Larry Williams Drive



With a straight down the middle approach, Larry Williams Drive on Newstalk ZB delivers the very latest news and views to New Zealanders as they wrap up their day.


  • Kelvin Davidson: The construction industry is going to be busy for a while

    20/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    Building consents in New Zealand have hit such a high level that our construction industry may not be able to keep up. There were 49,800 consents issued in the 12 months up to this February but according to estimates, our industry can only actually build 30-35 thousand homes a year. New CoreLogic data out today also shows the rate of construction cost growth has reached a record high. Kelvin Davidson, chief property economist at CoreLogic, joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • The Huddle: Labour Day v Matariki, Curia poll and Netflix

    20/04/2022 Duración: 06min

    Christopher Luxon has said he wants to get rid of Labour Day, in exchange for Matariki to decrease the cost on business.  The latest Taxpayer Union/Curia poll has the Nats leading ahead of Labour for the first time and Labour/Greens unable to govern.  An Auckland bus lane racks up $12k in fines every single day. Auckland Transport says they fulfil a purpose and a fine actually teaches drivers not to do it again. Netflix is bleeding subscribers. Neil Miller, former National Party staffer, and Jack Tame, host of Saturday Mornings and Q&A, joined Andrew Dickens for the Huddle. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Chris Luxon: Before we commit to it, have we thought it through?

    20/04/2022 Duración: 05min

    Chris Luxon says he's just trying to make a point – calling for scrapping a public holiday if we're adding one.  The National leader maintains he's highly supportive of Matariki – and today suggested cancelling Labour Day to make up for it.  But Luxon told Andrew Dickens it doesn't really matter what holiday is cancelled – and he was being a bit 'facetious.'  He also accepts a National Government wouldn't follow his call up – if voted into power. “Sorry I won’t be able to follow through on the commitment of removing it because once it’s done it’s going to be set in place, all I’m saying is before it gets locked and loaded, before we get committed to it, have we actually thought it through?” LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Bill Bennett: People might as well go back to watching old-fashioned television

    20/04/2022 Duración: 03min

    Netflix is losing subscribers for the first time in more than a decade.  The streaming company lost 200,000 members in the first three months of this year.  It had raised prices in key markets – including the US and UK, and pulled out of Russia.  Tech commentator Bill Bennett told Andrew Dickens the company's considering running adverts, as a fair trade off for cheaper subscriptions.  Netflix also hinted it'll start to crack down on account sharing, as it pushes to sign up new members. “If you’re still paying the full price and you’ve gotta have ads as well then that’s not on, you can go back to watching old-fashioned television.” LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • David Farrar: It's a very stark trend

    20/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    National continues its upward trajectory, overtaking Labour in the latest Taxpayer Union/Curia poll.  National sits on 37.8%, one point ahead of Labour. Both ACT and the Greens fell in the poll. And both National and Labour would now need the support of the Māori party to govern.  David Farrar, principal at Curia Market Research, joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Steve: I get paid more at my second job than I do in my first

    20/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    There are claims our health industry's understaffed because people are getting better pay at places like Bunnings and KFC. 10,000 health workers have voted to strike next month – after 18 months of failed pay negotiations with DHBs. Sterile services technician, Steve, is one of them – and told Andrew Dickens he works a second job to support his family.  The PSA allied, scientific and technical workers will strike for 24-hours on May 16 – and work to rule between May 9 to 20. “I get paid more at my second job than I do at my first job; I work security at a bar so it’s not exactly safe.” LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Jason Walls: She'll be looking back home at those poll numbers

    20/04/2022 Duración: 05min

    The PM is heading to Japan today. The latest Taxpayer Union/Curia poll has Labour trailing National for the first time. Any comment on the deal between China and the Solomon Islands that's officially been signed? Newstalk ZB chief political reporter Jason Walls joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Dan Mitchinson: Biden hasn't made it a secret that he wants to run again

    20/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    Johnny Depp takes the stand in his defamation trial against Amber Heard. Joe Biden has reportedly told Barack Obama he's going to run again in 2024. Netflix has opened its books and the stock's down as much as 25% as a result. US correspondent Dan Mitchinson joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • D'Arcy Waldegrave: They sold 80,000 tickets in 3 hours

    20/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    Tyson Fury denies he has any links to an alleged Irish mobster. Tonight, D'Arcy will be speaking to a netballer who has suited up for three separate ANZ premiership teams this season, so far. Host of Sportstalk D’Arcy Waldegrave joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Martin Glynn: It is almost 10% of all revenue collected by AT

