Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn



Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn.... Politics, Culture and Controversy from Colorado and Beyond


  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 14, 2024 - HR 1

    15/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    Opening Monologues. Why isn’t Biden polling in single-digits by now? We speculate on what’s keeping America’s Worst President barely afloat, as the disasters keep rolling in via Biden’s foreign and domestic policies. Meanwhile, WSJ reports Trump has more than doubled his polling support with black men. NYT polling shows Americans have a far more favorable view of the Donald Trump Presidency than they do Joe Biden’s. Has the MSM been overcome by the masses? Plus, Elon Musk stands up to draconian censorship in Brazil. Feels like summer. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 07, 2024 - HR 3

    08/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Biden's Gag Orders. Leftist oppressors living for the thrill of censorship. Silencing the masses and gagging their political opponents. Donald Trump, however, says he intends to defy the gag order of Lawfare Judge Merchan, and thus "gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela." Let freedom ring! Meanwhile, Elon Musk battles government censors in Brazil. JK Rowling dares Scottish authorities to arrest her for "defiant" speech. Will Scotland become the new Azkaban? The struggling AP pens an essay against "anonymous" patriotic journalists on social media. But hey, hasn't MSM always loved to wield their "anonymous sources" against threats to their Narrative Control? We explain the trick. Plus, SOS Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO. Very bad idea. Atheist Richard Dawkins now sends his regrets to a dechristianized Britain. Major whoops on his life's work. Also, Trump earns billions from Truth Social, after having been banned from Twitter. Now richer than Soros. Some of the coolest karma ever. Sampling Trump talking

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 07, 2024 - HR 2

    08/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Grooving the Vibe Shift. Sensing the ending of pretending. Millions awakening to the lies of Leftist leadership. The old weird fake narratives running on fumes. A refreshing revival of Reality. Our take on the joyous "Vibe Shift" essay by Santiago Pliego. The exhilaration of the walls crumbling down, per John Mellencamp. A return to greatness, courage and good conscience. Alan Watts on the psychology of tyranny. Meanwhile, reviewing the startling sacrifices Americans are having to make in the dismal Biden Economy. The Redfin survey. Talking Dr. Phil's intriguing new book. Notes on the "pasties" of the Upper Peninsula. Sampling some Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. Lonely Bull. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 07, 2024 - HR 1

    08/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Opening Monologues. Rokken With Dokken. Trump smashes records with a $50.5 million fundraiser last night. More than doubling the paltry take of Biden, Obama, Clinton last week. America clearly ready for MAGA 2024. Meanwhile, speculating that Hunter Biden might be the real puppeteer. Wouldn't things make more sense that way? Talking the RINO politics of Nebraska. Mild earthquake hits New Jersey, epicenter Trump National Golf Club. Ronna Romney denied entry into the Cult of NBC News. Relatedly, Senator Tuberville says "The Democrats are a Satanic cult." Interesting! Plus, host describes the major weekend windstorm in Colorado. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 24, 2024 - HR 3

    25/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    The Luckiest Man In Politics. Bill Maher complains that Donald Trump “always lucks out on everything” in overcoming the evil schemes of the Left. Although, some might call it “favor.” As Leftist despair grows, The New York Times has now decided “the Deep State is actually kind of awesome.” So hey it does exist after all? A rather pitiful NYT attempt at bolstering morale. The Ruling Class knows it has lost the people, but apparently it can still find solace in the unelected, unconstitutional Deep State. Meanwhile, adding the new phenomenon of “squatters” into the equation of Biden’s Wide Open Borders. Frank Luntz tells CNN that confiscating Trump’s properties will be a gigantic political backfire for Democrats. Will they try it anyways? Plus, host explains the savvy politics behind the VP trial balloons. Fluffing egos, unifying the GOP. Let us not worry. WEF Irish PM Leo Varadkar resigns. More dinner updates. Three Palm Sunday Baptisms. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy informat

