The Kate Valentine Ufo Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 209:40:28
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Collection of Broadcasts of The Kate Valentine UFO Show featuring guests from the top of the UFO ET field.


  • ET Let's Talk

    28/06/2013 Duración: 50min

    Kate wel­comes Kosta Makreas co-founder of and fea­tured in the doc­u­men­tary Sir­ius, break­ing the long-held Gov­ern­ment Secrecy regard­ing the truth of the ET pres­ence on Earth.

  • Informal UFO Talk from Washington DC

    28/06/2013 Duración: 47min

    UFO Talk. Kate with special guests Dr. Kevin D. Randle, Stanton Friedman, Dr. Jessie Marcel, Jr., and Denise Marcel. Kate catches a few notables at the 2013 Citizen's Hearing in Washington, DC this past April for some candid conversation.

  • Beyond Area 51 guest Mack Maloney

    22/06/2013 Duración: 57min

    Kate and Mack Maloney explores the truths behind the many myths and legends surrounding some of the world’s most mysterious locales. From the Homestead Air Force base in Miami, Florida to Russia’s Kapustin Yar, Maloney investigates incredible reports of extraterrestrial experimentation on animals, UFOs with road rage, and other unbelievable tales beyond our wildest imaginings. Don't forget to subscribe to the Kate Valentine UFO Blog and get updated posts of events and special content that has not been aired.

  • Alien Abduction Cases Questions Answered

    07/06/2013 Duración: 57min

    Kate wel­comes back Kath­leen Mar­den and Denise Stoner to dis­cuss their new book, The Alien Abduc­tion Files: The Most Star­tling Cases of Human Alien Con­tact Ever Reported. Find out what various abductees have in common and hear what questions the aliens have answered. Links for Kath­leen and Denise

  • Tails from Majestic Jason Chapman

    31/05/2013 Duración: 51min

    Jason Chap­man author of The Angel Com­mit­tee devel­op­ing and entire fran­chise focussing on the UFO phe­nom­e­non, and the gov­ern­ment cover up with his Tales From Majes­tic series. Tales from Majestic is set in 1947 in the aftermath of the Roswell UFO crash. The plot line follows the Majestic 12 group that Truman allegedly set up to investigate the wreckage. Some of the storyline focuses on specific members Vannevar Bush, Roscoe Hillenkotter. As the story progresses I am introducing more characters both fictional and actual people from history. The reason behind this short story series is that I was huge fan of the X Files and Dark Skies in the 90s, as well as Spielberg’s Taken. I feel that the publishing industry is being dominated by Vampires, werewolves, and Zombies. I thought it was about time literature was available with an alien themed subject. I have also written a book called The Angel Committee set in 1952 when Sir Winston Churchill write a memo expressing interested in flying saucer. From t

  • Police and UFOs with guest Gary Heseltine

    24/05/2013 Duración: 52min

    Gary Hes­el­tine is a serv­ing police offi­cer with the British Trans­port Police. He cre­ated and runs the PRUFOS Police Data­base which colates UFO sight­ings reports by serv­ing and retired Police Offi­cers. Gary Heseltine also Testified about Police and UFO Incidents in England and around the globe at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure May 1, 2013.

  • Technology of UFOs with Robert Schroeder

    17/05/2013 Duración: 51min

    People are often skeptical about the UFO phenomenon but phenomenon but they shouldn't be. At least a subset of UFO reports of around 5 percent are from credible witnesses and frequently backed by hard data such as radar tapes or gun camera film. For example astronauts Gordon Cooper and Buzz Aldrin as well as Harvard astronomer Clyde Tombaugh have all publicly described their UFO sightings. But the interesting thing is that we may be on the threshold of understanding the technology of UFOs. In a nutshell it was once thought that the idea of extra dimensions was strictly the domain of science fiction. That has all changed in the last several decades as physicists appear to be closing in on a final ''theory of everything'' which suggests we may live in an eleven dimensional universe. These cutting edge theories are now being tested at the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland. Among the theories being tested is one called Warped Geometry by a Harvard physicist which may allow for fa

  • Kate with Antonio Paris Aerial Phenomenon Investigations

    10/05/2013 Duración: 57min

    May 10th, 2013 Anto­nio Paris Founder and Direc­tor of the Aer­ial Phe­nom­e­non Inves­ti­ga­tions Team. He is a Senior Intel­li­gence Ana­lyst for the con­sult­ing firm Booz Allen Hamil­ton, holds a Top Secret/SCI secu­rity clear­ance, and sup­ports an array of clas­si­fied US Gov­ern­ment clients in Wash­ing­ton, DC.

