Love Hurts



Love hurts. Stories make it better.


  • 66: Marne Litfin – You Wouldn’t Like Me


    This is Love Hurts. Marne Litfin is a comedian and storyteller living in Brooklyn. Growing up, Marne never felt like she fit in with the people around her. Then she went to a Tegan and...

  • 65: Sarah Nickerson – Love Storm


    This is Love Hurts. Sarah Nickerson is a therapist and storyteller living in New York City. After going 30 years without having a serious romantic relationship, Sarah found herself falling hard for someone. Even though...

  • 64: Jeff Simmermon – Art Class Heroes


    This is Love Hurts. Jeff Simmermon is a comedian living Brooklyn. Growing up, Jeff was heavily influenced by the art teachers in his life. A few years ago Jeff found out the teacher he was...

  • 63: Gastor Almonte – Sandwich Seduction


    This is Love Hurts. Gastor Almonte is a comedian living in Brooklyn. Gastor sat down with me and took us through three chapters of love in his life: missing signs of flirtation as a college...

  • 62: Emmy Montgomery – Mother Load


    This is Love Hurts. Emmy Montgomery is a comedian living in New York City. Emmy was adopted at a young age, but recently she tried to track down and establish a relationship with her Russian...

  • 61: Tracey Starin – Maiden, Mother, and Crone


    This is Love Hurts. Tracey Starin is a storyteller living in Queens. Growing up, Tracey noticed her extended family was pretty hard on her. As she got older that dynamic only got worse, and Tracey...

  • 60: Vara Cooper – New Normal


    This is Love Hurts. Vara Cooper is a storyteller, story coach, and native New Yorker. A year ago, Vara left a 10-year abusive relationship with her partner. Since that breakup she has gone on both...

  • 59: Maggie Crane – No Take Backs


    This is Love Hurts. Maggie Crane is a comedian and writer living in Brooklyn. Two years ago, Maggie started casually dating someone she met on the subway. After a few months they had a weird...

  • 58: Edith Gonzalez – No Subliminal Messages


    This is Love Hurts. Edith Gonzalez is a storyteller and anthropologist living in New York City. Edith shares the story about the one who got away, but in her version they stay in each other’s...

  • 1: Molly Kiernan – My Pregnancy Pillow


    I’m off this week, but here’s a re-release of the first ever episode with with one my favorite interviews with one of my favorite people. This is Love Hurts. Molly Kiernan is a writer and...

  • 57: Christopher Moncayo-Torres – Loops


    This is Love Hurts. Christopher Moncayo-Torres is a writer and storyteller living in Queens. At 21, Christopher broke up with his fiance and found himself reliving his time with her on a loop. One day,...

  • 56: Kambri Crews – Rip Van Winkle


    This is Love Hurts. Kambri Crews is a writer, storyteller, and theater owner living in Astoria Queens. Growing up, Kambri always had a great relationship with her dad, but everything changed after he went away...

  • 55: Dave Arroyo – The Anti-Notebook


    This is Love Hurts. Dave Arroyo is a storyteller living in Brooklyn. He shares what it was like losing his two grandmothers in similar ways, but having a very different experience from one to the...

  • 54: Brittany Brave – Love Goggles


    This is Love Hurts. Brittany Brave is a comedian and storyteller living in New York City. Brittany shares the story of a whirlwind romance that quickly turned into a multi-year abusive relationship. Not only was...

  • 53: Dave Hu – Adobe


    This is Love Hurts. I’m Bryan Berlin. Today’s guest is Dave Hu. Dave is a storyteller living in New York City. Growing up, Dave felt out of place living with his family  in the Bronx....

  • 52: Laura Maltz – The Missing Piece


    This is Love Hurts. Laura Maltz is a storyteller living in the Bronx. From a young age, Laura realized her dad had a very different relationship with love. It wasn’t until her dad chose to...

  • 51: Pamela Barsky – Coup de Foudre


    This is Love Hurts. Pamela Barsky is an artist and storyteller living in New York City. After her first marriage ended, Pamela found herself single at 47 and on a hunt for a new partner....

  • 50: Gabe Mollica – Through Painted Deserts


    This is Love Hurts. I’m Bryan Berlin. Gabe Mollica is a comedian and storyteller living in Astoria Queens. Gabe fell for someone working at summer camp, and then tried to keep their relationship going long...

  • 49: Xavier Padin – Sure Thing


    This is Love Hurts. Xavier Padin is a performer and comedian living in New York City. Xave takes us back to his first big relationship: while they started out as good friends in college, they...

  • 48: Meredith Burns – The Month of Breakups


    This is Love Hurts. Meredith Burns is a performer and theater executive director living in Jersey City. A few years ago, Meredith had three of the closest friendships in her life all end in the...

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