Milt Rosenberg

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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A daily show featuring intelligent, enlivening and thought provoking discussions centered on the world of ideas. Guests from the world of literature, journalism, academia, public policy, science, religions, and foreign policy join Milt to discuss the big questions of the day–an all star list of people who shape our world.


  • Future Crimes with Marc Goodman


    Marc Goodman is a global thinker and a futurist. He’s also an ex Los Angeles policeman and one of the most sought after security consultants in the world. He studies the advances in technology and how they are put into use by the criminal underworld–and mega corporations–to keep track of you, what you do, what…

  • Evolution


    One of the frequently asked questions on this program is ‘how’ and ‘why’ we are here. We asked it of two cosmologists recently and on this episode we discuss it in evolutionary terms with our friends Dr. Lance Grande of the Field Museum and Dr. Robert Richards of the University of Chicago’s Center for the…

  • “Is the American Century Over?”


    So asks our esteemed and welcome guest Joseph Nye, of the Kennedy School in Cambridge, who is the University Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard. He has written a fascinating new book in which he examines the rise of China and India and asks whether or not the age of American dominance is well behind us,…

  • The Jewish Literary Mafia


    Norman Mailer, Philip Roth, Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow. They were some of the finest writers of the 20th Century. We had the great pleasure of discussing their place in literary history and the evolution of the American novel. Milt is joined in studio by Zachary Leader, professor of English Literature at University of Roehampton…

  • Dick Ciccone and Peter Schweizer; Clinton Cash


    One of our longtime favorites is Dick Ciccone, formerly of the Chicago Tribune and now professor at Notre Dame. We sought his estimable analysis on the upcoming presidential race. Joined in hour two by the highly successful and very top of fold writer Peter Schweizer on his popular book, “Clinton Cash“. How did Bill and…

  • The Courtroom Tactics and Psychology of Lawyers


    People love to disparage lawyers, at least until they need one. But where would we be without them? In a bad state, for sure. In this installment of Milt Rosenberg, we bring you three of the best. Philip Corboy, Jr., Jon Loevy, and Aaron Goldstein. All respected practitioners of the trade in our fair city…

  • VE Day, 70th Anniversary; Don Casey, Nazi POW


    Hitler had just shot himself a week before. The Allies begin to liberate death camps across Europe and Paris is saved. What a remarkable day from the most remarkable of wars was this VE Day. We are honored to have as our guest Don Casey, Chicago native and navigator of a B-17 Flying Fortress, who…

  • Political Roundtable – Middle East, George Friedman, and New GOP Candidates


    Ah, politics. For one of the finest quotes on the art we turn to that estimable political scientist, Groucho Marx, who said that, “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and apply the wrong remedies.” Today a new batch of candidates look to drive us either over the…

  • The Truly Great Books


    What are the ‘truly’ great books? Why do we love them? What makes them great? What about books that we thought were great (or someone did) that don’t actually stand up to scrutiny. We discuss all of those issues and more with the fantastic Bruce Gans, Rasmus Holm and our friend at Emory University Mark…

  • Fighting Back Against Terrorist; 17 Carnations


    Shayna Gould was 19 when she was shot during a terrorist attack in Israel. Her story is one of perseverance and character. She was recently part of a lawsuit that found the PLO liable and levied a $655 Million dollar judgement in federal court. She is joined in studio by our friend from the Simon…

  • The China Mirage


    It’s time to take an academic look at China. Will they surpass the United States as the world’s foremost superpower? What do we misunderstand about that great nation? How has its culture influenced the way it does business as continues to evolve into a hybrid communist/capitalist economy? Joining Milt in studio is Northwestern University professor…

  • Talking Sports with Joseph Epstein – Masters of the Games


    Joseph Epstein is one of the finest writers in America. He is, also, a sports fanatic. As sports writing at large is not as rife with fine literary contributions as it once was, we are always pleased when a talent the likes of Joseph turn their pen to our favorite past times. He has made…

  • Great Heroes of the American Western


    We love the movies. Film, cinema, whatever you want to call it. Some of it’s art, some of it’s not. Equally with the Western genre, there are indeed works of modern art and then there are just fun shoot-em-up flicks that are the predecessors of the modern action movie. Milt sat down with Matt Hauske…

  • Former NYC Police Commisioner/Homeland Security Nominee Bernard Kerik – From Jailer to Jailed


    You probably remember the story. The recently established cabinet agency The Department of Homeland Security was looking for a new leader with the departure of Tom Ridge. Bernard Kerik, a regular image in the coverage of post 9/11 rescue missions and police investigations, forever at the side of mayor Rudy Giuliani, was tapped by President…

  • Talking Science Fiction


    Would we have smart phones without science fiction? Would we have ever dared to explore our galaxy, to dream of life on other planets? Probably not. Science Fiction has given birth to some of our greatest technologies, our greatest works of literature and, of course, some of our greatest films. Milt is joined in studio…

  • When Paris Went Dark – author Ronald Rosbottom


    Paris. The City of Lights. One of Milt’s favorite cities on the planet. But a curious set of circumstances led to the relatively easy takeover of France by the Nazis. Ronald Rosbottom has made a wonderful entry into that history with his latest, “When Paris Went Dark.”

  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire 4/20/15


    We look to history to learn lessons about ourselves. Rome was, undoubtedly, a great empire. Can we learn anything about our future by studying its rise and ultimate demise? Milt is joined in studio by the venerable Dr. Dan Garrison and Professor Taco Terpstra to discuss what made Rome great and what happened to bring…

  • Live Long and Prosper. Growing well as we grow older 4/17/15 Hour 1


    “Live long and prosper” was, of course, the phrase of Leonard Nimoy’s iconic character Spock from Star Trek. How do we ensure that we don’t merely live to a ripe, old age, but to be in the best of shape possible when we get there. The time to consider health is not once it has…

  • Live Long and Prosper. Growing well as we grow older 4/17/15 Hour 2


    “Live long and prosper” was, of course, the phrase of Leonard Nimoy’s iconic character Spock from Star Trek. How do we ensure that we don’t merely live to a ripe, old age, but to be in the best of shape possible when we get there. The time to consider health is not once it has…

  • Caveat Emptor: Scams and Ripoffs 4/16/15 Hour 1


    Milt was joined in studio by Steve Bernas, president of the Better Business Bureau for Chicago and Northern Illinois and David O’Toole of the Federal Trade Commission. The discussion was all about the many scams, ripoffs, confidence games, and more tools the underworld employs to separate you from your money. As the saying goes, “if…

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