Financial Insights With James Cox



This podcast covers issues of Climate Change, Socially Responsible Investing, Retirement Planning, the Economy, and Life and Disability Insurance. James Cox is a financial advisor with Devon Financial Partners. He focuses on wealth and risk management for clients of the firm. He is on the board of several organizations. James joined DFP in January of 2012. Many of Mr. Coxs clients are entrepreneurs and business owners. His practice helps individuals manage risk within their finances, even as they are striving toward creating successful companies. To learn more go to


  • Color and Change: a chat w Sheral Sly

    10/06/2022 Duración: 30min

    Sheral Sly is an artist who is exploring creativity and purpose in the second half of life. She shares her experiences in developing her own creative process. In the past month, she changed things up injecting bright color into her creations. A brilliant story of evolution, creativity and life.

  • Labor in America: a chat w Bob Funk

    04/06/2022 Duración: 43min

    Bob Funk is the Secretary-Treasurer of LaborLab. LaborLab is a nonprofit watchdog organization that tracks, monitors, and reports on the union-busting industry. "Informed workers are empowered workers" Bob shares his experience and insights as a union organizer on the struggle of workers to organize today, and the obsticles they face from corporations and politicians. In an age when then very relationship workers have to work is changing, with the Gig economy, stagflation, artificial intelligence, and a second guilded age, it is crucial for people to understand their rights and join the fight to defend them. This is a must listen...

  • The Art of Living Boldly in the Second Half of Life: a chat w Nancy Candea

    11/05/2022 Duración: 27min

    Nancy Candea is a yoga therapist and teacher. She recently wrote a book titled "Present: the art of living boldly in the second half of life". Today we discuss her advice on how we can live our best quality life in our later years. While she writes directly to women, this is a lesson we all must embrace. Great conversation... learn more about her at 

  • Surviving Cancer... "I Surrender. I Trust. I Love.": a chat w Amanda Mikesell

    25/04/2022 Duración: 39min

    Amanda Mikesell is a spiritual soul that over the past year has had to face and fight a diagnosis of aggresive breast cancer. She has shared her journey on FB over the past year; every struggle, every joy. Today we discuss her journey and the path forward. It is a rivoting, loving discussion that can't be missed.

  • Living Vegan: a chat w Mariquita Solis

    23/04/2022 Duración: 23min

    Mariquita Solis is a vegan lifestyle coach. Much of her work revolves around helping people live as vegans in society that sees things differently.

  • An Evolving Global Order: a chat w Neil Pitts

    20/04/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    Neil Pitts, author of "Postmodernity and Creation of the Anthropocene"; We discuss how the Russian invasion of Ukraine will shape the evolution of global politics in the years to come. What is the role of the UN? How does climate change affect this evolution? After the discussion he explains, "what it was that I was really trying to say - and it's generally that the structure of geopolitics is holding us back in so many ways, including important issues like the environment, but only a change in the age itself is going to enable a new type of politics to appear - so, it would be a good idea for everyone to get onto this now, as it could otherwise take much longer for the climate change action we need to occur, along with a whole range of social issues. I don't really understand how people can shout in the street 'we want change, we want action' without really understanding what it is that is actually holding governments back. What is holding them back is the state of politics means it's like a turn-based board

  • "$70,000 in student loans were forgiven!": a chat w Dorothy Browne

    22/03/2022 Duración: 13min

    Dorothy Browne, works for a non-profit and has struggled for years paying on student loan debt. She recently found out that her debt was forgiven! It's a life changing event... to learn more about how to apply for student loan forgiveness check out Dorothy shares her experience in the hope that others benefit and take advantage of the program.

  • History, Post-Modern Civilization and Climate: a chat with Neil Pitts

    07/03/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    Neil Pitts is the author of "Postmodernity and the Creation of the Anthropocene" published in November 2021. Neil examines 3 historical periods and tries to draw insights on what the lessons learned mean for where human civilization is headed, esp given climate change. Our discussion is an exciting and abstract one, but also very meaningful in terms of clarifying the impact of historical experience. You can find his book here or on Amazon.

  • Nutrition, Health, and Buddhism: a chat w Jason Demchok

    04/03/2022 Duración: 38min

    Jason Demchok is a nutritional consultant who shares his journey through a variety of diets. He connects some of the science of nutrition with its impact on human health. We also draw in the role of Buddhism and spirituality. It's a valuable discussion to help us all kick start and embrace healthy living. Check out his website at

  • Living a Sustainable Life: a chat w Dale Stubbart

    02/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    Dale Stubbart is a sustainable lifestyle coach for individuals and businesses. He shares his experiences in the struggle we all face daily in living a lifestyle the honors the planet and fosters happiness within. This is no small challenge within a capitalist system based on dollars and limitations. Give a listen and explore what a sustainable life means for you...

