Language Nerds Do Earth



The Linguist/Culture/Travel Podcast


  • Episode 23: Cultural Superstitions

    03/10/2018 Duración: 01h11min

    Hello, wonderful people! Welcome back after our short little break we took due to travel and sickness, and this week we have an extra-special episode to make up for it! Are you someone who always throws salt over their left shoulder, or shudders at the thought of walking under a ladder? Maybe you’re someone who … Continue reading Episode 23: Cultural Superstitions

  • Episode 22: Swearing Around the World

    31/08/2018 Duración: 54min

    Disclaimer: this episode is full of four-letter words. They are censored (so we can keep our “clean” rating), but we want to give you a heads up in case your sensibilities are offended by the topic! This week, we put our mouths right into the gutter and talk about swearing. First, why do we swear? … Continue reading Episode 22: Swearing Around the World

  • Episode 21: Travel Scams

    23/08/2018 Duración: 58min

    Traveling is one of the most rewarding things you can do, but it often comes with dangers. At best, it’s an annoying little part of your trip (and a good story afterward), but at worst, it can be devastating financially or in other ways. This week we talk about what’s happened to us in the … Continue reading Episode 21: Travel Scams

  • Episode 20: How Cultural Values Differ

    16/08/2018 Duración: 56min

    Have you ever thought about why some cultures put higher values on different aspects of society than others? For example, what is it that makes some groups (like Koreans and Spaniards) less likely to move far away from home, or others (like Germans and Swedes) more likely to be proactive about taking care of their … Continue reading Episode 20: How Cultural Values Differ

  • Episode 19: Punctuation

    09/08/2018 Duración: 44min

    Let’s get grammatical! Have you ever thought about punctuation and how it helps save lives? For example, the difference between “Let’s eat Grandma!” and “Let’s eat, Grandma!” makes a really big difference! One is cannibalism, the other a friendly invitation to dinner! In this episode, we look at some hilarious comma fails (like those concerning … Continue reading Episode 19: Punctuation

  • Episode 18: Getting the Most Bang for Your Travel Buck

    02/08/2018 Duración: 48min

    Wanna travel? Not a millionaire? We’ve gathered some fantastic insider’s tips on how to enjoy yourself on vacation but not break the bank! There’s a lot of advice in this episode so here’s a basic outline with as many links as possible: (p.s. these are not affiliate links! Just stuff we’ve found or had experience … Continue reading Episode 18: Getting the Most Bang for Your Travel Buck

  • Episode 17: Yeah, But Where Are You Really From?

    26/07/2018 Duración: 40min

    This week, we are joined by a special guest Peter, who has heard this question far too often: where are you FROM? Imagine you are raised straddling two totally opposite cultures, and decide to embrace one of them. But whenever you tell people that’s who you are, they don’t believe you. Peter was born in … Continue reading Episode 17: Yeah, But Where Are You Really From?

  • Episode 16: The Evolution of English, Part I

    12/07/2018 Duración: 58min

    Have you ever stopped to think about the bizarre rules, spelling, and theft of words that make up the English language? If you are an English learner, you have no doubt agonized over wacky spelling, the lack of a phonetic writing system, and phrasal verbs (combinations of a verb and participle that change the meaning … Continue reading Episode 16: The Evolution of English, Part I

  • Episode 15: The Expat Lifestyle

    05/07/2018 Duración: 51min

      With a more globalized and interconnected world, it’s no surprise that the number of people moving abroad has increased. In this episode we dive into this choice and the lifestyle that comes with it, hearing from two very special guests, Zaher in Spain and Patti in Thailand. They give us their insights into the … Continue reading Episode 15: The Expat Lifestyle

  • Episode 14: Getting Sick While Traveling

    28/06/2018 Duración: 45min

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to go to the hospital while you’ve been traveling outside of your home country? We certainly have! Join us for a discussion of hospitals abroad and what you can expect in the scary case that you end up needing medical attention. Also, ever wondered … Continue reading Episode 14: Getting Sick While Traveling

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