Dr. Jim Richards



Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 6. Geographic Demonization

    08/12/2022 Duración: 28min

    Is it true that demons can control Geographic areas of the world? While it is true, the way it is being taught is not only unscriptural, it ignores and opposes the finished work of Jesus. Most of what the Church teaches about the devil is based more on occult philosophy than the Bible. The Morning After the Rapture, massive geographic areas of the world will come under the influence of demons, but not how you think. What’s important is what you can do now to prevent being swept up in the evil that will overtake the world! Join me this week in CyberChurch as we explore Geographic Demonization and the three choices you have that will determine how it affects you.

  • 5. Worldwide Demon Possession

    01/12/2022 Duración: 29min

    Can demons influence people? Yes, they can. Can they take control of people? Not unless the person allows it! Nearly nothing we believe about the devil or demonic activity is based on the Scripture. It is primarily based on occult literature. The Apostle Paul teaches that every person who is not born again is under the influence of the prince of the power of the air. The Morning After the Rapture, there will be worldwide demonization. But you don’t have to be swept up in this flood of evil. Join me this week in CyberChurch to discover how to avoid falling prey to the devil's wicked plans for your life!

  • 4. When He Is Gone It Shall Come

    24/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    Methuselah is one of the most interesting people in the Old Testament. Everything about his life was a testimony to the goodness of God, including God’s intent to deliver His bride from the tribulation. One way to translate Methuselah is: when he is gone, it shall come. The wrath of God could not be poured out on Planet Earth until Methuselah was gone. Likewise, we are delivered from the wrath of God; therefore, we can be sure, He will never pour His wrath on Planet Earth until the Church is gone. Join me this week in CyberChurch for this encouraging eye-opener: When He is Gone, it Shall Come.

  • 3. Spiritual Insanity

    17/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    Immediately following the rapture, the inhabitants of Planet Earth will plunge into spiritual insanity. After thousands of years of God mercifully restraining the world from its own destructive desires, He will have no choice but to allow man to have what He has always wanted: a world created in our own likeness and image. For the first time since creation, we will finally see the darkness of sinful hearts. Mankind will give itself to its darkest depravity and seek to destroy those who even hint at the need for any restraint. But we don’t have to fall prey to the darkness. Join me this week in CyberChurch to discover the antidote for spiritual darkness as we discuss “Spiritual Insanity.”

  • 2. Lovers Of Darkness

    10/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    I continuously hear people ask, “How stupid are these politicians?” There is no doubt many politicians are really that stupid. But the decisions they make that promote ungodliness, destroy our economy, and take away our freedoms are not about intelligence. Jesus said people love darkness and hate the light because the light reveals their wickedness. Until we accept the true reason for what’s happening in the world, we’ll waste our time and resources fighting the wrong battle. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we take a deep dive into how wicked the world will become the Morning After the Rapture, how we can prepare, and what we can do about it!

  • 1. A Curse And A Blessing

    03/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    In the English translations, there are many times the Bible says God caused something horrific to happen. These translations are much of what contributes to our misunderstanding of God and especially the Old Testament. In the Hebrew language, it is very clear that God didn’t cause the problem; it was, in fact, people’s reaction to something God had said or done. The rapture will be one of the most wonderful events that have occurred since the resurrection of Jesus. For the Bride of Christ, it will be a cause for praise, worship, thanksgiving, and rejoicing. However, this incredible blessing will be a curse for the rest of the world. Why? Their reaction will be based on their rage against God! Join me this week as I begin a new series, “The Morning After.” We will explore the catastrophic events that will begin to happen the morning after the rapture and everything we can do to prepare to depart!

  • 5. Multi-dimensional-ism The Secret To The Supernatural

    27/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    Religion tells us a miracle is something inexplicable - when God violates the laws of nature. This false concept has created a great divide between the Bible and science. Even more deadly, it has made the miraculous seem so difficult and unattainable. Actually, a miracle is not when God violates the laws of nature; it is when He operates in higher laws of nature than we currently understand. God shows us how we can access and employ these higher laws of nature even when we don’t understand them. Join me this week in CyberChurch for Multi-dimensional-ism: The Secret to the Supernatural, and let’s unveil secrets to the supernatural.

  • 4. The Contract

    20/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    Contracts are designed to remove all assumptions from agreements. When people enter into contracts, they clarify all their expectations, terms, provisions, and commitments. God made a form of contract with Jesus called the New Covenant. When we know the terms of the contract, we can know the mind of God. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discuss the Mind of Christ. We’ll review the terms of the contract to clearly reveal all of God’s intentions. You’ll never be in the dark concerning what God wants for you and what He has done to make it happen!

  • 3. How Did Jesus See God

    13/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    Jesus often stated that He did what He saw the Father do. How was He able to see God? Where was He looking? The word “see” means to perceive God. Jesus had a perception of God that was the only reliable perception of God presented by any human being. Because He saw the Father as He was, He was able to represent the Father as He was. Through Jesus’ prayer in John 17, we gain a clear understanding of where and how Jesus developed His perception of God. This insight is key to developing our understanding and our faith! Join me in CyberChurch for this week's message, "How Did Jesus See God?" This will demystify your perception of God and simplify understanding the Bible!

  • 2. Too Good To Be True

    06/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    According to the Scripture, God has prepared things for us that are so good we can’t even imagine them. What good are they if we can’t even conceive of these incredible things? Fortunately, He has created a way that we can see, perceive, and even experience these things in our hearts. This provides incredible amounts of hope and faith. This happens when we put on the mind of Christ. Join me this week in CyberChurch and discover what that means and exactly how we can begin to experience The Mind of Christ.

