Roy Green Show



Roy Greens resume is outstanding. He is a three time consecutive winner of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters national Gold Ribbon award, Canadas most prestigious broadcast award.Listeners need not read his resume to know that Roy is a passionate advocate for the average Canadian, with an unshakable desire for justice and a deep and abiding love for his country. No wonder Roys show has been cited by Canadas parliamentary newspaper as required listening for federal politicians.


  • June 9: Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun. four-alarm fire tears through historic Toronto Church. High security, protests around Walk with Israel.

    09/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    A frantic day for Toronto. Earlier this morning, a four-alarm fire tore through St. Anne's Anglican Church in Little Portugal. While no injuries were reported, the blaze did destroy murals painted by the Group of Seven. Today also saw a record turnout, and increased security for Toronto's "Walk with Israel." Pro-Palestine protestors were present as well. Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun joined us to report. Guest: Joe Warmington. Columnist, Toronto Sun Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 9: 'Canceled' Professor Eric Kaufmann, the impact of "progressive conformity and cancel culture," on universities.

    09/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Professor Eric Kauffman is Canadian and teaches political science at Buckingham University in the U.K. He was 'canceled' by woke culture and now teaches a 15 week course on woke-ism. Kauffman says "progressive conformity and cancel culture are distorting the teaching and research mission of universities." Guest: Professor Eric Kaufmann, NP op ed: Creating a post-woke society. New book: The Third Awokening Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Roy Green Show Podcast June 8: CPC MP Michael Chong, MPs helping foreign nations. - Prof Eric Kam BOC interest rate cut. - Prof Sylvain Charlebois food sector trouble, Libs silencing parl budget officer. - Oncologist shortage in AB Dr Paul Parks.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 44min

    Today's podcast: Opposition parties in parliament and members of NSICOP committee alleging MPs, perhaps from all parties willingly or unwittingly cooperated with foreign actors (states) to the detriment of Canada. And opposition parties accusing the Liberals of withholding 1000+ documents from the NSICOP committee - Plus the gagging of Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux by federal Liberals. Guest: Michael Chong. Foreign affairs critic, Conservative Party of Canada. Bank of Canada reduces its interest rate to 4.75%, but what will this mean to Canadians and what impact might it have on housing, mortgages, rent, employment? Unemployment is at 6.2% and job-growth heavily leaning toward part-time positions, Part-time positions growth at 62K, full-time employment down 36K. Guest: Professor Eric Kam. Macreconomics, Toronto Metropolitan University.   A myriad of food/agri-related issues posted to 'X'(Twitter) this week by Professor Sylvain Charlebois, including the letter sent to PBO Yves Giroux which the PB

  • June 8: CPC Foreign affairs critic MP Michael Chong. MP's assisting foreign nations.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 09min

    Opposition parties in parliament and members of NSICOP committee alleging MPs, perhaps from all parties willingly or unwittingly cooperated with foreign actors (states) to the detriment of Canada. And opposition parties accusing the Liberals of withholding 1000+ documents from the NSICOP committee - Plus the gagging of Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux by federal Liberals. Guest: Michael Chong. Foreign affairs critic, Conservative Party of Canada. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: Prof Eric Kam macroeconomist impact of BOC interest rate cut.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 11min

    Bank of Canada reduces its interest rate to 4.75%, but what will this mean to Canadians and what impact might it have on housing, mortgages, rent, employment? Unemployment is at 6.2% and job-growth heavily leaning toward part-time positions, Part-time positions growth at 62K, full-time employment down 36K. Guest: Professor Eric Kam. Macreconomics, Toronto Metropolitan University.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: Prof Sylvain Charlebois food sector challenges and Liberals silencing parl budget officer

    08/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    A myriad of food/agri-related issues posted to 'X'(Twitter) this week by Professor Sylvain Charlebois, including the letter sent to PBO Yves Giroux which the PBO assesses as a federal government gag order. This not long after Mr. Giroux told us on air that his report significantly challenging the Clean Fuel Standard and the CFS impact on Canadians finances, for which the PBO was publicly rebuked by federal environment minister Steven Guilbeault, was based entirely on information PBO Giroux received directly from Guilbeault's environment and climate change ministry. Guest: Professor Sylvain Charlebois. Director of the Agri-Foods lab at Dalhousie University.   Audio of PBO Giroux' statement to us about the CFS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: Oncologist shortage in Alberta a life and death issue. Dr Paul Parks, president AB Medical Assoc.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    Alberta is experiencing a significant shortage of oncologists with cancer patients dying between diagnosis and any beginning of treatment. Guest: Dr. Paul Parks. President. Alberta Medical Association. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: Canadians losing faith in healthcare, ResearchCo president Mario Conseco,

