.规划要做的事。Have good command over English language.掌握好英语这门语言。Read, read and read.不停地读书。Start reading, fiction, non fiction, science, history, politics etc.开始阅读小说、非小说、科学、历史、政治等等类别的书籍。Start exercising or yoga or start jogging.Have a decent physique.开始运动,或者做瑜伽,或者慢跑。保持好身材。Wake up before sunrise, practice to wake up without alarm.在日出前起床,试着不需要闹钟可以自己起床。Learn to communicate with strangers. Develop the confidence to start a conversation with strangers. Get to know different people around you.学习跟陌生人交流。建立可以与陌生人交谈的自信心。了解你身边不同的人。Quit smoking, alcohol or any other bad habits you have.戒掉烟、酒或者其他不良习惯。Learn how to cook.学会做饭。Learn to plan your day well. Spend at least 10 mins in the morning and make a list of activities to b

  • 古风英语:木兰花

    03/04/2019 Duración: 05min
  • 汪国真《旅程》

    03/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    旅程JOURNEY意志倒下的时候生命也就不再屹立歪歪斜斜的身影又怎耐得秋叶萧瑟 晚来风急When will collapses to ground,Life won't stand on its end.How can a shaky figure standIn autumn cool and dusk wind?垂下头颅只是为了让思想扬起你若有一个不屈的灵魂脚下,就会有一片坚实的土地When a man is lowering his head,He's going to elevate his mind.If you have unyielding soul, andOn solid ground will you stand.无论走向何方都会有无数双眼睛跟随着你从别人那里我们认识了自己No matter where you want to go,Countless eyes will follow you.From others' reflections it is,That we are aware of ourselves.

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