Bryan Casella And Arash Dibazar



Diving Deep into Money, Power, and Influence to unlock the Secrets of the Universe and empower you to live the Life you deserve..


  • Supreme Being Episode 19 - The Seasons of LIFE

    16/10/2018 Duración: 44min

    Did you know there are seasons to Life, just like we see in Nature? Can you detect which season your in and how to best handle it? This is KEY to long term success and - Programs and Modern - my youtube - eXp Realty Application@bryancasella - Instagram/Twitter

  • Supreme Being Episode 18 - What to do when Things Don't Go Your Way

    11/10/2018 Duración: 39min

    What do we do when shit hits the fan? How is it that some people always prevail over obstacles, fear and setbacks? It's a science and all starts on the - For Products and Modern - My Youtube - eXp Application for Real Estate Agents@bryancasella - Instagram/Twitter

  • Supreme Being Episode 17 - Are You Protected? Are you doing it RIGHT?

    09/10/2018 Duración: 36min

    Communication will nourish you... or it will poison you! Do you know the difference and can easily recognize it? How about social media and real life, in terms of getting rid of it. How is it done? Let's find - For Modern Success and - My Youtube - eXp Realty Application@bryancasella - Instagram/twitter

  • Supreme Being Episode 16 - Hidden Opportunity

    04/10/2018 Duración: 38min

    We are heading into the time of the year that is the biggest opportunity to break out, and create a HUGE gap between yourself and the competition... are you ready for it? Lets make it - For Real Estate Services and Modern SUccess - youtube channel@Bryancasella - Instagram/ - Join eXp Realty!

  • Supreme Being Episode 15 - YOUR Brand!

    02/10/2018 Duración: 36min

    Did you know the opportunity that is available to you? Are you aware of what you can create??? - Modern Success and Products - Agents who want to join eXp - youtube channel @bryancasella - Instagram/Twitter/Facebook

  • Supreme Being Episode 14 - Ideal Self and Possibilities

    27/09/2018 Duración: 37min

    Did you know that it's possible.. that anything is possible? Did you understand what I just wrote? Be sure to tune into this episode... - Modern Success and Products - Agents who want to join eXp - youtube channel @bryancasella - Instagram/Twitter/Facebook

  • Supreme Being Episode 13 - Powerful Rituals

    25/09/2018 Duración: 34min

    Are you aware of your rituals? Do you perform POWERFUL Rituals every single day? You better listen - Modern Success and Real estate - Youtube channel@bryancasella - Instagram/Twitter

  • Supreme Being Episode 12 - Seek Discomfort!

    20/09/2018 Duración: 37min

    One must be engaged in the activity of consistently seeking discomfort in order to GROW! Step outside of your bubble and feel the power!!! - Modern Success and - Agents who want to join - youtube channel@bryancasella - Instagram/Twitter/Facebook

  • Supreme Being Episode 11 - DISTRACTIONS!!

    18/09/2018 Duración: 34min

    Distractions are impacting your Life so gravely and it's hiding right underneath your nose.... Take that same energy and intensity... and put it into something PRODUCTIVE!! - Modern - Youtube channel@bryancasella - Instagram, Twitter

  • Supreme Being Episode 10 - Are Labels Destroying You?

    13/09/2018 Duración: 33min

    Labels, whether you are aware of them or not, run your Life. We have unlimited possibilities or a tiny little box, all depending what labels we operate with. Let's help you adopt the most powerful Website, Modern Success program available - Youtube Channel@bryancasella - Instagram and Twitter

  • Supreme Being Episode 9 - Proper Application!

    06/09/2018 Duración: 33min

    The power of being able to take principles from other subjects and apply it to YOUR field is AMAZING! It is very under looked and if you learn to do it, you will be unstoppable.My website: www.bryancasella.comYoutube: @bryancasella

  • Supreme Being Episode 8 - Who's In Control?

    04/09/2018 Duración: 35min

    Who's REALLY In Control of your life? Is it society? Is it your parents? Is it you? You better figure it out... and FAST! - My website (Modern Success) - My Youtube Channel Instagram - @bryancasella Twitter - @bryancasella

  • Supreme Being Episode 7 - Be A MASTER Student

    30/08/2018 Duración: 32min

    So many people CLAIM they are dedicated to being Number 1... but their actions don't align with their words. In this episode I explain what I did and what it takes to get to the top and STAY THERE! - My website (Modern Success) - My Youtube ChannelInstagram - @bryancasellaTwitter - @bryancasella

  • Supreme Being Episode 6 - Simplicity

    28/08/2018 Duración: 30min

    One of the biggest mistakes that individuals make is over complicating things. Everyone does it, and it cripples their ability to succeed. You must stop this behavior

  • Supreme Being Episode 5 - What's Your Plan?

    25/08/2018 Duración: 59min

    When it comes to your Life, what is Your Plan, specifically? Is everything spelled out to every last minute detail? Your end game? Be SPECIFIC! More general = less or no results!

  • Supreme Being Episode 4 - FOCUS

    21/08/2018 Duración: 36min

    Focus is the most looked-over trait that is VITAL for anyone to succeed at the highest levels. How much do you actually know about Focus? Are you aware of it at all? Join me as we explore this uncharted - - Youtube channel almost 100k Subscribers

  • Supreme Being Episode 3 - Work and Fun?

    16/08/2018 Duración: 34min

    Is it possible to have Fun while you work in your career and build your life? What is the purpose of vacation? We cover this and MORE on this episode! Join Modern Success and buy programs on my website!

  • Supreme Being Episode 2 - How To Be Different

    14/08/2018 Duración: 40min

    Today we discuss being different, and everything associated with it. First of a multi part series and we begin to peel back the different layers to this frequently asked questions. Check out my website and youtube

  • Supreme Being Episode 1 - Life in 2018

    11/08/2018 Duración: 35min

    Introductory episode to the new Supreme Being podcast! We discuss a few topics, name sponsors and get the ball rolling for an epic

  • Money Power and Influence Podcast 42

    05/01/2018 Duración: 20min


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