    20/04/2022 Duración: 03min

    Cameras along a 160-metre length of bus lane in Auckland's Newmarket generated $4.3 million in fines last year. RNZ reports almost $29,150 fines were issued to people driving more than 50m in the Khyber Pass Road bus lane. That's almost $12,000 worth of fines per day. AA policy director, Martin Glynn told Andrew Dickens it must be a poorly designed bus lane. “I’ve had a look at AT’s annual report and that is almost 10% of all revenue they collect across all their investment activity, including parking.” LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Andrew Dickens: The MIQ debate and the secret document come to light

    20/04/2022 Duración: 03min

    Today I went to my little Japanese cafe in the suburbs for a Teppanyaki Beef Rice Bowl. I've been going once a week ever since I started this gig 2 months ago. When I first went, I was the only customer. I wore my mask, showed my vax passport and ate outside. It was delicious. Today the place was buzzing. The street it was on was buzzing. Masks were sporadic. It was still delicious and still the same price. It showed me how much had changed in a few short weeks. It shows that barring a new variant, our war footing against the variant has passed. Which brings me to the great MIQ memo debate. The secret document that has mysteriously come to light. It shows top health officials agreed in November last year that MIQ was "no longer justified" for most returnees.   It took another three-and-a-half months, almost 40,000 MIQ stays and seven voucher lotteries before most incoming travellers could enter freely. The criticism of the government has been pointed. ACT says the Prime Minister needs to apologise to the thou

  • Enda Brady: This was always the big fear when Ukraine invited foreign fighters to help

    19/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    Russia parades two captured Brits on state TV. The PM's mobile phone analysed after cyber-attack on no. 10 Downing Street. What did the Queen do after Philip's funeral? UK correspondent Enda Brady joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Paul Bloxham: Shutting the border has had a bigger effect on a smaller economy

    19/04/2022 Duración: 03min

    Interest rates are on the rise – here and across the ditch.  The Reserve Bank hiked the official cash rate by half a percent to 1.5% last week causing most retail banks to increase mortgage rates too.  In Australia, the Reserve Bank hasn't moved yet but warned the cash rate will increase earlier than thought because of inflation pressures. Paul Bloxham, HSBC's chief economist in Sydney, joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Ro Izzard: I don't imagine this group ever stopping, that's for sure

    19/04/2022 Duración: 03min

    A group of restaurants and bars on Waiheke Island have joined forces to help each other survive the pandemic. Through a WhatsApp group, the venues are sharing staff, patrons and they are alternating their opening hours so as not to compete with each other. One of the restaurants in the group is The Heke, home of Waiheke Craft Beer and the award-winning Waiheke Whisky.   Owner of The Heke, Ro Izzard joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Jamie Mackay: I think we've seen the tip of the market

    19/04/2022 Duración: 01min

    Fonterra used the eve of the long weekend to share some quite important information. Host of the Country, Jamie Mackay joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Pattrick Smellie: The government needs to try and buy the election now

    19/04/2022 Duración: 05min

    Are you seeing signs that things might be on the improve when it comes to power prices? Adrian Orr issued a warning to the government.Pattrick Smellie from Businessdesk joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Nicola Willis: There are things he could be doing right now to assist

    19/04/2022 Duración: 06min

    Finance Minister Grant Robertson has rejected any suggestion the governments to blame for high inflation.  He was standing in for the Prime Minister at post-cab today and said Covid, supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine have been the big drivers. But in an interview yesterday, Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr did point out the need for the government to tighten the fiscal belt.  National’s finance spokesperson, Nicola Willis joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • The Huddle: Arise Church, inflation and MIQ

    19/04/2022 Duración: 09min

    Auckland Council reckons 3/4 of heritage homes will lose that status as a result of a new Government law that will allow for much more property development. Should the Government have acted sooner and ditched MIQ – given that even health officials didn't think it was needed? Adrian Orr has warned that the Government needs to do its bit to help fight inflation. The Arise Church revelations raise the question... do we need to do more to make sure people don't get exploited at church? Ali Jones, Christchurch Community Board member and PR consultant at Red PR, and Tim Beveridge, Newstalk ZB host, joined Andrew Dickens on the Huddle. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Sally Hughes: We already have an extensive amount of ability to intensify in Auckland

    19/04/2022 Duración: 04min

    Disappointment over Auckland Council's proposals for housing intensification.  It's released plans for implementing Government requirements for higher-density housing.  It could see up to 5000 houses currently in Auckland's special character areas ... rezoned for intensification.  Character Homes Trust chair Sally Hughes told Andrew Dickens it's not necessary.   “We already have an extensive amount of ability to intensify in Auckland, 900,000 properties that are available to be intensified.” LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Jason Walls: It was never really going to be a big blockbuster press conference

    19/04/2022 Duración: 02min

    It's the first full day of diplomatic meetings for the prime minister in Singapore.  Jacinda Ardern has just wrapped up her first bilateral meeting with her Singaporean counterpart. Newstalk ZB’s chief political reporter Jason Walls joined Andrew Dickens. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

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