  • A New World View: a chat w Kollibri Terre Sonnenblume

    11/02/2022 Duración: 52min

    Kollibri describes himself as "an Anti-Civ Primativist". We discuss his book of essays titled 'From Outside'; he writes about a variety of issues from the environment, to society, to media, to agriculture, to history, to consciousness... added together these essays create a new holistic view of the world. Check out Kollibri's work at This is a great conversation that is at its core, optimistic. Enjoy!

  • How Do We Fight Rising Sea Levels?: a chat w Adrian Santiago Tate

    08/02/2022 Duración: 38min

    Adrian Santiago Tate is founder and CEO of High Tide, a firm which collects data around coastal areas in the US with the goal of managing sea level rise. Adrian shares his background and experience on a subject of increasing importance. Recent scientific reports have indicated an acceleration in the collapse of the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica. 

  • On Art and Creativity: A Chat w Sheral Sly

    04/02/2022 Duración: 33min

    Sheral Sly is an artist and late bloomer creative who is doing what she loves. She shares her experiences and insights on art, fostering creativity and how to live a fulfilling life.  You can find her at 

  • Spiking Energy Prices and the Sustainable Transition: a chat w Carey King

    26/11/2021 Duración: 39min

    Carey King is a researcher building out an economic model that describes the relationship of energy to the economy and society. Understanding this relationship can help smooth the transition to sustainability. Today we discuss the recent spike in energy prices in Europe, China and the US and how it fits into a larger narrative around a sustainable transition to tackle climate change. Check out his book "The Economic Superorganism"

  • Nov 22nd... a JFK Remembrance: a chat w Kathleen Cooper-Loher

    22/11/2021 Duración: 34min

    Kathleen Cooper-Loher was a young girl when JFK was president. She shares her recollections and we discuss the legacy of JFK. 58 years after his assassination, the loss still hurts... How did JFK affect your life, your outlook?

  • Human Trafficking and Climate Change: a chat w Andrew Wallis

    22/11/2021 Duración: 52min

    Andrew Wallis is the founder of Unseen UK, an organization that has been fighting human trafficking on many levels. We discuss how climate change, and the economic and social disorder it brings, will drive human trafficking to even higher levels. It is an eye opening and sobering conversation. HT is not just a global issue, but it is also very local... this concerns everyone.

  • Using Doughnut Economics for Sustainable Outcomes: a chat w Erinch Sahan

    19/11/2021 Duración: 41min

    Erinch Sahan is an economist, analyst, and researcher with Doughnut Economics Action Lab the UK. Today we discuss the concept of "Doughnut Economics" and how it can help build a sustainable future. As economic systems experience trauma, space is created for new ideas to reshape the economic future... Doughnut Economics focuses on reshaping the perspective to improve human lives and live within our environmental envelope. This is a great conversation that will open a few minds.

  • A New Dimension to Crypto driving the Climate Crisis: a chat w Yvonne Taylor

    08/11/2021 Duración: 27min

    Yvonne Taylor is an activist fighting fracking in NY state and the founder of Seneca Lake Guardians. She shares her experience and the new challenge she is facing... crypto miners buying and running formally closed coal power plants. China recently banned crypto mining due to its drain on the power grid. Those miners are now setting up shop in the US and this will have long term implications to our success or failure in reducing CO2 emissions and surviving the climate crisis.

  • Innovation as a Tool for Growth and "Degrowth": a chat w Karl Burkart

    05/11/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Karl Burkart is the co-founder and Deputy Director of One Earth, a non-profit focused on fostering the technologies to reshape the economy into a more sustainable and resilient one. He shares decades of experience in the messaging around the climate crisis and the need to embrace a more positive view to counter "doomism". With world leaders meeting in Glasgow to discuss policies at COP26, this is very timely.

  • Permaculture as a Comprehensive Way of Life: a chat w Pat Simmons Jr.

    01/11/2021 Duración: 42min

    Pat Simmons Jr. is trained in permaculture and the growing of food, but as we chat we discuss larger issues that affect permaculture... ethics, organization, relationships... without a holistic approach to permaculture success is limited. It's a great conversation that really digs into some deep issues that go largely unaddressed...

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