  • UFOs Trace Evidence Kate with Ted Phillips

    03/05/2013 Duración: 51min

    Ted Phillips– Direc­tor of the Cen­ter for Phys­i­cal Trace Research. mem­ber of a select team invited to meet with the United Nations Secretary-General at the UN in New York, along with Hynek, Jacques Vallee and Gor­don Cooper. Most recently he was a part of the His­tory Chan­nel doc­u­men­tary UFO Hunters and Alien Encoun­ters.

  • Incident Over Miami A True UFO Story

    03/05/2013 Duración: 57min

    Kate with guest Bill Mufon­man Schroeder– Inci­dent Over Miami A True UFO Story of Bill and Den­nis; two mil­i­tary vet­er­ans orig­i­nally inter­viewed on late night radio in 2006. It was an amaz­ing inci­dent that pit­ted the air defense capa­bil­i­ties of the United States and Cuba against UFOs from some­where unknown.

  • Great New Jersey UFO/Paranormal and Consciousness Conference

    03/05/2013 Duración: 51min

    The Great New Jer­sey UFO/Paranormal and Con­scious­ness Conference live pre­view with Dave Stin­nett live from Hamil­ton, NJ Special guests Pat Mar­cat­tilio (Dr. UFO) and Thomas Reed

  • Kate with CRAIG CAMPOBASSO Stranger at the Pentagon

    12/04/2013 Duración: 52min

    Craig has completed the feature-length screenplay "Stranger at the Pentagon" from the book by Dr. Frank E. Stranges that was first released in 1967. It remains a UFO classic to date. He is set to direct the feature film with a 1950s Technicolor look on Earth and a far-futuristic look on board the Victor Class Saucers, Starship and on other planets where the people live on the interior of their worlds. He has just finished directing the short film version in January 2013 based on his feature-length screenplay.

  • Disclosure: Kate with Stephen Bassett

    05/04/2013 Duración: 51min

    April 6th, 2013 Stephen Bas­sett is the lead­ing advo­cate in the nation for end­ing the 63-year gov­ern­ment imposed truth embargo regard­ing an extrater­res­trial pres­ence engag­ing the human race and the planet earth.

  • Panspermia: Kate with Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe

    29/03/2013 Duración: 51min

    So we are not alone after all. Kate's guest: Dr. Chan­dra Wick­ra­mas­inghe Direc­tor of the Cardiff Cen­tre for Astro­bi­ol­ogy dis­cusses pansper­mia, proof of extrater­res­trial life and Red Rain.

  • Grant Cameron UFOs, Area 51, and Gov­ern­ment Infor­mants

    22/03/2013 Duración: 51min

    Grant Cameron The lead­ing expert on UFOs and pres­i­dents is back to dis­cuss his new book– UFOs, Area 51, and Gov­ern­ment Infor­mants.

  • Kate with Chris Holly Orb Sightings

    16/03/2013 Duración: 50min

    Chris Holly spent a great deal of her life building different entrepreneur ventures, however her one true passion has always been writing. Long ago she found it far easier to explain the paranormal by way of a true story told in an interesting form. She lived a life filled with extreme experiences and unique events involving that which we do not understand. Chris felt it her destiny to tell these true events to the world by way of her short stories or articles based on true reports told to her by those who read her work. Chris is known to be a writer who will protect her sources understanding how difficult the world can be to those who come forward with experiences of the unknown. Chris learned how cold the world can be to those who have encountered the paranormal. She learned this lesson as a young woman after her own UFO event.

  • Kate with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

    08/03/2013 Duración: 51min

    Dr. Neil deGrassTyson astro­physi­cist and sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­tor is the Fred­er­ick P. Rose Direc­tor of the Hay­den Plan­e­tar­ium, at the Amer­i­can Museum of Nat­ural His­tory in New York.

  • Alien Abduction Kate with Jesse Long

    01/03/2013 Duración: 51min

    Jesse Long has been having alien encounters since he was just a young boy. He had his first alien encounter in Tennessee in 1957 when he was just five years old.

  • Kate with Ben Hurle

    01/03/2013 Duración: 51min

    Topic: UFO investigation down under. Ben Hurle VUFOA (Victorian UFO Action) Director, dedicated to UFO events in Australia.

  • Kate with Kristin and Fahrusha

    15/02/2013 Duración: 52min

    Topic: Sightings, Astroids, Comets and UFO investigating. Kristen IT specialist and UFO investigator talks about UFO encounter and New Jersey investigating. Fahrusha discuses astroids and comets coming our way!

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