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 24, 2024 - HR 2

    25/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    Trump Cool, Biden Uncool. Legacy Media losing control of cultural politics, their old tactics of ‘shaming’ no longer effective. More platinum-selling rappers publicly endorsing Donald Trump, without fear. Meanwhile, nobody in America seems to think there’s anything “cool” about Joe Biden. Byron York writes about an immense “enthusiasm gap” as already “wildly enthusiastic” Trump support grows “more intense, more personal, more devoted.” In reference to the billions in profit earned from Truth Social, Bill Maher whines that Trump “always lucks out on everything.” Newt Gingrich describes the backfiring politics of “financial assassination.” Plus, reviewing a proposal that “journalists” should be subsidized by taxpayers, because journalists are obviously far ‘more special’ than taxpayers. With Great Listener Calls and their Dinner Updates.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 24, 2024 - HR 1

    25/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. Galvanizing for Trump 2024. The motivating spirit never higher in the heartland, after four disastrous years under Biden. The power of the November Deadline to Save America. Watch this play. Meanwhile, as expected, GOP Majority dwindles further in the House with the sudden resignation of Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher. Just another Ken Buck? Host explains the Uniparty imperative to preserve their narratives unto November. If they need to install a Democrat Speaker to do so, so be it. Getting a little blatant here maybe? Corralling the sentiments of GOP Voters. Plus, RINO Ronna Romney McDaniel gains employment at NBC News. Just another saboteur. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 17, 2024 - HR 3

    18/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Thou Shalt Not Laugh. With predictable grimness, the Puritanical Left has decided President Trump’s remarkably gifted sense of humor is actually a form of authoritarianism. Real Stalin kind of stuff, we are told. Or so sayeth Michael Kruse, in Politico. So naturally we have a field day with this one. Leftist fanatics do not like being mocked, nor do they apparently find humor appropriate in the Gulags of their political discourse. Which is really too bad — for them. Synthetic lives, disfigured minds. Meanwhile, talking the Lara Trump takeover of the RNC. Good tidings, key pieces falling into place for 2024. Legacy media not accustomed to losing battles over The Narrative. Plus, notes on how traditional patriotism has become problematic in the Biden Era. How to look at our flags nowadays? Corned Beef and Cabbage. Vignettes on Teddy Roosevelt, chopping wood for real wood fires. RIP tributes to patriot Eric Carmen, former frontman for The Raspberries. With Great Listener Calls.See for pri

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 17, 2024 - HR 2

    18/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    How to Extricate a Hoax. The complex psychology of clearing propaganda out of our minds in this screen-based era of Mass Delusion. Analysis of psychologist Robert Cialdini’s theories on “influence.” Checking the headline mechanics of the Bloodbath Hoax from NBC, CNN, NYT, Nancy Pelosi and Senator Schatz. See how these mind tricks work? Similar to how fast food scientists have learned to manipulate your taste buds. Contemplating Polish philosopher Ryszard Legutko’s take on living under communism, forever surrounded by “non-reality,” in which the goal of the “propaganda machine” was “to prevent us from seeing reality as it was.” Vignettes on Philip K. Dick and Artificial Intelligence. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Blade Runner and The Matrix. Helpful notes on our patented “Friluftsliv” cure. The Open-Air Life of Colorado. Plus, bonus review of the “not people” hoax. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 17, 2024 - HR 1

    18/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    Opening Monologues. The Bloodbath Hoax. Legacy media attempts to launch yet another bogus hoax against President Donald Trump, but finds itself immediately stymied by the new reach of Free Speech. Elon Musk on X pounces all over the standard ‘out of context’ hoax playbook, leaving the media people looking like fools. We roll the full tape of Trump speaking in Dayton, Ohio about a forthcoming “bloodbath” in the auto industry. Yeah, it’s just not working for the MSM this time around. Good signs headed to November. Meanwhile, talking potential Trump VP picks and the sad RINO GOP history since Reagan left office. Plus Mornings On Horseback with Theodore Roosevelt. Wilderness Warrior and the National Parks. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 16, 2024 - HR 3 (special edition)

