Life Long Learner



A podcast that explores education, learning and growth. They explore the notion that everyone is an educator and learning happens all the time. Each week they tackle a new topic, and have guests on their show to share what education and learning means to them.


  • Ep 79. Out Of Class - Connection, Budgy Smugglers, Minimising Choice

    11/04/2023 Duración: 01h47s

    Connections, Budgy Smugglers and short shorts and minimising Choice and backing yourself in. For more updates and to subscribe head to -lifelonglearnerpodcast.comFacebook - - -

  • Ep. 78 Out Of Class - What is healthy, strong, beautiful masculinity?

    27/03/2023 Duración: 51min

    This week Ben poses a question, "What does healthy, strong beautiful masculinity look like? As they dance round answering the question, the fellas realise that in today's society it is a hard question to answer due to all the nuances. Also they explore the notion of toxic environment, as opposed toxic masculinity or feminity. Also the value of children having positive role models of each section of their life. The video Ben mentioned was - Tale of Two Brains - For more updates and to subscribe head to -lifelonglearnerpodcast.comFacebook - - -

  • Ep. 77. Out Of Class - Hiking, Long Hard, Following Markers

    08/03/2023 Duración: 50min

    This week it is just Ben and Gines. Ben shares his journey on his recent long hike. It was a little bit more than he expected! Unexpected heat, a sore foot, new shoes, and not doing much walking all seemed to add up.  The fellas this week chat about long hard things versus short hard things. There is so much value in what you can learn about yourself during such things.  Also there is so much value voluntarily doing long hard things.  Life is will give you markers, plenty of them, however, they do not mean much if you do not follow up.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook - Instagram - Youtube -

  • Ep. 76 - Learning from Steve Grace - Learning from Change

    27/02/2023 Duración: 56min

    This week we are joined by Steve Grace from the Nudge Group and Balance the Gring. Steve is the CEO and founder of The Nudge Group, which is anything and everything from raising money to creating PR, to creating buzz, to hiring, to launching into new countries, to creating stock plans, and pretty much anything to do with the start up phase.  Balance the grind is a publication that articulates stories about how people live their lives and balance their work life with all other areas of their life.  They talk about the different cultures within the start-up space, from Tech founders to Sales focused founders. They touch on the volume of start-up founders in Australia since covid has exploded. In Australia we are finding a lot more grassroots compared to overseas where we have more top-level start-ups. To find get in contact with Steve -  LinkedIn  - Give It a Nudge - For more updates and to su

  • Ep. 75 - Start of the year buzz, Growing Together, Treating symptoms

    16/02/2023 Duración: 53min

    The fellas chat about the start of a new year buzz and the energy that comes with a new beginning. They share what some of their aspirations are for the new year.  Ben shares a new purchase he made, he bought himself and Michelle a pair of motorbikes. He shares the notion of if you are not growing together you are growing apart. While the bikes offer some novelty and adventure it equals offers a level of challenge for both of them for which they are excited and nervous at the same time.  Also, they touch on treating symptoms with numbing agents and whatever that may be, from alcohol, drugs, porn, binge-watching shows, screen time, etc. They explore why and how society is self-medicating.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook - Instagram - Youtube -

  • Ep. 74 - Out Of Class - Feedback Culture, Honest conversations, teaching for life

    22/01/2023 Duración: 56min

    Welcome to 2023!  The fellas start the year with chatted about staff and how they show up. They explore the notion of the current feedback culture. Which is you can not give feedback or criticise someone, without them taking offence or going to HR.  We have the lawnmower and the helicopter parent that cotton wrap students these days and when they go out to the world, they do not what hits them.  Why are schools teaching for regurgitating information, instead of teaching for life?  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook - Instagram - Youtube -

  • Ep. 73 - Out Of Class - Christmas, Love languages and Boredom

    31/12/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    The last episode for the year, fellas reflect about the this time of year. They chat about their love languages and what they need and how majority of people don't communicate what their love language is and not aware of others around them.  They also chat about the notion that Christmas is for everyone. How creativity is born from boredom For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 72 Out of Class - Choose to enjoy, be kind to yourself and the importance of your circle

    16/12/2022 Duración: 01h05min

    This time of year is usually a sense of 'busyness' with a lot of functions, Xmas parties, and obligations. At the same time depending on what you do, there is a lot to finish up before the end of the year.  The fellas share the recent lessons for they have learned from life ranging from, appreciation for manual labour and physical activity, the importance of finding the right mix of people to have great conversations and bounce off, and being kind to yourself.  They also chat about choosing the enjoy and bring lightness as it is the festive season and we should enjoy this at the same time finish the year strong and start enjoying now, don't just wait for the 'break.'    For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 71 Out Of Class - Mastery, Seasonal Depression, Taking your time

    23/11/2022 Duración: 55min

    Coffee culture or coffee addiction?  The fellas chat about the dying breed of mastery, Seasonal Depression.  Mastering your craft and always be bothered.  Quote to ponder - One the last day on Earth, wonder How much could I have done?  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 70 Out Of Class - Sickness, Darkness & Gifting Alcohol