    08/06/2024 Duración: 11min

    ResearchCo national poll: Canadians confidence in healthcare is falling. Guest: Mario Canseco. President ResearchCo  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: City of Calgary water crisis. Geoff Smith, News manager, QR Radio, Calgary.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 07min

    The City of Calgary water crisis. Today's developments. Guest: Geoff Smith. News manager. QR Radio, Calgary. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: Trial of Donald Trump, a compromised jury and shaky evidence? Criminal lawyer Joshua Naftalis.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 17min

    Former POTUS Donald Trump trial making news again with a Facebook posting of a juror's supposed family member confirming there would be a 'guilty' verdict issued by the jury prior to the jury in fact doing so receiving attention from the trial judge. This in addition to Trump's Manhattan trial, which resulted in 34 felony convictions and a possible 134 years in prison, appears to have been constructed on shaky ground/evidence. How does one of America's leading former federal prosecutors assess the case? Guest: Joshua Naftalis. Criminal lawyer at Pallas Partners LLP, NYC. Former U.S. federal prosecutor who led many of the U.S. most prominent white-collar prosecutions.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 8: Oilers vs Panthers, Stanley Cup Finals begin tonight.

    08/06/2024 Duración: 06min

    The Stanley Cup Final series begins tonight in Florida between the Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers. We tap into the excitement in Edmonton as the Oilers participate in their first SC final since 2006. Guest: Global News Edmonton reporter Nicole Di Donato Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Roy Green Show Podcast, June 2: Israel Ambassador to Canada Iddo Moed on Trudeau/Joly statements. - AI generated communication with family after death. - Might Trump verdict lead to public unrest? US pollster/commentator John Zogby.

    02/06/2024 Duración: 45min

    Today's podcast: Israel is challenging PM Justin Trudeau and FM Melanie Joly and their statements concerning the "Israeli ceasefire deal," adding "Secretary Blinken (U.S. Secretary of State) was clear when he said that Hamas should agree to the deal and asked that every country with a relationship with Hamas should press it to do so without delay. The UK and German Foreign Ministers have already put out statements supporting this, and it's our hope that Canada will also play a similar constructive role."  Guest: Iddo Moed. Israeli Ambassador to Canada. Michael Bommer is a German man with perhaps weeks to live because of cancer. Andrew LoCascio is an American entrepreneur and co-founder of the AI company  Michael Bommer became the first person to engage in the Eternos AI program which stores his voice, thoughts, memories and the principles by which he lived in its server. His family can then, following Michael's death, hold a virtual conversation with him. In Michael's words "It only has the co

  • June 2: Israel Ambassador to Canada Iddo Moed on Trudeau/Joly statements

    02/06/2024 Duración: 12min

    Israel is challenging PM Justin Trudeau and FM Melanie Joly and their statements concerning the "Israeli ceasefire deal," adding "Secretary Blinken (U.S. Secretary of State) was clear when he said that Hamas should agree to the deal and asked that every country with a relationship with Hamas should press it to do so without delay. The UK and German Foreign Ministers have already put out statements supporting this, and it's our hope that Canada will also play a similar constructive role."  Guest: Iddo Moed. Israeli Ambassador to Canada. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 2: AI generated communication with family after death.

    02/06/2024 Duración: 18min

    Michael Bommer is a German man with perhaps weeks to live because of cancer. Andrew LoCascio is an American entrepreneur and co-founder of the AI company  Michael Bommer became the first person to engage in the Eternos AI program which stores his voice, thoughts, memories and the principles by which he lived in its server. His family can then, following Michael's death, hold a virtual conversation with him. In Michael's words "It only has the content I provided to it. What's coming back is things I have said, I have thought, the principles I live by."    Guests: Michael Bommer (from Germany)                 Andrew LoCascio, co-founder of  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 2: Might Trump verdict lead to public unrest? US pollster/commentator John Zogby.