    17/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    Deep State in the Spotlight. Cornered animals, we’ll know exactly where to look if any stunts get pulled between now and November. Former CNN Chris Cuomo says Trump gonna win this thing in 2024. VP Dr. Ben Carson? It’s all falling apart for Liz Cheney. Lies now more formally exposed. Shoe on the other foot? Fani Willis stays on, but lover Nathan Wade gets thrown under the bus. Exploring the role of George Stephanopoulos as commissar of “bimbo eruptions” under Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, introducing the Scandinavian concept of “friluftsliv.” The Open-Air Life. Breathing, shoveling, walking, running in the outdoors. Letting the kids play. From Henrik Ibsen to Fridtjof Nansen to the present moment in the wonderful Colorado snow. Chopping wood for real wood fires. Axe-wielding vignettes on Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Our ongoing tips for living our best lives in a world gone mad. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for p

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 16, 2024 - HR 2 (special edition)

    17/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    When Patriotism Becomes Problematic. At this point, our current crop of American leaders have made it positively embarrassing to be an American. An ongoing, systematic, almost algorithmic effort to insult the traditional wellsprings of our patriotism? Meanwhile, talking Haitian Cannibalism. A gang-leader named “Barbecue” now running the show in Haiti. Creating bad PR for Biden’s Open Border policies? We marvel over the apparent soft-spot for cannibalism now harbored by NBC News. Measles outbreak at a migrant center in Chicago. Remembering Laken Riley. Debating Tik Tok. Notes on the Ukraine Catastrophe and the hasty exit of disgraced Victoria Nuland. RIP tributes to Eric Carmen, patriotic frontman for The Raspberries. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 16, 2024 - HR 1 (special edition)

    17/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    Opening Monologues. “There is either a red wave in November or America is doomed,” says Elon Musk. And he would be exactly right. All hands on deck for Trump, now the official presumptive GOP nominee. Laughter for Phony Pence, who once again fails to live up to his word. Meanwhile, contemplating the biggest enemy of the American People. Is it some other country somewhere, or could it actually be right here at home? Our own corrupt American Elite? A relevant framework for the current Tik Tok debate scam. Lincoln's Lyceum Address. RINO Ken Buck leaves Congress in a strange blaze of disgrace. Finally draining the Swamp by personally leaving the Swamp. Adieu. The Cloud of Unknowing. Colorado Snow. With Great Listener Calls. Matt Dunn of Backbone Radio guest-hosting the Randy Corporon Show.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 10, 2024 - HR 3

    11/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Trump extends an invitation to Disillusioned Democrats. Why not join the noble cause of Saving America? Many are actually doing so, as CNN Enten says Trump now “the favorite” to win 2024. Checking the super-loud hero’s welcome for Trump at UFC299. Biden’s very dark SOTU only contributing to Biden voter remorse. Notes on the high interest rates and cumulative inflation of Bidenomics. Rep. Nancy Mace smartly fends off nasty George Stephanopoulos. Undersecretary Victoria Nuland — architect of the Ukraine catastrophe — steps down. Vignettes on cannibalism in Haiti. Talking The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis, filmed in Haiti by Wes Craven. Reprise of lawfare puppet Letitia James getting booed by NY firefighters. MLB legend Steve Garvey steps up to take on The Pencilneck in California. SCOTUS humiliates anti-democracy SOS Jena Griswold in Colorado. Neil Finn, not Bryan Ferry. A rugby tune from New Zealand. Can You Hear Us? With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 10, 2024 - HR 2

    11/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    Biden’s Toxic Trifecta. Amazingly enough, Joe Biden apologizes for using the term “illegal” to describe the murderer of young woman Laken Riley in Georgia. This, after Biden mispronounced her name during his dark SOTU. Next, Biden went on to claim that illegal immigrants “built the country.” Good grief — has there ever been a President more out of touch with the American People? Meanwhile, an emotional President Trump consoles the family of Laken Riley on stage at the rally in Georgia, and advises Biden to apologize for having apologized to the illegal alien. Spot on. Host vignettes on Dr. Jordan Peterson and “toxic compassion.” The need to stand your ground. Lawfare puppet NY AG Letitia James booed by firefighters in NYC. Notes on strange reports of “cannibalism” happening in Haiti. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 10, 2024 - HR 1