    06/11/2022 Duración: 01h43s

    The fellas this week chat about being under the weather. Ben shares about being under the weather brings a bit of darkness and the tendacy to be a bit more pessimistic.  The question is are your Optimus Prime or Pessimis Prime The ideology of a non drinker gifting alcohol because that is what is socially acceptable.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 69 Out Of Class - Texas, Icebergs & Entitlement

    17/10/2022 Duración: 56min

    Great episode, where the fellas chat about a spontaneous trip to Texas.  Icebergs and attention we give to projects and arenas to our life. Also we chat about the sense of entitlement how today's society strays away from doing hard things so when in times of chaos, they are not sure what to do?  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep 68. Out Of Class - Getting Wiser, Uncertainty and Needing a reason

    04/10/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    The three amigos are back together, Gines from rural Victoria, Matt from Byron Bay, and Ben from Thailand.  Ben shares that his ay got better after leaving his laptop and iPad in a taxi to arriving at the airport a day early for their flight.  The one who you would expect to love the uncertainty, share his desire for uncertainty has slightly changed during his trip. That he does like the creature comforts of a bed and shower and not having to look for a new place each day. Also the fellas chat about the notion that is hard to be present during van life, as their is multiple decisions all the time. Where to go, what to eat, where to park, what to do, etc.  They also explore, do you need a reason to celebrate? As a society, we do not celebrate what win enough.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep 67. Out Of Class - Staying Present, Winding Up & Happy Hour

    27/09/2022 Duración: 56min

    Yet again, Matt is preoccupied with his parole office while Ben and Gines chat about an array of topics.  They chat about the time it takes to wind down, but also talk about the time to wind up. Which led to being present not worrying or getting excited about what it coming up. Ben shares he is excited to get back and finding it a bit hard to stay present while on holiday as the next phase is waiting back home.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 66 Out Of Class - Bali, Rituals & Feeling Full

    07/09/2022 Duración: 53min

    This week Ben and Gines have a great conversation as Gines just gets back from Bali and Ben is about head off.  They chat about the power of ritual and in today's society, daily constructive rituals are rare. Gines shares his morning ritual is easier in the warmer and brighter months and maybe that is why holiday rituals are easier.  They bridge the topic of people in the wrong job. They type of people that just do not care, and are in it for all the wrong reasons. This goes hand in hand with the feeling of fullness at the end of the day. Not emptiness and soul destroying.  There is a lot of gems in this episode, definitely tune it to find out more.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 65 Out Of Class - Kilts, Escaping Physc Wards and Adventure

    26/08/2022 Duración: 01h25s

    Ep. 65 Out Of Class - Kilts, Escaping Physc Wards and Adventure For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 64 Out Of Class - Flat vs Curved Bills, Inflation and stray Dogs

    17/07/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    The fellas tune in from all over again this week. Matt is back in Lombok, Indonesia. In contrast, Ben and Gines are in cold snap Victoria.  Matt shares how Indonesia is slowly coming back alive with tourists and the general vibe of the whole place. Also, Matt explains as he gets older he is still trying to skate like a young buck.  They debate the curved bill versus the flat bill debate, the pros, and the cons, and why nots.  Gines shares that as he is about to go away, the push to try and get everything in. It seems that is always the case. But when going to a place where you pick things up, you can buy a $3 t-shirt.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 63. Out Of Class - Losing your phone, Power of silence and the rise of Karens

    18/06/2022 Duración: 01h05min

    The fellas come together for another chat.  This Week Matt share how losing his phone on kayak adventure has somewhat liberated him. Gines, Ben and Matt explore why society uses their phone as a social crutch. Why is that when we go to dinner and when some stops talking or gets up to go to the bathroom, we pick up our phone?  Hence why the question is asked what silence. The power it has. In a world full of stimulus we do not give ourselves time to be in silence to various reasons. Silence can be daunting, it can be uncomfortable, as all we have then is our thoughts.  Plus they chat about Karen's of the world and why they feel the need to step out of their lane and tell everyone else what they 'should' be doing. Especially when things are not the status quo.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 62 Out Of Class

    03/06/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    Join us for another fruitful chat where Ben gives us an epic disclaimer to start the episode off.  The fellas this week are all around the country, ranging from Sydney to north Western Australia to Melbourne.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep 61. Out Of Class - Sober, Making changes and sustaining them

    10/05/2022 Duración: 54min

    This week on Out Of Class, Matt is sleeping in, away surfing or lost in a jungle, Ben and Gines have a great chat about a range of things.  Ben shares his change in his lifestyle. He is currently not drinking any alcohol. They chat about making changes in life and signs you receive. They slowly get louder and louder in your world so you can take notice of them. We chatted about the morning after a few drinks, and how this changes your performance the following day.  No change, that is worth it, is easy, it takes constant work and effort.    For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

  • Ep. 60 Out Of Class - Disengagement, Definitions

    25/04/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    This is a global edition of Out Of Class - Matt joins Ben and Gines from Lombok Indonesia.  This yet again another fruitful chat about, masks mandate changing how society is interacting with each other. From young students to adults encouraging them not to interact.  Open conversation about is there a coincidence about young football players getting pulled off the field for heart problems.  We also bring up the senate hearing in Australia where everyone is tip toeing on being politically correct of the definition of what a man and a woman are.   For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube

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