Home is the place where the whispers of Gods love are heard regularly, the touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, the words of His encouragement and affirmation pointed to lay the foundation of loving relationships where a woman conducts the beauty of this life within its walls. I hope you will find inspiration to cultivate such a life within the pages of this blog. I welcome you here!
My Fabulous Friend S.D. Smith & the Green Ember Series - Episode 803
25/09/2023 Duración: 38minI hadn’t had a conversation with my friend, Sam, for quite a while, so we met for a chat to catch up and I knew many of you would enjoy listening in.
Lighting A Fire Of Vision To Last A Lifetime - Episode 802
19/09/2023 Duración: 31minWe were created to be message makers, healers, redeemers. There is a kingdom of darkness but we are people of the light and the light will overcome all that is evil, dark, meaningless, and harsh.
Tea Time Tuesday: A Spot Of Tea Is Just What I Needed - Episode 801
12/09/2023 Duración: 44minLet us embrace the joy worth repeating, again and again, and seek out those warm conversations that nourish our spirits and remind us of the beauty of connection. And may we never underestimate the power of tea and a friend to bring peace, comfort, and a touch of magic to our lives.
Tea Time Tuesday: Peace in the Storms of Life - Episode 800
05/09/2023 Duración: 38minHe who was with Jesus, is with me. He is still the calm in the midst of storms, the peace and rest in the torrents, the comfort and lover and One who is powerful above all and still says to the powers that threaten, “Be still.”
Tea Time Tuesday: Bearing Even More Fruit - Episode 898
29/08/2023 Duración: 31minSo often, God prunes my branches of life. He takes away, he cuts my life back—and truly I have learned that I bear more fruit from these times of discipline than I could have understood when I was younger. He has the best for me in mind—that I may bear even more fruit.
Serving & Loving With an Eternal Purpose
22/08/2023 Duración: 44minIt is a legacy of faith we are passing on, when we daily stoop to serve, patiently giving our energy to meet the needs of others.
Teatime Discipleship for Mothers & Daughters - Episode 797
15/08/2023 Duración: 44minI invested a lifetime of building heart-to-heart connections through words of grace, rhythms of shaping thoughts, convictions, and imagination of His goodness, beauty, and love. These happened in all the moments of the days and were underlined by the intentional special times when we would meet alone, share a cuppa of something soothing and warm, a treat, and speak of eternal virtues that inspired a lifetime of joy.
Essential Joy for Flourishing - Episode 796
14/08/2023 Duración: 23minLearning to be responsible for your own sense of well-being, your sense of contentment, and the ability to thrive is one of the most foundational aspects of flourishing over a lifetime.
Tea Time Tuesday: Does Hidden Faithfulness Matter? - Episode 795
08/08/2023 Duración: 34minHis spirit shapes us as we shape a generation for His glory. And we are able to take one more step of obedience and pour out His unconditional love and wisdom to children who are not always aware of our sacrifice until they are older.
Ask Your Questions! - Episode 794
06/08/2023 Duración: 25minAs I look to the years ahead, I wonder how I could best invest my time and my love for all of you whose lives matter so much.
Tea Time Tuesday: Happy Birthday To Me! - Episode 793
01/08/2023 Duración: 33minAs I ponder where I have been and where I am going, I have realized that I want to consider how to best invest my life for Him in the years ahead, how to love well, to encourage generously, to grow a little bit more like Jesus every day.
Building An Immovable Foundation - Episode 792
31/07/2023 Duración: 25minFor our children to have a strong standard of truth speaking to their invisible thoughts, their minds must be filled with thousands of teachings of scripture so their brains will have a "go-to" place when they are making decisions about their lives.
Tea Time Tuesday: Preparation for Fun and Adventure - Episode 791
25/07/2023 Duración: 36minToday on my podcast I share many of the ways Clay and I prepared for our home for our grandchildren to be child friendly, a place to rest and be at peace, and a welcome to their parents.
All Relationships Are Fraught - Episode 790
24/07/2023 Duración: 23minAs believers, we need to understand the principle of unconditional love. It is natural to disdain or criticize people—it is supernatural to love, to forgive, to be patient.
Never Too Old To Dress Up - Episode 789
11/07/2023 Duración: 41min“Even grown ups love to play dress up once in a while.” Add to that a cold gas of sparkling Elderflower juice, shared with a dear friend with lots of laughter and you have an unforgettable memory to come back to again and again.
Bear With One Another - Episode 788
10/07/2023 Duración: 19minUnless we learn to give these wounds into the file drawer of heaven, to allow Christ to take these burdens of heart for us, we will be overwhelmed by a shadow of bitterness, anger or disappointment. That is why forgiveness is so very essential to the message of Christ.
Tea Time Tuesday: Hospitality: Serving the Least of These Pleases Jesus Greatly - Episode 787
27/06/2023 Duración: 47minTending to the hearts of the “least of these” is what pleases Jesus. We are His hands, voice, and touch to those He has trusted into our care.
In Quietness is Your Strength - Episode 786
26/06/2023 Duración: 13minIn a broken world where we are subject to our own foolishness and sin as well as the chaos of the world and other sinful people, in quietness and rest in God is our strength.
Tea Time Tuesday: Bonnie Scotland - Episode 785
20/06/2023 Duración: 33minSometimes there are places that wrap their vast beauty around your heart and hold you there with a sense that you are experiencing another world. From the first time I visited St. Andrews, I was charmed, inspired, and held such a sense of belonging.
Sacred Celebrations - Episode 784
19/06/2023 Duración: 12minCelebrations live in the hearts, minds, souls of the one celebrated for a lifetime and gives hope and courage when hard times come.