    11/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    Opening Monologues. Does Robert DeNiro have the lowest IQ in Hollywood? We speculate on this very real possibility. Elon Musk says “The New York Times is pure propaganda.” Music to our ears. We like where Elon is going. Meanwhile, a great week for MAGA Momentum. Trump enjoys a glorious Super Tuesday. Neocon Nikki drops out. SCOTUS humiliates the Colorado anti-democracy clowns in a 9-0 shutout. Trump blows the roof off a massive Georgia rally and then goes on to gather an almost unbelievably loud hero’s welcome from the crowds at UFC299. Nice contrast with Biden’s puny little turnout in Atlanta. When it comes down to it, not too many folks back there behind the curtain. Victoria Nuland finally resigns. Plus, checking the connection between the Russian Revolution and International Women’s Day. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 3, 2024 - HR 3

    04/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Debunking White Rural Rage. Latest MSM propaganda from the quivering Ruling Class. Lashing out on their way to losing. Clarifying their pathologies. How putting America First brings about American unity. Very simple. Tucker Carlson revelations on CIA subversion of elections abroad — and also right here at home. Mike Benz on USA provoking the Ukraine imbroglio. It was their biggest OP ever. Marveling over the insular cult-like behaviors of the New York Times, as per Chick-fil-A. John Lennon reprise on the insane maniacs running the world. Dig it man. Doris Day. No more Pences, no more Mitches. The sheer wimpitude of Speaker Johnson. Plus, inspiration from President Richard Nixon. Notes on character and the Media Industrial Complex. Saddle Pal Wisdom. The candle of faith, in spite of it all. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 3, 2024 - HR 2

    04/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    The Chaos Canard. Neocon Nikki says “chaos” follows Trump wherever he goes. But actually, it is only “unlawful targeting” that follows Trump. The abusive Establishment crowd that targets President Trump then turns around and blames him for their targeting of him. See how this works? Sundance does. A helpful litmus test. Meanwhile, MLB legend Steve Garvey pulls ahead of Adam “The Pencilneck” Schiff in the California Senate race. Talk about candidate contrast. Come on California, this one should be easy. Plus, our conversation on Migrant Crime in America. The dangerous realities of Biden’s Wide Open Border. RIP Laken Riley. Also, sampling supreme Trump Rally comedy on Nathan Wade & Fani Willis. Success is the best revenge. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - March 3, 2024 - HR 1

    04/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Opening Monologues. The Perfect MAGA Campaign. Trump on a roll, dominates three more states and increases his lead over Biden in NYT & CBS polls. No bench for the Dems. Delegate avalanche awaits Neocon Nikki on Super Tuesday. Dissecting Nikki’s weak attempt to weasel out of her RNC “loyalty pledge.” Just another RINO gimmick, just another dishonest politician. Meanwhile, former controllers of “The Narrative” now flummoxed by the pocket of mainstream free speech lately opened by Elon Musk. Establishment had mistakenly baked their censorship powers into the 2024 cake. Apparently unfamiliar with a fair fight. Plus, John Lennon on the insane maniacs running the world. Citing Trump’s exceptional service to humanity for ending the Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Romney, McCain, McCarthy and McConnell Dynasties. There should be some kinda yuge award for all that. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

  • Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - February 25, 2024 - HR 3

    26/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    America’s Desperate Need for a New Ruling Class. Time to move on from the current crop of freaks on top. Thinking let’s give MAGA a try. Sampling Tucker Carlson’s ‘loathing’ of the Establishment. Translating the true meaning of “democracy” today — nothing but “elite power.” Although Mike Benz offers a slightly excessively more charitable interpretation. Host on the Nietzschean Will to Power as tool for political analysis. CBS reporter Catherine Herridge fired by CBS, also has her notes confiscated. Yet another Deep State maneuver. Plus, a quick philosophic discourse on why we humans are so “restless” all the time. Host offers tentative solutions, along with Montaigne, Pascal, Rousseau, Tocqueville, Epicurus and Epictetus. The meaning of Sanskrit term “duhkha.” The sufferings of the world. Our Pursuit of Happiness. Whatever Works. Amor Fati. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.

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