  • 1. Thinking Like Jesus

    29/09/2022 Duración: 29min

    The Bible tells us we can have the mind of Christ. In fact, the mind of Christ has already been revealed; it’s just a matter of accepting the revelation. In the original language, the mind of Christ implies that we can know the reasoning behind why Jesus did what He did and why He did it the way He did. When we share in the mind of Christ, it is like sitting with Him in an intimate conversation, where He reveals His most intimate secrets. Join me this week in CyberChurch for the first message in this new series, “The Mind of Christ: The World Through the Eyes of God.”

  • 8. The Portal To The gods

    22/09/2022 Duración: 28min

    We now know the ancient pyramids were more than tombs for dead Pharaohs. They were believed to be portals whereby the dead ruler could pass from earth to the heavens and become one with the Sun god! All across the globe, there are pyramids, ziggurats, and other structures that served as portals for the Nephilim to move instantaneously around the globe, convincing the people that they were gods. There is no place where we have a definitive understanding of this more than the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel was one of the most threatening times for the world, and it is a forerunner of what we face today. The lessons learned from the Tower of Babel serve to give us hope and courage today. Join me this week for “Portal to the gods” and learn these essential lessons for the days ahead!

  • 7. The First Antichrist

    15/09/2022 Duración: 28min

    Sometimes we read about the antichrist who appears in the book of Revelation and get incredibly confused. One of the easiest ways to understand anything in the Bible is to go to the first place it is mentioned. Nimrod, in the book of Genesis, is the forerunner of the antichrist. Through his tactics and strategies, it is easy to understand what the future antichrist will do, how he will do it, and how he will be defeated. Join me this week in CyberChurch for The First Antichrist to get a clear picture of what is happening in the world and what is coming next!

  • 6. Who Am I Becoming

    08/09/2022 Duración: 28min

    Both the Bible and psychology agree: few things will affect your life as much as your environment. We become like the people we hang out with! Our environment creates our culture and tradition. Jesus said that culture and tradition are so powerful they can make the Word of God of no effect. There is a worldwide influence the Bible calls the Great Harlot that is reshaping all the customs, traditions, and norms of society. Little by little, we are morphing into people we would never choose to be. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we answer the question “Who Am I Becoming?” More importantly, by becoming aware of what’s happening, you can stop this seductive force that is seeking to reshape every aspect of your life.

  • 5. Communion With The Harlot

    01/09/2022 Duración: 28min

    What does it mean to take communion with demons? The Great Harlot carries a communion cup full of blood. This blood intoxicates the leaders of the world. It seduces them into trading human life for the economy as a way of leading the population into compromising their morals and values for financial gain. It turns the inhabitants of the earth into fornicators with her wickedness. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we explore what it means to take communion with the harlot and how to avoid her deception. You don’t have to be afraid to escape the global deception; you only need to be aware.

  • 4. What Did Jesus Really Mean

    25/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    Jesus gave us warnings for everything we would face, but more importantly, He provided solutions for the things in life that are designed to hurt us. Too often, we get drawn into a hyper-focus on everything that warns us and ignore the antidote that will keep us protected. I want to share a powerful message to equip you to face every challenge with peace and confidence. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch for “What did Jesus Really Mean?”

  • 3. The Mystery Revealed

    18/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    There is a mystery at work in the world. It is secret and seductive and embodies wickedness in proportions never seen in the world before now. All the other attacks against believers have been head-on, straightforward, and brutal. But this attack never directly assaults your faith or your relationship with God! Yet, it has seduced more people than anything that has ever happened in the world. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discover The Mystery Revealed. This is not meant to be overly dramatic; it does not inspire fear; it simply shows you what is really happening and how you can begin to free yourself from the trap.

  • 2. Fornicating With The Harlot

    11/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    Can we get the mark of the beast without knowing it? No! But we can fall into the deception of the Great Harlot without realizing it. The Great Harlot is the deception behind ALL religions and all the secular governments of the world. The deception of the Harlot is so subtle and reasonable that the great majority of believers willingly participate in it. It is not an open attack on our faith but subtly turning our hearts away from God. This is not one of those messages that will fill you with fear; it will help you to understand what’s really going on in the world and how you can prepare to escape the consequences of the Harlot’s deception. Join me this week in CyberChurch for Fornicating with the Harlot. The eyes of your heart will begin to open immediately! Complete freedom will be something you can see and confidently expect.

  • 1. The Great Harlot

    04/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    So many people fear they may unknowingly accept the mark of the beast. That can’t happen! The mark of the beast must be a deliberate choice to trust the beast for the protection and provision promised by God! But there is a precursor to the mark… the deception of the Great Harlot. The Great Harlot is a seductive, almost non-perceptible strategy to get the inhabitants of the earth to accept values, morals, and ethics that oppose God’s Word. The harlot is deceiving most believers, and they don’t realize it. Join me this week in CyberChurch and discover the strategy of the harlot and how to free yourself from her deceptive, destructive life philosophies.

  • 9. The Path Or The Mountain

    28/07/2022 Duración: 28min

    God has an incredible plan for our lives: life to its fullest. Yet, so many godly, dedicated believers are not experiencing the fullness of life. Week after week, we hear messages that beat us up, tell us we don’t have enough faith, or what we'll have to do to earn that life. You’ll never find the solutions you seek looking into religion. After all, religion got us off track to start with. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discover the difference between the path and the mountain, i.e., the process and the goal. You’ll discover that you probably have everything you need to step into God’s best life!

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