    02/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Following Donald Trump being found guilty of 34 offences in New York and facing possible prison time, coupled with Trump's incendiary commentary, how might this affect U.S. domestic stability? Our guest, dean of American pollsters, worried 3 years ago on air with us about the possibility of major civil unrest in the United States. Guest: John Zogby. Founder, John Zogby Strategies. Major brand included on his client list: Coca Cola. Author: We Are Many, We Are One. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 2: Golf Canada Tournament Director Bryan Crawford, the Canadian Open Continues

    02/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    From the final round of Canadian Open golf championship in Hamilton. Guest: Bryan Crawford. Golf Canada tournament director of the RBC Canadian Open. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 2: A close race in the Canadian Open, and the pressures of competition, with Rick Zamperin and Ron Foxcroft.

    02/06/2024 Duración: 18min

    The Canadian Open golf tournament is winding down. At the start of today, Ontario's MacKenzie Hughes was tied for 2nd place at -10, four strokes behind Scotland's Robert MacIntyre. Rory McIlroy was at -7, tied for 11th with Canada's Cory Connors. Might we still see a Canadian win our national Open for the second consecutive year? Also: The stresses athletes encounter when playing major championship competition. Do some athletes loosen up and others tighten up in competition. What separates the pro athlete from weekend warriors? How does Hamilton Golf and Country club rate among Canada's best courses? Guests: Rick Zamperin. 900 CHML. Host of Good Morning Hamilton, APD and sports director with an update from the Hamilton Golf and Country Club.   And: Ron Foxcroft. Order of Canada, Hamilton entrepreneur and chair of FOX40 Industries, including the world famous FOX40 whistle used by all referees in the NFL, NHL, NBA, NCAA, CFL. Owner of Fluke Transport trucking. 30 years NCAA Division 1 basketball referee (includ

  • June 2: Tasha Kheiriddin, "Young people are taught to hate Canada. Mandatory service could fix that."

    02/06/2024 Duración: 16min

    "Young people are taught to hate Canada. Mandatory service could fix that." A National Post op ed by Tasha Kheiriddin who writes that instead of becoming a Canadian strength diversity has become the nation's achilles heel as youth live in silos instead of finding common ground on which to cooperate and grow Canadian valies. In the U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has committed that if he wins the national election held July 4, all 18-year-olds will be required to complete a year of national service, either military or civilian, causing them to interact with people outside their communities. Does Canada very much need such a national program? Guest: Tasha Kheiriddin. Author: The Right Path, how Conservatives can unite, inspire and take Canada forward. ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • June 2: Beauties and the Beast, which issues will capture voters in the next federal election?

    02/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    What will be the issues which capture and retain voter interest as Canadians head into the home stretch for the next federal election?  We ask our Beauties and the Beast panel. Guest: Catherine Swift. President, Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada (CCMBC).               Michelle Simson. Former Liberal MP and parliamentary seatmate to Justin Trudeau.               Linda Leatherdale. Former MONEY editor, Toronto Sun. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Roy Green Show Podcast June1: Cdn Jewish mothers. Their children terrorized. - Joe Warmington, Premier Ford statement about bringing hate to Ont. - Darrel Bricker what Cdns want from politicians. - Duff Conacher. Liberals withhold important info.

    01/06/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    Today's podcast: We speak with two mothers of Jewish children in Ottawa. One mother's 5 year-old child on his school bus heard the words "all Jews raise your hands." Shades of 1933?  Another Jewish child in Ottawa was told to go and kill herself and her mother is terrified when her daughter wears the Star of David in public.   Guests: Anna. Grew up in the Soviet Union and came to Canada because this is a "beautiful and peaceful country." Now her daughter has been told to go and kill herself. And: Dr. Tejaswinhi Srinivas. Psychologist who wrote op ed in the Ottawa Citizen. Dr. Srinivas is Indo-American and not usually thought of as Jewish. What she hears in conversation is chilling. Citizen. Ontario premier Doug Ford has been attacked for his remarks on Thursday in the presence of Justin Trudeau and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow when the premier said he's "had it up to here" with attacks on Ontario's Je

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